Tuesday, December 7, 2021

The Great Counterfeiter


The Great Counterfeiter





I will delight myself in thy statutes:  I will not forget thy Word.  Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live, and keep thy WordOpen thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.” – Psalm 119:16-18.


And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.  For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way


And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8.





Things are getting interesting, aren’t they?  The wicked are being revealed, a rather “short” excursion into the implementation of the “Mark of the Beast” through vaccine seems to be in the throes of defeat (although the new “Omicron variant” is in the news).  A “talent scout” for the pedophiles in high powered places is on trial and . . . a fake president holds Aide-censored press conferences in a fake Whitehouse movie set.


And we haven’t even SEEN that Wicked spoken about by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2. 


Those that say they are Jews but are not and do lie are being exposed more openly; and the counterfeit “Israel” made like unto a transitional government very much like the U.S is now, is being called into question by some of their alleged own.


So when does the “Anti-Christ” beast arrive?  Where is the “man of sin, son of perdition”?


Year of the OX - 2021


We are at the closing of the “Year of the Ox”, ironically: the “Tau-rus”, beast, Ox/bull/calf that the truth of God was changed into from Romans 1:25 and Psalm 106:19-20.   But the year we are coming upon is the year of the Tiger:



This explains the picture under the heading.  For some reason, this was the first thing that popped into my head – the tiger in the music film “Billie Jean” by Michael Jackson.  What did the “tiger” represent in that video?


Was it a sign or a “marker” for something to happen in “the year of the tiger”?  As if things weren’t moving fast enough?



Back in 2011 when we discussed the “Billie Jean” lyrics, and in 2015, when we found the Biblical metaphors in those lyrics, the tiger wasn’t really discussed because we did not at that time understand why Michael included it in the film.  The tiger would walk then disappear or turn into a tiger-striped piece of cloth. 


In the “gif” above, Michael is cleaning his shoes and a “cross” of lights can be seen in the background.  I did not notice that Michael was actually wiping his shoe with that “tiger striped” cloth that turned into a tiger later in the film.  As matter of fact they flash back to this scene only seconds later, so it was obviously important.  Something he wanted us to see.


This coming year, in the Chinese Zodiac, the “Tiger” is accompanied with the element of “water” – Flood: Daniel 9:26, Nahum 1:8, and “as in the days of Noe” in Matthew 24:38.  Then there is also the flood of the dragon after the woman who brings forth the man child in Revelation 12:15-16


The year 2023 is of the Rabbit, and the 2024 is the “Dragon”.  2023 is the ten year mark for me, after receiving the vision in a dream about “Tell Your People They’ve Got Ten Days”.  But lets not get hung up on these “signs” right now.  It’s just interesting and I wanted to share it.  There are other things going on that are also very revealing.




Freemasons and Kabbalah


Back at the early part of November the article “Mandates” was published, which included some really disturbing writings of Freemasons and Kabbalists.  These writings revealed not only a “conspiracy” against the average man for the benefit of an “illuminated” few: it also revealed strong connects between Freemasonry, Mormonism, and Kabbalah/Cabbala or “Jewish Mysticism”.


Among the writings of Alestair Crowley, Frederick Neitzsche,  Manly P. Haul, Brigham Young, Anton Lavey, Helen Blavatsky, Alice Bailey and others . . . a rather distinct distaste for Christians is apparent.  Some of them fail to contain their outright hatred and one has to ask why.


They call the “weak” and “the ill constituted” . . . “Christians


The common core in these organizations/religions is the revering of “Saturn”.  Some people call this Saturn worship, but it isn’t so much worship as it is the use of symbolism to let one organization communicate to another “we are with you”.  But is it as simple as that?  Saturn and Satan:  Their logos, metaphors and symbolism is what eventually exposes them, but notice the timing.


Saturn Worship is not only Masonic but MORMON as well.  Saturn appears in both writings and symbolism in authors that are Freemason.  It also appears in Satanism and Theosophy (which is the same thing, but they prefer Lucifer).



Another example in the Masonic organizations, showing not only the references/symbolism of Saturn, but also the “sigil” of Lucifer or (Saturn).


Freemasonry’s birthing of Mormonism is the quintessential “wolf in sheep’s clothing”:  their real religion masquerading as a Christian one.  At it’s core, Freemasonry is the “tradition of your fathers” that Jesus admonished again and again in the Gospels.  It is the “changing of the time and the laws”, and this isn’t about turning clocks back an hour or reversing court decisions. 


This is about the adding to or subtracting of the letters of the law in our DNA: the profaning of His Name: the manipulating of the relationship between the pineal gland and the mitochondria: our “circadian clocks” within us, (redeeming the time): the making of a tower from the earth to the heaven and making a name unto themselves so they can “patent” you.  Make merchandise of you (2Peter 2:1-3).


Freemasonry went quiet in 1826 when William Morgan went missing after planning to expose Freemasonry.  In 1830, Joseph Smith, his father and his brother, all three “Freemasons” became the characters of a story of the conception of Mormonism: through an angel named “Moroni”; and a book of golden plates which Joseph is storied to have translated by sticking his face into his hat with a magic stone in it.  The same method in which he allegedly “found treasure” for people who would pay him.  This scam landed him in jail before the LDS birthing.


Joseph Smith incorporated Masonic rituals into the “Endowment Ceremony” and much like Masonic “promotions”, LDS initiates had to reach certain levels to learn what they were really worshipping/practicing.


LDS portrays their “Saturn stones” on their temples:


Freemasonry – Saturnworship


Mormon Saturn Stones


The “Saturn stones” they say, represent “Kolob”, where their “god” dwells.  Kolob is a derivative name from the Sumer period.  Within Sumer (Summerians) was Uruk, Ur (Abraham’s origin) and Kullaba; also called Kulab.  The area is now part of Iraq.


They’re not hiding it:  So who do you think was responsible for . . . this?


The rings of Saturn-Birthing Canal


The Mormon Church also shares the “Beehive” symbolism with the Masonic Organization:


Masonic Beehive/Hive Mind

It's Egyptian Origin


Utah Highway Patrol Patch

Both Organizations Represented?

What about the people?


The above are comparative images: the first is a lithograph of the beehive and the Freemason “Square and Compass” (mentioned in Isaiah 44:13 as they are making their “god”).   The second image displays the Freemason apron that was given to George Washington by Lafayette, which sports the beehive on it.  The image below that is the Utah Highway Patrol Patch which has both the beehive and the square and compass.  Yes, Utah is still a Theocracy as is the United States . . . but not of the God YOU were told they worship.  Source?  “statetrooperplates.com/Utah”.  They have the beehives not only on their patches but on the sides of their cars as well.  How is it this is constitutionally allowed, but not symbols of Christianity?


If there is any doubt that this is not just a Utah-state thing, just remember where the NSA parked their new data collection/storage facility, in Bluffdale Utah, just a few miles from Salt Lake City.


Symbol, the “Power” button

Or “Stand By Power State


The epithet on the sign is as anti-Constitution as it is hypocritical, given the NSA's whole modus operandi.  It’s also of no coincidence, at least not to me, that the whole facility is in the shape of the city of David:


NSA facility, Pine Bluff, Utah


Diagram of The City of David


Or our “mitochondria”:




Below: This one includes the Beehives which are  front and center in front of the Utah Capitol Building in Salt Lake City, in front of Brigham Young University, on manhole covers and the state flag, etc”.  Next to it is a stained glass window with the beehive on a Masonic Temple in Baltimore, Maryland.


Beehives - 


A majority of our founding fathers are Masonic:  The symbols on our money are Masonic, the buildings in Washington D.C. and the layout of the streets are Masonic.  Most of our individual states capitol buildings are Masonic in architecture.  The Masons built our dams and bridges, the Mormon’s built Hoover Dam and much of its waterways (In the Company of Six).  They number everything: Six companies built the Hoover Dam; six companies made up Nazi Germany’s “I.G. Farben”.  There are six spires on their West side temple (Salt Lake City Temple) and six spires on their east side temple (Kensington, Maryland).


We’ve been over the Mormon controversy many times.  I wrote you about it all through 2014 – 2016.  The power of mind control reared it’s ugly head through this organization.  What was before that time only stories of things that happened to celebrities and high level politicians and luminaries, the Mormon church made real, and the target was my husband.  It was like flipping a switch.  Like MKUltra or Monarch Programming.  It’s documented and therefore not “theory”.


Overspreading Abomination


This brings me to something I was made privy to just recently by same, said husband.  Mind control “experiments” via some of our government agencies on the public without consent is still very much practiced. And they are using that “sorcery” to change and rearrange thoughts and minds of the population.






Has anyone ever watched “Blacklist”?  I’m not a TV watcher, so I would never have found this “organically”.  I learned about the show from my husband.  He was the one who encouraged me to watch it, considering some of it’s subject matter.


I still talk to my husband, even though we have been dwelling separately now since February of 2020.  He still has questionable people around him.  He can’t seem to “unbound” himself.  But we still talk.


So I began watching this show.  It stars James Spader, whom I haven’t seen in a film since “Less Than Zero” and “Wallstreet”; and Megan Boone, Ryan Eggold and Harry Lennix and Brian Dennehy.


I’m into the early second season shows now, and what it looks like is a dramatization of the battles for control of various enterprise between the secret government agencies of the world.  What is being revealed though, is that the “government agencies” of the world are being used to wrest control over various enterprises by something deeper than corporations.  Every operative or agent believes that they are fighting for justice, or freedom, or saving some entity from oppression – but they are being used to do evil for these “kings and merchants of the earth”, these “Princes of Persia”.


James Spader plays the character of Raymond (Red) Reddington.  His character had just redeemed Megan Boone’s character, Elizabeth Keenan from seeing to shallowly into a situation.  They are sitting in a car talking and Reddington tells “Lizzy” “you think the person living in that house is the leader of the free world, but it rules nothing. It’s the corporations that run everything”.  The show is a conspiracy theorists next best obsession.


So I get to episode 19 in the first season.  I’m still a “baby” in this show.  I had already heard quite a few quippy quotes from Mr. Reddington and at this point was starting to get familiar with where the show was going: however, some subtle “things” were starting to appear.


Season 1, episode 19 (COVID-19, the number 19) opens in a vaccine clinic in a Chinese detention center.  They give a woman a “vaccine”.  She falls unconscious and the nurses scream for an ambulance.  She “dies” then comes back to life (so they can get her out of China)   The ambulance has the number 999 on it.


You find out later in the episode that the woman is an immunologist who was picked up by Americans because she was going to turn over intel about Chinese biological weapons (Wuhan anyone?).  But the whole “escape” was reminiscent of the ambulance scene taking a “dead” Michael Jackson out of the house, only it wasn’t a “vaccine” that put him under, it was an I.V. 


There was controversy about his ambulance number: 71 (7+1 = 8: “Eight Miles”?)  From what I remember it was said that 71 is a number they put on EMS trucks for practice calls or training; but the number 999 on an ambulance in a movie?


You remember what the significance of “999” is, don’t you?


Mormon Speech 999  in 1975

Learned of on February 8th, 2015 but published

On February 11: Opening of a Tabernacle


This confirmed a dream which took place on February 18th, 2013, titled “The Book of Michael” where the number was vocalized as a “999th verse of the Bible”.


The Year 999 – Khazaria and the great conversion

The 1,000 Years Marker in scripture?

Lucifer and the Blood of the Lamb

The Dragon and the Man child


Wicked is being revealed.  But it is the subtle dragon who is himself wicked.  The façade is beginning to fall.  Even among those controlling the narrative:


Qanon CIA or NSA?


The last word in that post which was cut off at the bottom was “traitor”.  The person who authored that attacked me when I agreed with her.  It’s hard to determine how many coats your enemy will wear to hide themselves.  One thing is for certain, they don’t like interruptions in their narrative.




The Holy Tongue, or the Unholy?


We found the marriage contract between the Jews and the “daughter of a strange god” (Malachi 2:11).  They have linked themselves to the Nicolaitans (means those belonging to the Victor Over the People, a detrimental government/Balaam).   This was shared on October 26, 2021 entry “Another Jesus?”




See the children of Ammon:  Ammon means “Hidden”.  Ammon is one of the Mormon prophets.  The “hidden craft”: Masons crafted  “stones and timbers” of Solomon’s temple, with their “square and compass”; and those that passed their children through the fire to Moloch.  The “Jews who say they are Jews but are not and do lie” were behind I.G. Farben and the “AshkeNAZI” (Natzkhi) movement; who claimed they were persecuted when they were doing the persecuting and continue to do so; through the pharmaceutical “science falsely so called” to the world’s children.


What sorceries have they devised in “their evil imaginations”, to take possession of a “book” they did not write (Revelation 22:19)?  What vehicle in modern technology would be most effective to “overspread abominations”?  Abomination is described as something “not natural, corrupted, hideous”.  Billy Gene and Bill Gates.  How would they most effectively “overspread” it?  By doing “violence to the blood of a person” – our children: the target of the vaccine industry.




Requiem for a Word


There is a reason Eliakim requested the Syrian language instead of the “language of the Jews” in 2 Kings 18:26


There is a reason that Israel and Syria were fighting together against the Jews (through Judah) and Assyria.  Syria drove the Jews from “Elath” and recovered it to Syria in 2 Kings 16:6.  This fulfills the prophecy of Isaiah 17:3, which is “the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel”.


The conquest of Syria prompting another civil war commenced again in 2011 over “His Name” which “is called the Word of God”.   The city where the “civil war” began was Aleppo: A city named after the first letter of the name of God; and that which King Rezin recovered to Syria in 2 Kings 16:6.  The “Aleppo Codex” – Law of God, which the state calling itself “Israel” is still seeking the “missing pages” of today, was the subject of the conquest but also a symbol of it.


Syrian is the language in which Eliakim asked to be spoken to instead of “the language of the Jews”.  The letter was written in the Syrian tongue and interpreted in the Syrian tongue”: it is verified in Ezra 4:7.  All the mothers of Israel, from Rebekkah to Leah, to Rachel and Bilhah and Zilpah were Syrian.


The Syrian language reveals an Aleph which is laying on its side.  This was revealed to Ezekiel in his book, chapter 4:4-6 as it remains to this day.


The Aleph was the truth of God changed into the similitude of an Ox by Judah the “lawgiver”, back in the day of the golden calf, as David recalled in Psalm 106:19-20.


And “those that say they are Jews and are not and do lie, and are of the synagogue of Satan” reveal this truth in the constellation they named “Taurus”, after the “Tau/Taw” they changed the form of “Elath” into.


The Jews religion, Paul said, was about “profiting” above his peers in the tradition of his fathers by “persecuting the church of God, and wasting it”. The purpose for the “new language” written in the language of the Jews, the Babylonian square script called “Hebrew” today, reveals the intent.  David shared this also in Psalm 139:14-16.  Revealed in that chapter also is what God is going to do about it.


The religion of the Jews calls God “Hashem” (Heh, 5th letter, “behold, show, reveal) and Shem (Noah’s first son, meaning “The Name”).  the first sound is the “Shin/Sin) but there is an Elath in it. 


They call their “holy tongue” the Lashon HaKodesh: I would have accessed Abarim Publications for the meaning, but it seems that Abarim doesn’t have the whole truth either.  They persist that the letter “J” or “Jah” sound was only 500 years old (they link to this), when it is apparent that it DID exist in Syriac.  This would render the Holy Bible shared with many translated from William Tyndale’s accessing of the Syriac and Greek writings of it as verifying the truth of this.  William Tyndale and the Karaite Jews are witness through their persecutions that “Jehovah” and “Jesus” and “Jacob, Jerusalem, Joseph, Jeremiah, Josiah, Judah, etc, are indeed correct.  Eliakim verified it, Ezra verified it David verified it, Daniel verified it, Isaiah verified it, Ezekiel verified it, and Jesus verifies it in Matthew 5:18.


In the Babylonian Talmud, their defensive stance of their position is rather revealing also:  Why are they singling out the Syrian Language?


Lashon Hakodesh – “For Rabbi said: why use the Syrian language in the land of Israel?  Either use the Holy Tongue or Greek!  And R. Joseph said: Why use the Syrian language in Babylon?  Either use the Holy Tongue or Persian! – Talmud, Tractate Sotah, 49b” – posted on Wikipedia.com.


Rabbi Hanina said: Because language [of Babylonia] is akin to the Lashon Hakodesh” – Talmud Tractate Pesachim, 87b. – posted on Wikipedia.com


It was necessary to review this again, because everything the adversary is doing is about, for, and against “The Word”.


When it becomes necessary

To utter a Word? (word is capitalized)


So with that said, I want to refer back to an older article which was published here back in 2015.   Another “word” has been introduced recently, and this is where the devil doubled down on the trouble.




Variant Omicron


Omicron variant:  It’s been all over the news for the last month.  Omicron – started in Africa/South Africa.  Then it popped up in various European and Asian cities, then now into the United States.  An extension of the “COVID-19 protocols” and new calls for mandates for vaccines, and masking and social distancing . . . and lockdowns – again.


And as they push this “chariot” further and further, more and more people are falling off the wagon and seeing the dust being kicked up for what it is:  A dying narrative.


A rather graphic analogy is conjured concerning the “Omicron Variant”, of some kind of viral animal crawling across the ground in its death throes, not willing to concede to the fact that it’s dying and there is no help.  So many “holes” have been opened up in this narrative that it is impossible to disregard unless you really are crazy.


There was a little smoke blown over why the World Health Organization (WHO) skipped over two letters in the Greek Alphabet to naming the variant “Omicron”.  News 18 is one source who reported the response WHO gave as to skipping two letters in the Greek Alphabet in naming the “variants”:


A WHO source confirmed the letters Nu and Xi of the Greek Alphabet had been deliberately avoided.  Nu had been skipped to avoid confusion with the word ‘new’ and Xi had been skipped to ‘avoid stigmatizing a region’ they said” – Source, News18.com.


Does that sound “plausible”?  To be fair, yes it does.  Xi is the name of China’s president.  Nu would have been more “marketable” since it is a “new” variant.  But I’m not buying it.  And the reason I am not buying it is because we have also looked at Omicron before.


The Omicron is the 15th letter in the Greek Alphabet.  The last letter they used was “Delta”.  That is only the fourth letter in the Greek Alphabet.  Does anyone remember hearing about an Epsilon variant?  How about a “Zeta” variant? 


Was there an “Eta” or “Theta”, “Iota”, “Kappa”, “Lambda” or “Mu” variant?  So a lot more than two letters were skipped, weren’t there?  More like ten letters were skipped.  And there was a reason for this.


Omicron, the Greek letter, was actually a later addition to the Greek Alphabet, having a slightly shorter “o” sound than Omega (ou).  But there is more to it than that.  Remember, this is all about “The Word”.


The Omicron Semitic Equivalent

The Ayn/Ayin


This chart compares the Greek language with the Hebrew language.  Greek is one of four named that are mentioned in the Bible: Hebrew, language of the Jews, Syrian/Syriack and Greek.  Since the scriptures were translated to Greek from the Aramaic first, the New Testament, and specifically Paul’s letters, were originally written in Greek and Hebrew, where the Old Testament was primarily written in the Aramaic or Semitic (why some names are spelled differently in various books of the Bible).


Another chart shows the progression of the Proto-Canaanite symbols for the letters, Phoenician, Semitic and Greek:


The Omicron & Ayn/Ayin


They Ayin symbolizes the “eye”.  While I was there I looked at “Delta” too and it’s Semitic equivalent, “Dalet”, which stands for “door”.  But Delta had other meanings as well.


Delta – Means

Difference, or change


The Hebrew or Semitic value is Dalet which means “door”, movement into or out of (change), a path.


Now put the two “ten-letter-apart-COVID-variant-names” together . . .


Their Symbolism Will Be

Their Downfall


Corona means “crown”


19 – 19th chromosome or 1+9=10th chromosome, or the editing/switching of both.


Delta – the doorway/pathway/change


Ayin – the eye.


Now where have we looked at the Ayin before?


Ayin And The Men of Judah


This was back in 2015.  This was after we saw evidence of the Jews who seek to re-write the law with a name they made unto themselves – by changing “the truth of God into a lie” and changing “the form of sound words”:


To “rebuild the star of redemption without God in its top vertex” . . . “without the Aleph”. – source, “What Does a Jew Want”, Columbia University Press



In Syriac, the letter “Aleph” is a “Y” on it’s left side (for the iniquities of Israel 390 days, a day for every year of iniquities – Ezekiel 4:4-5).


Aleph Syriac


And  the letter Ayin in Syriac is a “Y” lying on it’s right side (for the iniquities of Judah, 40 days, appointed each day for a year, Ezekiel 4:6). “Israel” = Aleph (A people called by My Name/Sealed with his Name, the Remnant): “Judah” = Ayin (Judah “handles the law”, is “the law giver” in Genesis 49:8-10)


For forty days and for forty nights, the LAW was on her SIDE” – Lyrics to song “Billie Jean”, second verse.  “Her schemes and plans” = Jeremiah 11:9.


Billie “Gene” is the devil.


The “Aleph” represents in the Greek, the “Spiritus Lenis” translating into the soft “breath of God/Spirit, breath of life”.  It marks the “absence of the glottal fricative /h/ from the beginning of a word” – Source, Wikipedia


Smooth breathing = Aleph, or as the Syriac describes it (soft/gentle breath)


The Ayin is “rough breathing” and marks the presence of the glottal fricative or “Spiritus Asper” (not to take lightly the associating with asp, and Asper, and aspirin and Aspergers Syndrome, and the Asp in the churches).


The Jews call their “God prior to self-manifestation” their “Ein Sof” or “Ayn Sof” in the Kabbalah: That God or “Ayn Sof”  has “no desire, thought, word or action”; yet man was made in God’s image and therefore with “free Will”.  This is the letter that the Jews wanted to replace the Aleph with:


Aleph Ayin Change


The “Y” at the center of everything

We’re doing is so much about this . . . @2:45


The “Omicron” variant represents the “Ayin” variant.  It’s just another message “hidden in plain sight” that they are “making merchandise of you”.


Delta + Omicron = 666

A name they made unto themselves

To alter your “book” and patent you.


The “door” swings both ways: and the “law was on her side” for a reason.  God ordained it, not the Jews or those posing as Jews. They wanted to “take a name in vain”.


For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved” – Romans 10:13.


That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.” – Psalm 83:18.


Think not that I have come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.  For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” – Matthew 5:17-18.


In the beginning was the Word.  And the Word was with God, and the Word was God” – John 1:1.


His Name is called the Word of God” – Revelation 19:13.


Copy from Ayin and the Men of Judah on Hubba.


For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” – Romans 8:15.


And because ye are sons, God has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts crying, Abba, Father.” – Galatians 4:6.


Only by the Spirit of adoption, the Spirit of his Son are you able to cry “Abba”: The Name which Jehovah becomes when the Syriac “Jot” and the “tittle” pass from the law: when all is fulfilled.


Jews gradually stopped using the Hebrew script, and instead adopted the “square” Aramaic script . . . later evolved into the Jewish, or “square” script that is still used today” – source, History-Of-Hebrew.


Omicron = Ayin. 


Source, Kolaleph.org



Kol – means “voice” or “sound” in Hebrew.   In Syriac it means “every, all, whole”.  Strong’s defines it (Kol/Kul) to mean “to comprehend, contain”.  InTurkish, it means “slave to the prince” – anyone receiving pay or subsistence from situation dependent upon the crown.


I will end this entry here, but before I do, I want to point out the sickness in social media today.  Those who have been taking notes, it may also be a ‘revelation’ of sorts.


This was Google’s “logo” yesterday, on December 6, 2021:


Google Logo Pizza

December 6, 2021


The fact that Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial on child trafficking and Jeffery Epstein’s “talent scout” is currently taking place, the timing on such a display was worth bringing to your attention.  Perhaps that is what Google was doing too?



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