Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Vacca-Doctrine DIVOC



The Vacca-Doctrine




And I appeared unto Abraham, Unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH was I not known to them.” – Genesis 22:14


For verily I say unto you, till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, until all be fulfilled.” – Matthew 5:18.


The “Tittle” is described as a diacritic mark . . . a MARK.  The word “Title” and Tittle mean the same in some languages.  The “tittle” would literally “title” a letter determining it’s sound with other letters.  The “Jot” is the “Yod” in Syriac,



Jesus himself verified the “Jot” (Matthew 5:18) as the Syrian language (2 Kings 16:6 and 18:26) against the “language of the Jews”: the Babylonian Aramaic called “Hebrew” today.


Babylonian Aramaic called Hebrew Today



Syriac: The “Yodh” is the “Jot”

with the “Jah” sound

 Aleph &Taw Babylonian vs. Syriac Aramaic


And what it does to the Beit/Vav

When it is applied


If the “Covenant” they have broken is “the Word” and “the Word” is the “Name of God” (Revelation 19:13), then the “Book of the Law” is written within us. 


If “The Word” is God (John 1:1) and it is “Life” (John 1:4); and “the Life of the flesh is in the blood” (Leviticus 17:11), then what method of “taking that Word” from “the book” with which you were written do you imagine they would use?  The Lord told us in Jeremiah 7:30 and 11:9.


If they are “taking His Name in vain” and placing “A Name they made unto themselves” within you, the “bondage” or “slave question” has everything to do the “thief” in the house mentioned in Zechariah 5:1-4.


COVID-19 is the name they gave a virus, a “plague” they made.  But it does not mean what they told you it means.


The number, 19 is not the “year” it was named or identified.  The “19” could represent instead the number of chromosomes from each set that is their target.  We have 23 chromosomes from each parent adding to 46, two by two.  Two of those chromosomes determine the sex.  The other 44 are autosomes.  Subtract 19 from 22 and you have three autosomes left: or six if you take 19 from each in the pair.


There are three that bear record in heaven and are one: The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost.  There are three that bear witness in the earth: the Spirit, the blood and the water (1 John 5:7-8).


The word COVID has been described as “Certificate oVaccination Identification”.  Officially the acronym stands for “COrona VIrus Disease”.


Neither is correct.


Remember TINI?  In May of 2016, God revealed many things.  The first was “Cracking the Code” on May 23rd, which God moved me to take another look at the “Trauma-Gershwin” label on Michael Jackson’s autopsy vial (taken before they called his time of death mind you).  It was taken at 13:30 (1:30pm).  This lead us to the true meaning of Y2K and the plan to take down the “sanctuary” of man (and the “twin towers).


That same year we had also discovered that “Jehovah” written in the Babylonian Aramaic (Modern Hebrew) tetragrammaton and typed backward into Google Translate produced in the Greek “Theos”.  This was tested after discovering that  “” spelled backward ( directed to the website, the domain purchased by a Mormon DARPA student living in Utah.


Origin of a Name” followed “Cracking. . .” and Just seven days after “Cracking the Code” was published, God again lead me to revisit an email from a “distracting” government asset about “This Is Not It” – a play on Michael Jackson’s last planned concert “This is It”.


The acronym for Michael Jackson’s “This is It” was the popularly circulated “TII”.  And of course “This is NOT It” was promoted as “TINI”.


The email had described “TINI” as symbolizing their cause.  She called it “it’s ground zero”.


TINI is a four letter “tetragrammaton” representing “their cause”.  The Name of God is also “represented” by a four letter word “tetragrammaton”.


TINI backward is INIT: and that opened a can of worms to the hierarchy of computer language, which ironically is the pattern by which they decoded the human genome.


Within INIT, we found “initializing”. It is the first process started during booting of the computer system.  It is also called a “daemon process” (demon process) which works in the background.  It is a “child” of the init process or is assigned the init process when it’s parent process terminates, and can be created by “a process forking a child process” – rather explicit explanations.  Symbolic?


“Forking” is an operation described as a process that creates a copy of itself, as the “CRISPR-loaded” Corona virus would do as described by Jennifer Khan at the 2016 TEDTalk on the subject.


From the top: Modern Hebrew’s “Jehovah” Tetragrammaton spelled backward in that language translates to the Greek “Theos” (knowledge).


This Is Not It’s “TINI” backward is INIT (a daemon/demon process) in computer language.


So how does this pattern work with “COVID” and it’s 19 autosome targets?






Preserving The DoD’s Visual History


So I hear this small voice from God say to me “COVID: Why don’t you take another look at this”.  I had begun writing on the subject of God’s name, the Jot/Yod and the Tittle.  There was more to the name given this “virus” than what was promoted.  The principle of reversing “a name” from those previous blog topics:


Jehovah vs. Theos

Illuminati vs. to



COVID translates to DIVOC.


Instead of trying to acronym this to death and finding nothing of substance, or finding an anagram which was just as fruitless, I did a search on it as it was.


Here is what I found.


On youtube, the video below was the first to appear in the search.  The image above came from this video.


Department of Defense?  The first thing to pop into my mind was Lawrence [Trauma] Gershwin and the Y2K on “Cracking The Code”.  Military and Bioweapons: Lawrence Gershwin was a biophysicist put in charge of computer security during Y2K event – allegedly.  Lawrence Gershwin was also an expert in land warfare systems/bio-warfare and underground facilities.


Lawrence Gershwin National Intelligence Officer

Lawrence Gershwin Bio


He supported the director of the CIA and served as the National Intelligence officer for those areas listed above on his bio.  His speech to the CIA officers on Y2K was as revealing as it was cryptic.  Remember “land” is referred to in the Bible not only as geography, but also of what we are made of.  WE are the LAND.  Enlarge this and read between the lines: “Y2K failures” and “the temple’s destruction is an ongoing event” are the same thing.


Y2K - Lawrence Gershwin


Rebbe Schneerson


So COVID was a military operation in bioweaponry concerning 19 autosomes in each pair?  The atomic bomb was built using this same principle: those affected by the blast that were not killed suffered “Y2K failures” too.


Every auto-immune disease taking place in the body right now is a “Y2K Failure”.  Reference to this “day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall” can be found in Isaiah 30:25.


The word “vaccine” comes from “vacca – meaning “cow” or “of a cow”.  The “cow” (beast/creature) is what the truth of God was turned into in Romans 1:25 and Psalm 108:19-20.  Polluting the sanctuary” and “profaning/blaspheming The Name of God” in the book of the law is the same as the corruption of the DNA.  ALL auto-immune disease is caused by corruption of the DNA be it by inhalation, consumption or directly into the blood/violence against the blood of a person via vaccines/medicines/chemicals.


The phrase used by Gershwin in his presentation to CIA officers was “Y2K failures”.  Also linking this to a “COVID-19” as an “operation” instead of a natural “virus” was the Pentagon room meeting for FUNVAX which was titled “VMAT 2 – The God Gene” we covered on “Deeper Than Dirt”, Fellowship of the Mystery”, and “The Elisa Test” (El-Issa = Lord Jesus).


Operation Whitecoat” was one such experiment which contributed to what is about to happen.  See “Dugway Sheep Incident”.  Keep in mind the biblical references to “sheep” and “cattle”; and the medical industry’s relevancy of the term “herd immunity”:  Vaccination is from Vacca = cow.


So what is DIVOC?  There are two references using this term.  We saw the military/bioweapon application of “COVID” backward.  There is another more “spiritual” explanation in the Cabbalistic Jewish religion.




Judaism – Secret societies - Cabbalism


Kabbalah/Cabbalah and Secret Societies


All your “secret societies”, which John F. Kennedy mentioned specifically in his April 27th  1961 Speech to the American Newspapers Association are one:


We Are Opposed to Secret Societies

"JFK exposed the CIA" - Lyrics

To "Tabloid Junkie", Michael Jackson


Secret societies are really just one with many branches.  And they are behind every presidential assassination since the beginning: not just of this country, but of others. 


The successful assassination attempts in the United States include Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, and John F. Kennedy.  And they all have something in common.


Abraham Lincoln by scapegoat John Wilkes Booth.  Motive: He went up against the Mormons and their “theocracy” form of Government in Utah: a “wolf in sheep’s clothing” secret society wrapped in a Christian cloak.


James Garfield was shot by another religious “utopian socialist” follower, Charles Guiteau.  The stated reasons of rage at not being selected as a cabinet member are a cover.  Real motive?  The Mormon Secret Society was denounced and its polygamous practices and lawlessness by James A. Garfield during his inaugural speech.


William McKinley: Shot by “anarchist” Leon Czolgosz, a member of the “Knights of the Golden Eagle” founded in Baltimore (same place Garfield was shot), and the more extremist Socialist “Sila Club”.  “Golden Eagle” was also assisted in establishment in other cities by “Odd Fellows” and “Knights of Pythias”.  McKinley wanted the “gold standard” (he called sound money), higher tariffs to protect domestic jobs.  He was an “abolitionist” and under his second term, the United States formally adopted the Gold Standard.


Ironically this is the same reason the U.S. created the “terrorist” organizations to justify funding of the overthrowing of the governments in Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Afghanistan etc: They wanted off the U.S. dollar standard and on the gold.   Italy was once a part of this “Axis” as were other oriental and Middle East countries during the World Wars.


John F. Kennedy Shot reportedly by Lee Harvey Oswald.  Oswald was reportedly a budding “Socialist/Communist” but his friend called it “a lot of baloney”. Oswald traveled after his stint in the Marines to “a school in Switzerland”.  He flew to Le Havre France, then to Southampton UK, then to Helsinki.  There he was issued a Soviet Visa on October 14th 1959; just four years before He shot JFK, and only two years before JFK gave the “speech” posted above.  Oswald was textbook CIA asset.


Kennedy’s offence?  It was the speech against secret societies, and their “plans” to usurp governments and his request that newspapers expose them even if they were in Kennedy’s administration (“JFK exposed the CIA”, Michael Jackson “Tabloid Junkie”).  It wasn’t just about “Communism”.  Because Communism according to another charismatic national leader, was Judaism.  This is actually what Hitler preached against in his speeches.  What was true about this man is still to be told; but he was right about the Bolsheviks and who they actually were. 


The “Nazi” regime was actually run by I.G. Farben (Axis of Evil Part 2) -  a six company conglomerate of chemical companies in the same pattern of ““In the Company of Six” that built the Hoover Dam.  Three AshkeNAZI Jews were on their board of directors.  And “NAZI” Germany was an event used to make available many “prisoners” for their experiments.


Operation Paperclip was responsible for educating, sending, and returning I.G. Farben scientists from the U.S. to Germany and back.  Their alchemical experiments are what built our Pharmaceutical monsters today.  I.G. Farben prisoners were their guinea pigs.


Now so are you, now that human alchemy (sorcery) has gone global . . . again.




Alchemy is Modern Medicine


A Six (6) Company Conglomerate

Today would be called a "Monopoly"

6 chemical companies - Al-Chem-Y


Back to “COVID” or rather, “DIVOC”.   The first video that appears on search is the one above.  The first search on Google as a written topic was this one:


On the occult meaning of the term COVID. A succinct incursion into pattern recognition.


The first thing that got me about the title was the words “pattern recognition”.  It was something highlighted during a 2005 interview with Michael Jackson on the Jesse Jackson radio talk show.  Michael mentioned “ana-gossip” and said “it’s the same pattern with these people that I told you in the past, Jesse, the same pattern”.  Michael was talking about the persecution during the part of the discussion on the attempted theft of his “publishing” catalog.  A publishing we highlighted on the last two topics with Psalm 68:11.


I encourage you to read this in full.  Even though it can be “dry” in places, it reaffirms who the “anti-Christ” is and the “conspiracy” mentioned in Jeremiah 7:30 and 11:9.  To highlight some of the paragraphs and whet your appetite:


"according to the same rule, COVID becomes DIVOC transcribed as דיבוק in Hebrew and it actually means something – it means possession by an evil spirit. (The word is transcribed into English as dybbukb and v being represented through the same Hebrew character, Bet – ב)" – Source,


We covered this transition from Beit to Vav when we wrote some years ago about the “Jot” and “Tittle” and what the Tittle does to the “Beit”: This proved the “Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh” Tetragrammaton YHVH was not “Yahweh” but “Jehovah” with the Syriac Jot (instead of Yod) and Tittle.”, verified by Jesus himself in Matthew 5:18  Until all is fulfilled” Jesus said the Jot or Tittle “shall no wise pass from the law”.  When all is fulfilled, “Jehovah” becomes “Abba”.  Jesus knew it, and so did Paul.  Further down on the article:


The term dybbuk (dibbuq) was used in Jewish mystical circles to designate a spirit of a dead person, a notorious sinner in his lifetime, that took temporary possession of a human being (…) dybbuk possession was always conceived as an affliction or an illness and the possessing agent a foreign, dangerous intruder that had to be expelled.  - Source,


Dybbuk and dibbug sounds like “debug” (computer language).  It is a Jewish Mystical concept of a spirit of a dead person taking temporarily the “vessel” of a living person, possessing it (Daniel 8:26-28Jeremiah 7:302 Thessalonians 2:3-8).  The “possession” caused or was “an affliction or illness”.  This is most likely from where the association of “plagues” or “disease” with demon possession came.  Another paragraph:


The synchronicities between a dybbuk and the COVID producing virus are not limited to name only. Dybbuk comes from the Hebrew verb dāaq which translates as “to adhere” or “to cling”. Similar to the way a dybbuk takes over its victim’s body, the coronavirus clings to a host cell and takes over control.” – Source,


“To adhere” or “to cling” . . . or cleave?


We are to “cleave unto God” – Deuteronomy 4:4 & 11:22. But not the “lie” they turned the truth of God into”


And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave to one another, even as iron is not mixed with clay” – Daniel 2:43.


MIT Technology Review explained the process like this:


The virus’s protein spikes attach to a protein on the surface of cells, called ACE2. Normally, ACE2 plays a role in regulating blood pressure. But when the coronavirus binds to it, it sets off chemical changes that effectively fuse the membranes around the cell and the virus together, allowing the virus’s RNA to enter the cell.


The virus then hijacks the host cell’s protein-making machinery to translate its RNA into new copies of the virus[23].” -


“RNA therapy vaccine”?  The article then makes the summation that the possible relation between COVID and DIVOC/dybbuk was an announcement of sorts that the “virus” was not a disease, but a “major step in the alchemical processing of humanity” using the spike protein in the vaccine.


The article also quotes Manly P. Hall from “The Adepts in Western Esoteric Tradition:


“"The alchemical tradition contains all the elements of a world program of enlightenment and reform. It requires only a superficial acquaintance with the philosophy and literature of alchemy in order to sense the magnitude of this concealed project. Had it been simply a science for the transformation of metals, there would have been no need for the Masters of the art to depart from Christendom and to take refuge in Islam”[1].”


Two things stood out for me in this paragraph: “The alchemical tradition” – he called it a “tradition”:


And he said unto them, Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition”. – Mark 7:9


Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things ye do.” – Mark 7:13.


For ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it: and profited in the Jews’ religion above many my equals in mine own nation, being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my fathers.” - Galatians 1:13-14.


I wonder if Bill Gates is in the “role” of the yet un-converted “Saul of Tarsis”? 


He also called it “this concealed project”: a word JFK also used in his “ruthless conspiracy” speech.  The last sentence in that paragraph he states that the “Masters of the art” had to depart “Christiandom and to take refuge in Islam.”  Michael Jackson’s brother Jermaine Jackson said something similar in his interview on Al Jazeer that if Michael had “had chosen Islam it would have been his protection”.  But Islam is but another branch of the “tradition of men”.  So what did he mean when he said that?


American authors Michael Hoffman and his mentor James Shelby Downard were the first to speak about “The Alchemical Processing of Humanity through Public Psychodrama”. The occult researchers wrote:


The primary objective of medieval alchemists and of secret societies’ initiates that continue in their tradition was not the transmutation of metal, but the transformation of mankind. The pursuit of gold was just a cover for a vast social program which included the abolition of monarchy, the annihilation of the church and the re-construction of the world according not to natural law but to the will of man. " – According to the article’s paraphrasing of authors Michael Hoffman and James Shelby Downard on “The Alchemical Processing of Humanity through Public Psychodrama”.


Psychodrama?  Like, the world news, and the propaganda for the “changing, rearranging thoughts and minds”?  Like putting fear into people that they would turn in their own for not wearing a mask, or . . . getting a “vaccine”?  What about staging false flags like the one JFK refused to sign off on, or creating a false narrative to garner support for a war against an imagined enemy so that war crimes are covered up?




Solve Coagula?


Psychodrama: role playing for the purpose of engineering a prescribed outcome in a person, group or society.  MK Ultra and the craft of the lie: Psychodrama = Psyop.


And it works on both “sides” of the “conspiracy”, like this one:



This kind of sensationalism . . . really NOT helpful.  This below, however, was interesting:


In another paragraph, same article, and on some of the comments below the article, others studying or having read about what the Mason’s were really about, or the B’nai Brith, or Shriners, or Skull and Bones, etc and many others, was this: “solve coagula”:


"The stages of the alchemical process are always the same: identifying a dissolving agent that could break the natural order of things, dissolve (solve) the existing material into primordial matter (prima materia) and once this point is reached, reform or re-organize (coagula) in a new type of order as desired by the alchemist."  - Source, -


"Solve Coagula" - "New World Order"


Your “Star of Moloch”


April 5, 2012 (nine years ago!) we published “Dressing Michael Jackson” and “The Infiltration of Michael Jackson” and saw many of these symbols on his clothing that he wore every day to court in 2005.  Some of those “accessories” were blatantly Masonic, other “accessories” were Kabbalistic or Rosicrucian.  We covered many other forms of symbol-advertising in Music, album covers, advertising, movies and corporate logos.


"a once universal subliminal communication system used in Egypt, Babylon, the Indian subcontinent and among the Aztecs, consisting of numbers, archetypal word and symbols which in our time are sometimes embedded in modern advertising and in certain films and music”[3].” – Source,


Again, the affirmations are sustained by the initiates themselves:


The real purpose of the gold makers was gradually and cautiously revealed, although a certain amount of discretion was still necessary. The mysticism of alchemy – its cabalistic associations, its involvement in esoteric astrology, and its indebtedness to the learning of ancient peoples and distant countries – was allowed to become evident. The secret tradition in alchemy, with its divine science of human regeneration and redemption, was indicated through the enlarged and extended use of symbols and emblems.“[4]" – – Source,


This isn’t the only author/writer/theosophist to marry the Jewish religion to the Masonic religion, to the ancient Egyptian religion and the Babylonian religion through “alchemy” (Al/El + Chemi/chemical).  And it is not the first article we’ve featured here that has connected or “cleaved” the Jewish “tradition” with replacing God with the will of man:


Once we understand that the final goal of secret societies and their initiates is to replace God and that the method employed in order to achieve that goal is the alchemical solve et coagula   – the  decomposition of the world created by God and its reconstruction according to the will of man – a series of current trends and historical events start getting a whole new meaning.” – – Source,


The “Jewish Fable” of the “Golem of Prague” makes another appearance in this same article:


"Oppenheimer was a direct descendant of Rabbi Judah Loew of Prague[11], the creator of the Golem, and that John Donne was a poet with a “comprehensive knowledge of general alchemical theory” whose “figures refer to the philosophical, occult and mystical doctrines associated with alchemical practices and theories”[12]and you will start having a better picture of the forces at work" – Source,


“The Golem of Prague” was a subject I came across first, through the “Rabbi Judah Loew” and his title of “Maharal” through a three part nightmare that occurred within a couple of hours in April of 2011.  It was titled “Michael is Starting to Scare Me”.  The “Maharal” wasn’t explained until the Mormon’s came and I accidently came across the topic of “the Golem” while researching the Mormon’s “Adam/Michael/God” doctrine on “American Zion – American Messiah”.


Now why was Michael Jackson the subject in all three of those April 8, 2011 dreams?  Who Is It”, “Will You Be There”, “Privacy”, “Is It Scary”, “Heart Breaker”, “Threatened” – in his own words.


According to Revelation 12, there is a “man child” whom the dragon is after, to devour his soul as soon as he is “born”.  And according to Isaiah 66:7-8 and Jeremiah 4:31 and Micah 4:10, the “birth” was a spiritual one, not a physical one.


In both songs: “Billie Jean” and “Blood on the Dance Floor” Michael sings that he is chosen for something.  In “Who is It” and “Will You Be There”, he sings about a “punishment” or an “affliction” that he is going through or will go through.  In “Privacy” he reveals “they”, whoever they are, are spinning stories around him “so you can bury me”; and in “Is It Scary”, “Heartbreaker” and “Threatened” he sings about a “delusion” being sent concerning him and his purpose.


More disturbingly, his song “Morphine” describes the “pharmaceutical experiment” they made of him.  2BAD” compiles the motive behind destruction of “the house” (sanctuary), the taking of “your cut from me”, and the “blood lust” for him.  Thriller” and “Blood on the Dance floor” tackled the subject of the “number” of the beast (“they will possess you, unless you change that number on your dial” and “Susie’s got your number and Susie ain’t your friend” respectively):


But “Whatzupwitu” explained the cure “God’s mighty patient – he’s got your number to beat your disease . . .


While I was writing this, an interesting question came to me on one of the social media platforms.  He asked me about Abraham and if he was a “Jew”.  During the discussion and the verses we went through referencing the answers, some newer dots were connected.  One of them was from this verse:


Now the sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel, (for he was the firstborn; but forasmuch as he defiled his father’s bed, his birthright was given unto the sons of Joseph the son of Israel: and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright.” – 1 Chronicles 5:1.


We had covered the subject before on “genealogical birthright” vs. “spiritual birthright” with this verse: but here also highlighted  is the “birthright” was not to Judah but JOSEPH or the SONS of Joseph!”


This verifies the “scepter” and the “lawgiver” no longer being with Judah when “Shiloh comes, and to him shall the gathering of the people be” in Genesis 49:8-10.  In verses 22-26, it is JOSEPH; and the “blessings of thy father” are “on the head of Joseph, and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren”.


So Jesus and David were sons of Judah:  Who was a son of Joseph?  Manasseh and Ephraim.  The last mention of Ephraim is here:


Jesus therefore walked no more openly among the Jewsbut went thence unto a country near to the wilderness, into a city called Ephraim, and there continued with his disciples.” – John 11:54.


In Ezekiel 37:16-19, the stick of Joseph which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the stick of Judah shall the Lord make one in His hand.


Because this person also asked me about Abraham being a “Jew” I had answered that the Jews did not appear as a name until 2 Kings 16:6, and were at war with Israel and Syria.  The relationship between Israel and Syria is a close one through the request of Eliakim for the Syrian language “for we understand it” in 2 Kings 18:26, and the prophecy in Isaiah 17:3 concerning the remnant of Syria being as the glory of the children of Israel.  Syria the name means “heaven/sky or in the Greek “Seirios” meaning “sun-bright” or “glowing”.  “Sirius” is the brightest star in the night sky.  It is also referred to as the “dog star” in the “greater dog” constellation.


So according to the old testament, Syria is intricately intertwined with Israel via the “mothers of Israel” (sister of Laban the Syrian Rebekah was Jacob’s mother; and Leah, Rachel, Bilhah and Zilpah were daughters of Laban the Syrian who married Jacob/Israel).


Both Jesus and Paul spoke of the persecution of Christ believers by the Jews: Paul being most specific about this because he was once one of them.  He said “in time past in the Jews religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it”, in Galatians 1:13-14.


According to Genesis 6, sons of God came down and took as wives the daughters of men, against God’s will.  Their sons became “men of old, men of renown”.  I believe that is where the “power with men and with God” for which Jacob was given the name “Israel” originated as a seed and God thus named him.


The “religion of the Jews” was the secret usurping of power via the law. They knew how to add to or take from the Book of the Law to maintain advantage.  They wanted to be the ones who “gaveth” and who “tooketh away”.  Jesus came . . . to change all that because he is “The Word” which “fulfills all the law”.


The religion of the Jews” is trying to circumvent this, as Jesus said in Mark 7:13 that they were “making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.  And “ye know” what the “Word” is now? (Revelation 19:13).


But even though “Judah” places the abomination that maketh desolate (Jeremiah 7:30); and the Jews religion according to Biblical and Jewish history, is to rewrite themselves over the Name of God in our books, why did Jesus say this to the woman of Samaria who asked Jesus if he was a prophet?


Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.  Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.” – John 4:21-22.


Paul said to the Jews –


Thou makest thy boast of the law, through breaking the law dishonourest thou God?  For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.” – Romans 2:23-24


Paul straightens out this folly of the Jews religion, their “tradition” of “alchemy” or “sorceries” with these verses concerning their boast of being of Abraham, by seed:


For the promise, that he should be the heir of the world, was not to Abraham, or to his seed, through the law, but through the righteousness of faith.  For if they which are of the law be heirs, faith is made void, and the promise made of none effect:” - Romans 4:13-14.


There is your key” not through genealogy or to your “seed through the law, but through the righteousness of faith”:  that is altar upon which your promise will manifest.


Faith in his blood”: Romans 1:25 puts your sin in remission.  This is “the new testament in my blood” said Jesus in Luke 22:20: The “blood of the covenant” (Hebrews 10:29 & 13:20)  which is “the Word that I covenanted  with you” – Haggai 2:5.


The WORD that He COVENANTED with us:  And “His Name is called the Word of God” – The Word that fulfills all the law.


What are the odds, that Pharoahs, and Pharisees, and Pharmakeia all worshipped the same god, and it was NOT the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob?


What are the odds that all “secret societies” would be “one” with the religion of “Al-chem-Y” and the “Cabal” of “Cabbalism”, to “change the truth of God into a lie, worshipping and serving the creature”?


What are the odds that “COVID” spelled backward “DIVOC” means in Mystical Judaism “possession by an evil spirit/demon”?


They’re out to get you; there’s demons closing in on every side.  They will possess you, unless you change that number on your dial” – Michael Jackson, “Thriller”.


Yeah, they wanted that man dead.  But they needed the body, just like in Jude 1:9.  Why?  Because “the world has a role” for him.  They needed “their cut” from him.  They “had blood lust” for him.  Take my Name and just let me be


But have faith: Because their “house is nothing, just wait til I get through”.


The way of the wicked is as darkness: they know not at what they stumble.  My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings.  Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.


For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.” – Proverbs 4:19-22.


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