Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Another Jesus


Another Jesus?

Alchemy and the Aleph




But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.  For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.” – 2 Corinthians 11:3-4.




It says: “For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached” . . .


This “one” had not yet come, and so this we are to be aware of today.  He that cometh” will “preach another Jesus”.  And “if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted” you are at risk of bearing with “He” who preaches another Jesus.


What organizations can you identify today that “preach another Jesus”?  Because I personally know of one that preached another Jesus, to a loved one who “received another spirit” as a result; and accepted “another gospel”.  And I have written about it:  and if you go back into late 2014 through 2016, the struggle is there for you to read.


And that is just one of the organizations under the pyramid.  There are many others but it is still one cabal.  He that will “cometh” is the “prince of this world” that Jesus spoke of in John 14:30 saying “Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.”


The prince of this world has nothing in Jesus; but Zechariah 5:1-4 states that is not so true the other way around.  Why was CERN looking for the “God Particle”?  And why was the “Human Genome Project” partnered with them during the time of these experiments?  In WHOM were they looking for it?


Where did the idea for the “God Gene” (VMAT2) come from?  And why was the Department of Defense looking for it?  It wasn’t just to spiritually dumb-down Muslim extremists, their plan to “overspread” this “virus” was global (See “Phamageddon” and “DIVOC”).


COVID-19 was made for CRISPR

Human Delivery – To Edit Your DNA

Adeno-viruses delivering CRISPR


On Chromosome 19 – Your “19” in COVID


This is why a nerve was hit when “DIVOC” was published.  In a couple of paragraphs down it says “The number 19 is not the year it was named or identified.  The “19” could represent instead the number of chromosomes from each set that is their target” . . . . Two days after this was published, my whole Google account was shut down including email account and blog.  It took me over a week to get them to reinstate it and I was surprised they did that.  My Twitter account is still restricted to this day.


Direct references to the number 19 in the Bible:


And Iron, and Migdalel, Horem, and Bethanath, and Bethshemesh; nineteen cities with their villages” - Joshua 19:38.


In 2 Samuel 2:30, “. . . there lacked of David’s servants nineteen men and Asahel”.


Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzaradan, captain of the guard, which served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem.” – Jeremiah 52:12.


Interesting isn’t it?



Hey 19!


there’s hard times befallen the soul survivors


Now if you search “chromosome 19” on Wikipedia, and scroll down to the “long arm” section explaining sequence, one of them listed for mitochondrial is a gene called “seryl-tRNA synthetase 2” (tRNA is transfer RNA – seryl from serine or “silk/silken” – Damascus, fabric, veil, mask?).  Seryl is also the name of Jared Kushner’s mother, ironically.  Gene map locus 19q13.2 (19 Q? 13?). 


The linked name on this description is “SARS2” (SARS COV-2?).  It is an enzyme that in humans is encoded by the SARS2gene.  Enzymes are proteins that are catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions needed for metabolic processes for the cells to do their jobs.


At the top of the “SARS2” article it says “for the virus, see “Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronoavirus 2.”  The “mouse-over” reveals “(SARS-CoV-2), also known as the Coronavirus, is the virus that causes COVID-19, the respiratory illness responsible for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic”: Previously known as 2019 Novel Corona Virus.  The name, “SARS-CoV-2” reveals the purpose for which it was created – “SARS-2” is the target in chromosome 19; and “CoV” = Certificate of Vaccination – verified by CRISR’S co-creator Jennifer Doudna that CRISPR is a “genetic vaccination card” (At 3:56 minutes) . . .


This proves that SARS-CoV-2 was targeted for the SARS2 gene in Chromosome 19. 

Chromosome 19 was sequenced in 2001 (rough draft) and published with it’s sequence and biology in April 1, 2004.   Is there anything in the 19th Chromosome that could either accelerate or suppress gene expression of the VMAT2 Gene?


The “VMAT2” cell lines can only be found in the Cerebral Cortex and fluid of the brain, in chromosome 10.  That fluid can be accessed by either extracting it from the skull (Golgotha/Calvary) via a syringe, or by agitating or perforating a membrane in one of the orifices of the head: i.e. the ears, eyes or nose, like the cribriform plate in the back of the nasal passageway, where they conducted the PCR tests.  There is a reason why Genesis 2:7 was in the scripture: and why masks are still so militantly enforced in many places; and what it has to do with the slaying of souls (Ezekiel 12:8-12 & 13:18-19).


Pineal Gland Location

PCR test


The PCR test could scrape the cribriform plate, a porous bony structure through which the olfactory nerves carried a “scent” to be interpreted by the brain.  If the membrane protecting it is damaged in some way, fluid could leak out which could then be tested for the VMAT2 gene. 


Cribriform Plate Cerebral Fluid

Cribriform Plate, Pituitary & Pinael


If you were “negative” then you didn’t have “Corona virus” . . . or they would keep testing you until they found what they were looking for.  Now the PCR test is “obsolete” and not used.  Why?  Did they find what/who they were looking for?


Revelation - God's Name IN the Forehead


In order to “overspread the abomination” they would have to “make” it or program the subject DNA to make it.  This is where CRISPR comes in:



NIH Site-CRISPR Delivery by Viral Vectors



Co-Creator of CRISPR calls it

"A genetic vaccination Card"


CRISPR - "Detect and Destroy TARGET DNA

Fun-Vax Info back in 2011?

What he claims didn't exist DOES today.


Another "13"

COVID-VAX Moderna Article



And they GOT the “Virus” (I mean, VMAT2Gene) from SOMEWHERE  (or someone):


Corona Virus Male Child


According to Michael Jackson’s lyrics in “Billie Jean”, “Thriller”, “This Time Around”, “Who Is It”, “Will You Be There”, “Is It Scary”, “Morphine”, “Blood on the Dance Floor” . . . He told us, “THIS is IT”:


For he cometh in with vanity, and departeth in darkness, and his name shall be covered with darkness.” – Ecclesiastes 6:4.


And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.  And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.” – Revelation 17:10-11.


Not every church, nor every pastor, minister, priest, elder or “father” preaches the real Jesus.  Not all of them have the “Holy Ghost” that God bestows upon his elect, the “remnant” of the children of Israel.  Not all ARE Israel, who are OF Israel” (Romans 9:6).


Some of those who are Of Israel; who are NOT Israel are attempting another path to the kingdom . . . and “taking it by force” (Matthew 11:12).  They will do it by subterfuge, by slight of hand with the laws of science and “fair words” and flatteries.  They will obtain the kingdom by flatteries” – Daniel 11:21.


Paul warned us of this in the second letter to the Corinthians; and also in the letter to the Ephesians:


That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the slight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” – Ephesians 4:14.


In the letter to Jude, there are some very stark warnings that the second letter to Peter verifies.  Not only does it identify the whole conspiracy in one verse (9), it also identifies who the “men of old, men of renown are”.  This one book in the Bible exposes the intent and purposes of the adversary; and those who work for him against the Name of God using today’s “sorceries” (Pharmakeia) for what they are.


Jude 1:2-9


To further bring into the light where this enmity had lodged itself, Jude goes on to say


Woe unto them!  For they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core. 


These are spots in your feasts of charity, when they feast with you, feeding themselves without fear: clouds they are without water, carried about of winds; trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the roots.


Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness forever.” - Jude 1:11-13.


Wandering stars:  A term associated with the word “planet”? 


In verses 16 – 19 Jude further describes them as “murmerers, complainers, walking after their own lusts;” speaking great swelling words “having men’s persons in admiration because of advantage.  But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.   These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”


They exist in office of governments of countries, in positions of leadership in science, medical, education, corporation, entertainment, religion and banking.  But there are those that rule all of the above in this world.  They are the same that Jesus had to deal with in the day of the Pharisees – Because before they were called Pharisees, they were called “Pharaohs”: and before they were Pharaohs they were called sons that fell, all the way back to the time of Genesis 6.




The Envy and the Madness


The last article “Mind Wars” we touched on some of the movement going on under the “mainstream media”, in the “underground” or “alternative media”.  Some of the things revealing themselves are those what seek to deceive under the guise of exposing deception.


One of those groups I had previous dealings with contacted me, through Facebook.  That account is closed to the public, but she managed to find someone she claimed not to know.   She even brought up Sam DeGosson for some of you who remember her and the “photos” (“Truth is Omnipotent”, “Technical Difficulties” and “MJ Meet Ganesha Om” all back in September, 2010 if you want some background on this).


Truthfully, I feel I am going backwards even bringing this up: but they are still here for a reason.  They are involved with the “Q” and “QAnon” groups for a reason.  And the reason is this: “Michael Jackson and the Angel of Light”.  They have “a role for him” . . . The “people of the prince” have come “to destroy the city and the sanctuary . . .”   Which prince?  The Prince in Jerusalem mentioned in Ezekiel 12:9-12. 


Who are the “people of the prince” who come to destroy the “city and the sanctuary”?  The very people mentioned in Daniel 11:21-24 and Jeremiah 7:30 and 11:9.


If nothing else, they are revealing a pattern of behavior that is going on by better known institutions; like our political and governmental institutions, educational, legal, our media and our press and yes, the so-called medical fields including psychological disciplines and bio-fields.  I am so very TIRED of giving the benefit of a doubt to those who aid and abet the destruction of the souls of our children.


Blog Entry: 2011-08


Underneath all the VISIBILE battles in all the arenas mentioned above, is that “other” battle:  The one going on for the souls of each and every “child” of God, right now, starting with the man child in Revelation 12.


All of this mayhem, confusion, chaos is a means to an end.  They have always known what they wanted to do.  They use chaos to cover it.  The “conspiracy” mentioned in Jeremiah 7:30, 11:9 and Revelation 12:2-5 is after one thing . . . That revealed in John 1:1.  And they can only get to it through Him mentioned in John 1:14 and confessed in John 14:6.


They have always been after him.  The “second child that shall stand up in his stead” is the last chance the dragon, which is called the devil and Satan will have to try to obtain the kingdom.


Jesus in his days in ministry on earth when the Pharisees challenged Jesus to heal on the Sabbath day, to accuse him; Jesus “knew their thoughts, and did this:


Then Jesus said unto them, I will ask you one thing; is it lawful on the Sabbath days to do good, or to do evil?  To save life, or to destroy it?  And looking round about upon them all, he said unto the man, Stretch forth thy hand.  And he did so: and his hand was restored whole as the other.


And they were filled with madness; and communed one with another what they might do to Jesus” – Luke 6:7-11.


Faces filled with madness


And they have not a clue when it’s all going to end . . .” – Jesus isn’t “changing” the world:  He is making a “new heaven and a new earth”.  New: and real peace between the two.  Not the false peace proclaimed by men who deceive that peace for one is at the expense of another.


Angels are servants of God.  They are messengers and planters of the seed: the Word of God.  They are not worshipped, nor are they prayed to.


So, this was necessary for Paul to caution:


Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,  and not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.


Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances, (touch not; taste not; handle not; which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?” – Colossians 2:18-23.


We are warned also by Paul in the letters to Timothy –


As I besought thee to abide still at Ephesus, when I went into Macedonia, that thou mightiest charge some that they teach no other doctrine, neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.” – 1 Timothy 1:3-4.



Hebrews 13:9 warns of being carried about by diverse and strange doctrines.  And the letters to John, 2 John specifically to “the elect lady and her children”:


If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed.” – 2 John 1:10.


In Revelation 2:14-15, the “doctrine” of Balaam and the Nicolaitans are mentioned as warnings to the church of Pergamos by Jesus himself on the throne, instructing John to write them.


In Abarim Publications on the name “Nicolaitans”, it says:


Of Detrimental Government


A detrimental government is exactly what we have today.  They are mandating poisons to be administered to workers through corporations.  Heads of corporations and government do NOT have to vaccinate or mask.  It is being enforced or will be enforced where it isn’t already, by taxing of individuals and corporations/employers that do not comply.


The word “Nike” or “Nico” represent the meaning for “victory”:  Nicolaitan means “victory over the common people” . . .


Victory over the [common/masses] people


In relation to this, the corporation “Nike” has a logo sporting the “Vav” turned around: Vav represents the number six “6” in Hebrew:


Logo Nike


“Just do it”? 


The Vav/Waw in Hebrew

In Many Logos


It’s on our money, it’s on our buildings, and it is in the name of this country – Amaru-Ka.


Count The Number Of The Beast


The number of the beast isn’t just a number – it denotes the absence of something just as it states in the prophecy of Daniel, chapter 4.  (the life, which is the light of men).




Susie’s Got His Number


Michael Jackson sang “inject me, infect me, he really tried to git me; use me, abuse me, nobody’s gonna bruise me, take me, shake me, somebody’s gonna fake me” in “This Time Around”.  That other song, “Morphine” leaves no doubt that Michael is revealing an attempt to “convert” him through “Pharma” (poisoning/sorcery) means.  The respirator/ventilator in the background was prophetic of his cause of death – but also of ours. He wasn’t singing about physical death but the second death.   Do you know what it means to not be hurt of the second death?


What is being revealed in the alternative media, such as GAB, Telegram, Rumble, Signal, Minds, NextDoor, TheDots, Ello, Diaspora, Mastadon and other less known sources; is the “right wing” of the same bird.  It is the Alt-Right, but you are still “censored” if you reveal hypocrisies on the right.  It’s just another illusion in the left/right paradigm.


Previously Alt-left MJDHI on Twitter, Youtube and FaceBook and Hosting with Sony on MediaTemple with “This Is Not It” (domain now for sale), is now the Alt-right MJDHI on GAB, Telegram, and GMPG.org


Trump and Q, How Do you DO?


The whole itinerary of this deception was spelled out by Michael himself in the lyrics of the songs, “Who Is It”, “Is it Scary”, “BAD” and “2BAD”.  (They are making an abomination out of him – Psalm 88:3-8).


“The Beast” – in “Thriller”, “Is It Scary” and “Threatened” (“am I the beast you visualized”?)  And what’s more, they have more than half the world’s Christian church denominations promoting the “Jesus before Jesus” doctrine of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture:  A doctrine to drive the world’s Christians right into following the one that comes “before the tribulation, not “after the tribulation” (Matthew 24).


We took issue with this a few months ago publishing “Pre-Tribulation Deception” back in May of this year.  This is so prevalent in the Q-groups’ doctrines, posts and the Q-Michael Jackson Groups it is why it was so important to review articles here from back in 2011-2013 on that same subject.  Also woven into the Q/QAnon groups are the GESARA/NESARA people. The very same ones promoting the OPPT back in 2012 and 2013.


Someone from one of those “alternative” Q-influencer groups sent me – “The Devolution Process Will Wipe Out The White House”.


I watched that video with a discerning ear.  I agree with some of it, but the further you get into the video, the more clearly their doctrine is revealed.


Speaker names two people that he listens to (one he calls “brilliant”): Michael Jaco (referencing Wacko Jacko?) and Jetson White.  I tried to find a bio on each – both men are ex-military men.  “Jaco” is Navy Seal and CIA: White is ex-Navy SEAL.  He has a Youtube channel and a bitchute channel.  If he was really “anti-Deep State”, many of those videos would have been shut down or blocked.  They as of this writing are not and some of them are months old . . . that was the first red flag.


The second red flag was the second video of his that I watched (the first one was a parody of “Secret Agent Man” song).



The Q, Trump and Michael Connection

Q Promoting Michael – but not as dead


The next video up in the feed after the one above was this one “Q Plan to Save The World.  Compare the narrator’s voice to this one:


We decided, actually, taking cue (Q?) from folks like yourself . . .

Back during the 1992 election . . .”

(17 years before 2009, FBI kept file on MJ)


Then Larry King, in questioning the change JFK Jr. made from politics to publishing asks “so, This Is It?  You’re a publisher now?


So in this interview between Larry King and JFK Jr., the “taking Q from folks like yourself” (reference to Star Trek character “Q” and/or the 19th Hebrew letter Kuf/Qof);  and the 17 years Jermaine Jackson said the FBI kept a file on Michael before releasing it after his death knowing he was innocent); and “This is It” are scripted within the first five minutes of the interview. 


Veritas And "Q" Star Trek


Veritas Meaning


Qoph in Hebrew represents the Head/Neck, Whoa!


Thou wentest forth for the salvation of thy people, even for salvation with thine anointed; thou woundedst the head out of the house of the wicked, by discovering the foundation unto the neck. Selah” – Habakkuk 3:13.


The house of the wicked – see Zechariah 5:1-4 & 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8.


On Wounding the head – See Genesis 3:13-15.


Larry King also asked JFK Jr. about being a “publisher”: There is a difference between the “author” (creator) and the “publisher”.  You think interviews aren’t scripted?  Biblical mention of “publisher”:


But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.  And the gospel must first be published among all nations.” – Mark 13:9-10.


The Lord gave the Word: great was the company of those that published it.” – Psalm 68:11.


The Word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ: (he is Lord of all:)  That Word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee, after the baptism which John preached.” – Acts 10:36-37.


The Conspiracy Concerning the “Publishing” they knew

Michael bore




The Craftsmen Scramble In Their Lie


The Craftsmen's Lies

Back to the “The Devolution Process Will Wipe Out The White House” video:


White Hats mentioned in this video from “American Patriots Movement”.  In that video about 1:48 minutes into it, the speaker mentions the White Hats “Rapture Event” and that the “Gematria numbers” are incorporated into this.  According to CBSNews and the ADL, “White Hats” are what Q Followers call the “good guys” working against the “Deep State”.  But as far as I can tell, they love using Egyptian, Greek and Norse God names for things – like “Project Veritas”?  Images of the letter “Q” overlapping the FORM of the letter “Q” in Michael Jackson’s “Neverland Ranch” logo: and  . . .


The Craftsmen of the Secret Societies


Glenn Beck’s 2013’s revelations about the “NSA Whistleblower” – NSA is filled with “Mormon/Masonic” recruits in that organization, as well as other intelligence agencies.  Their massive data storage facility is located in Bluffdale, Utah.  NSA actively recruits predominantly from Brigham Young U. and University of Utah.  


Glenn Beck is Mormon.  And for some strange reason, Beck decided to wear his Masonic ring on one of his last broadcasts on his show on FOX.  Mormons worship a “god” they claim lives on “Kolob” (Kulab/Kulaba = Kill Abba) which is represented by the planet Saturn (father of Veritas) prominently displayed on the outside of their Mormon/Masonic temples.


All these “secret societies”, some masquerading as churches who teach Christ are all really worshiping one entity . . . Lucifer.


They Come Back Together in the End


A Mormon Mason

New Grand Master is the First in a Century

Who is LDS

Source, Deseret News




The Abraham Accord

Not Your “Father’s” Peace




I copied this page when I saw the ad on Facebook back in 2017.  It is one of those “mint” commemorative coins you can buy that has some historical value; only this “historical event” had not happened yet when it was advertised.


I copied it after I read the words, then took a good hard look at the coin and the images embossed on it.  You have in order, from stock to tip: 


A two-headed bird joined by a nine-point star, surrounded by nine stars with a tenth at the top of the circle.  On the blade itself you have computer circuitry leading to molecules and to their right a heart with a rhythm through it.  Above that you have a satellite dish and syringes with drops coming out that fall toward the “molecule”.  Going up you have in this connection to a palm tree, gears in a (biological?) machine leading up to binary computer language, an image of an orbiting satellite, stars and a rocket ship, a “peace” dove with an olive branch and last, the planet Saturn.


Take a look at this, in case you can’t read the image below it:


Not The Jews, But The Mormons will "Build" it?


 From President McConkie's Book:


Who are those 'that are far off' who shall come to Jerusalem to build the house of the Lord? Surely they are the Jews who have been scattered afar. By what power and under whose authorization shall the work be done? There is only one place under the whole heavens where the keys of temple building are found. There is only one people who know how to build temples and what to do in them when they are completed. That people is the Latter-day Saints. The temple in Jerusalem will not be built by Jews who have assembled there for political purposes as at present. It will not be built by a people who know nothing whatever about the sealing ordinances and their application to the living and the dead. It will not be built by those who know nothing about Christ and his laws and the mysteries reserved for the saints. But it will be built by Jews who have come unto Christ, who once again are in the true fold of their ancient Shepherd, and who have learned anew about temples because they know that Elijah did come, not to sit in a vacant chair at some Jewish feast of the Passover, but to the Kirtland Temple on April 3, 1836, to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery. The temple in Jerusalem will be built by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints” - Source, Wikipedia


From Bruce McConkie’s book “The Millennial Messiah: The Second Coming of the Son of Man” – February 1, 1982. - Journal of Discourses 19:19-

Well . . . at least now we know who the “White Hats” are:  Why Helen Blavatsky was so interested in conferencing with them in Salt Lake City before they were even an established religion in a territory that wasn’t even yet a state (source, JuvenileInstructor.org).


Given Blavatsky’s many promotions and advocating of Masonic doctrines in her Theosophy teachings; coupled with the turf upon which Mormonism was born, this is no longer surprising.


What is scary about this in the most human of believing Christians is that a man has suffered/is suffering in the “taking control” of a human being: a “man child”:


Everything we have learned together from the song lyrics, the Biblical implications of them to scripture, to the motives behind Tavistock, MK-Ultra reveals the true story behind Nazi-ism and the war that covered the pharmaceutical experiments on human beings.  Even the history of the search for the “God Particle” in the “Human Genome Project” is related to the scriptures. 


From there is also linked the “God Gene” and DoD Project 149-AZ2 (FUNVax), CRISPR and COVID-19; “gain of function” research and the very first “nasal washings of a man child” from which the “CORONA VIRUS” was created.


Then we have Michael Jackson, his faith, his song lyrics revealing not only what they’ve done to HIM, but what they were planning to do to us.


Just like the Jews which Jesus admonished in his day, the Mormons claim they are persecuted, but are not and are the persecutors, the oppressors and the usurpers of “The Kingdom” . . . “taking it by force”.  They would not have come at my house otherwise and taken my husband by reason of his ego and iniquity if it were not for the fact that when they first appeared, I was testifying “The Word” for “The Name” of Christ.


They are, as Don Henley puts it in his song: “Building the Perfect Beast”; and as Michael sang in his probably best known song, “Thriller”, “No one’s gonna save you from the beast about to strike . . . they’re out to get you, there’s demons closing in on every side.  They will possess you, unless you change that number on your dial”.


So, you need the change that number.  How?


Revelation 7:9-17.  It was the reason Michael wrote and produced “Blood on the Dance Floor” in the first place.  And remember, when he “stands in the holy place” . . . “where he ought not”, that “The kid is not my son”.


Jude 1:9 describes the devil trying to take possession of the body of Moses – because in Deuteronomy 34:7 “his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated”.


According to Revelation 12, he doesn’t succeed . . .not then, not now.


We know what “temple” it is they build . . .


But myfriend, your house ain’t nothin’ . . . just wait til I get through, because I’mbad, I’m bad, you know it, you know . . .


"And the whole world has to answer right now; just to tell you once again . . .” – Lyrics to “BAD


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An Hour With The Beast

  An Hour With The Beast The Non-Jewish Messiah       “ And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the...