Sunday, November 14, 2021

God’s Everlasting Truth


Aion Alethe

God’s Everlasting Truth




I am the way, the Truth, and the Life: no man cometh to the Father, but by me.” – John 14:6




That right there, is probably one of the most important piece of scripture in the Holy Bible.  It stands out because it leads to every other piece of scripture in the Bible.  It strings together many pearls by cultivating the questions that lead to those pearls; like:


Why is Jesus the way, the truth and the life?


Why can no one come to the Father but by him?


Who IS Jesus?  WHAT is Jesus?  All of those questions lead you to John 1:1-4.


Jesus is “The Word”, and “The Word is God”.  Jesus is “the word made flesh” further along in John 1:14.


What is “The Word”?  Revelation 19:13 tells us that “His Name is called the Word of God”.


The Name” is what Paul tells us in Romans 10:13 that we need to call upon to be saved.  It is a very important word; and even the adversary has sought it through time, space and matter.


This must be truth, because we are warned that we would suffer affliction and tribulation “for my Name’s sake” eleven times in the New Testament.  The elect are “for the Word of God, and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” slain, and as John puts it in Revelation 1:9, is the reason he is “a companion in tribulation” With the elect.  The Apostle Paul used to be the head honcho among those who persecuted them who had the testimony of Jesus, but Paul was converted in route to persecuting them.  What happened?


Paul was “a chosen vessel, to bear my name” – Acts 9:14-15.


Something overcame Paul, which was the very thing for which the elect and believers were persecuted, jailed and killed:


And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death” – Revelation 12:11


It is the one thing that every creature in creation seeks after, but few rarely find it.  Whatever it is, is so powerful, the adversaries seek to obtain that which they hate.   The reason they HATE it is because they can’t rule it.


They can’t rule it, they can’t control it, they can’t give it to their allies and oppress it from the masses . . .


But they are TRYING.


So . . . what are they after, from the beginning to the end? 


“Elisa Test” . . .


El-Issa – Lord Jesus. 




Let Them All Materialize


According to “John Todd”, a former “anti-Christ”, the adversaries of Christ “found their Adam” . . . their “Proselyte”.  And they will make him two-fold more the child of hell than themselves.


They sought the Word; the NAME in the one individual they knew in whom it was given.  They had record of the genealogies and they had control of the industry unto which he was set (They “own the money”, they “control the witness”, they “pay the prophets, to justify [their] reasons”) 


The people of the prince entered the sanctuary and took down the city: And they worked that which was unseeming:  From the city they sought the house; and they stole a ladder and rent it:  They pulled stones from timbers and found them that “ascended and descended upon the Son of man”.


They knew from Moses that the man had to be of Joseph, And a Levite whose inheritance was God; and who was a singer and musician of skill in the temple who was the last to bear the Ark of the Covenant, and the “Book of Life” inside of it.


(Why were they smashing “Hadrons”?)


They were looking for the God Particle, within the “Human Genome” of the sanctuary of strength – the “God Gene” within the man child.


(“No man cometh to the Father, but by me”)


Through that industry in which this child was set, a witness came forth whom was persecuted: one like Paul but was not Paul.  And he was assisted by three pastors; one of whom baptized me as a child.


This witness was once a sorcerer who was converted; and began to testify to the treachery of what he was once a part, just like the Apostle Paul:  The genre of the key of David was turned into an industry to corrupt the thoughts and minds of the children.  These were the wicked men found among God’s people, who set traps to catch men.


This boy they “found”, turned into a man, with the dragon chomping at his heels.  But it wasn’t until that bringing forth before the travail; and the delivery of the man child before her pain came, that the heel would finally come down on the dragon.




I was walking in a town and I was looking for something.  I didn’t exactly know what it was, but I knew I would know it when I found it.  I had no other focus but to find it.


I came to a large brick building which turned out to be a school.  Even though there was no more school, there were people in it.  Everyone was wearing a mask, but as soon as I entered the building, I ripped it off of my face.  What I was looking for was becoming clearer but it was like I didn’t know what it was – something within me knew what it was.


As I entered the building, people were warning me, “put your mask on”, “don’t forget your mask”, “you have to have a mask on” . . . I walked past them as if I didn’t hear them and kept moving.


I turned corners, walked down corridors, passed classrooms and there were people along the walls just hanging out in various places.  They didn’t notice me until I approached close enough for them to see I was not wearing a mask.  Some would just stare, and others would point to their mouths gesturing a reminder, or say things like “you know you have to have a mask on”.  I didn’t acknowledge.  I just kept moving.


Several people would pull away from the wall and follow me at a distance.  But they didn’t approach me.


I turned another corner to a shorter corridor that lead to a big room: either a cafeteria or gymnasium, and I entered into the room.


There were maybe three or four people in that room.  They watched me walk in but didn’t follow me.  Those that did hung by the entry.  I walked to the diagonal corner, where I saw her.  She was standing there, waiting for me.  No one followed me.


As I approached her, she turned her face toward me.  She was not smiling and I knew what was in there was not the person she was.  It was Taylor Swift.


She says to me “you know, masks are required here”.  I responded, “I’m not wearing one”.


A slight smile of sinister origin opened her face a little.  She began to get bigger to where she was leaning over me; and she said “You know why we have to wear the masks, don’t you”?


I looked up into her face and said “Oh, you bet I do.”


The Taylor Swift being grew even bigger and she began to manifest features that were not human.  Her mouth and nose began to morph into a muzzle, and her brow bones and eye sockets became more prominent.  The smile turned into a maw; and her teeth began growing into fangs with pronounced canines.  Her voice became deeper and raspy when she responded “put your MASK on!”


Instead I looked into her eyes and said “do your worst”, I motioned her closer with the fingers of my right hand to lean down, “give me your best, come on”, and I kept eye contact with it.


The growling came from deep within and beyond the vessel that was no longer Taylor Swift.  There was little humanity left to her.  Her face was completely distorted, she was foul smelling and her teeth were greenish and huge.  She was snorting when she exhaled and her anger was building.  I stood without wavering and I was not afraid.  I repeated “come on, give it to me”.


This thing reared back with a snorting growl.  The putrid, foul breath was noticed but did not affect me.  I knew something was going to happen, but I didn’t know what until it happened.  As she reared back, I waited.  She had to be close.  She came down at me as if to open that huge mouth and decapitate me with it, but I reached up and put both my thumbs on her eyes and braced the rest of my hands around her temples and said “I cover myself with the blood of Jesus Christ”.  


At first she screamed many different screams at once, with many voices.  But she had no power to get away.  She just hung limp.  I held her that way, not pushing in, but just holding my thumbs there.  I then moved one thumb off of her eye and planted my right palm to her forehead and said “In the Name of Jesus Christ, leave from here.  Go back to where you came from”.


At that time it began getting smaller and that is when I woke up.


Source, “Be Not Afraid”, May 1, 2020.


That dream told me there was a connection to the “COVID-19” and the attempt to wipe out the Name of God in his human creation; and replace it with “a name they made unto themselves”.  This plagiarized “book” within us; this “synthesized genome” was allowed to be patented, thus rendering those that don’t die from this to be “merchandise” belonging to the kings and merchants of the earth.




Virus, Son of Pharma


When Virus Becomes Cure?


In “Mandates”, we discussed “God’s people” and the “wicked men” found among them.  While everyone is fighting the narrative, one side or the other of it, the whole root issue is getting lost; and that is exactly part of their scheme.


We’re instructed to hate the lies and the works of those lies, but not the liar. They have been deceived or blinded, and testifying to the truth is the easy part:  it is witnessing for the truth IN LOVE that most find difficult, especially when they are attacked.


We discussed also people like Alestair Crowley, Manly P. Hall, Freidtrich Neitzsche, Alice Bailey and the Cabbala origins of the Masonic Organizations.  The Masonic organizations is the origin of the word “mandates”.


We compared Crowley’s writings about “the Crowned and Conquering Child”; and the “Mystery Babylon Religion” foretold in Genesis 11, to “make us a name”, that was NOT the Name which “is called the Word of God”.


They named their “virus” the “Corona Virus” . . . first “discovered” in the “nasal washings of a male child” and “cultivated” (Gain of Function development) in the trachea organ of an adult.  B814 (adds to 13), and mRNA1273 (adds to 13).


Corona Virus = (Crowned and Conquering Child).

COVID 19 = (CERTIFICATE OF VACCINATION [card] for the 19th chromosome.


1+ 9=10, the tenth Chromosome, where the alleged “God Gene”, VMAT2 is located, in the cells of the cerebral fluid and Pineal Gland.


I looked up the etymology of the word “virus”, by the way.  It’s relationship to pharmaceutical is interesting:


Virus – Poisonous Substance


Compare to the Greek for “Sorcerer/Poisoner”


Pharma/Farma/HERD Immunity

Or Herd Poisoning?


Back in 2016, there was a scary incident my family dealt with concerning a poisoning.  I told the story on “Summer of Six” ironically titled “The Seven year Itch”; and the Lord revealed the truth of it exactly a year later, which I posted on “Bloodguiltiness”.


Viruses are man-made.  ALL viruses are man-made.  By the very definition of, and etymology of the word, virus is poison.  Having them shot into your veins, directly into the blood does NOT keep you from getting them.  It DOES prevent your body’s “cities” (cells) from protecting itself from other invaders and develops antibodies against your own cells causing auto-immune disease: the very “plagues” talked about in the Bible, such as in Leviticus 13. 


All of this, everything that is going on is a direct assault on the Name of God within those books of his creation.  And every “king and merchant” of the earth has asserted their mark in the very names and logos of their organizations, to seal the evidence of their allegiance to “The Beast”.


Most recently – Facebook.  This is what inspired the title of this article.




Meta vs Ahmet: A Revelation


Metaverse: Centralized Tyranny?


On October 28th, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announced that he was re-branding “Facebook” and changing it’s name to “Meta”.  His announcement included this:


Today we are seen as a social media company, but in our DNA we are a company that builds technology to connect people, and the metaverse is the next frontier just like social networking was when we got started.” – Mark Zuckerberg, Meta CEO – Source,


It’s “in our DNA” alright, to “connect people” to what . . . their AI?  Or perhaps Zuckerberg is revealing something else here? 


The ticker for Facebook stock exchange is also changing from FB to MVRS.  MVRS sounds suspiciously like MERS, but that is admittedly a stretch.  Just what is a “metaverse”?


According to the Wikipedia write up on this (All ready to go the day it was announced); “metaverse” is “the hypothesized next iteration of the internet, supporting decentralized, persistent online 3-D virtual environments”.


This “metaverse” will not only be used in video gaming, but also in business, education (in case of another pandemic?), retail, real estate, etc.  The problem with getting this up and going according to their vision, would constitute the upgrading of current digital devices and sensors to interact with “real time virtual environments”.


This reminded me of the movie “The Matrix”.  It also brought to mind the paper published in “OPPT” (INIT of the QAnon?) concerning our own chromosomes: “human DNA operates as if it is a biological internet, and superior in many aspects to the artificial one.”


“Every living being is a storehouse of energy . . .”


The Logo for “Meta”, for some odd reason, is the Ouroboros which symbolizes Eternal/Everlasting –


New Name: Meta


Now, funny enough, there was another article, upon searching for the meaning of “Meta” (and why Zucky would change the FB name and brand to this), that said this:


Hebrew speakers mock Facebook’s corporate rebrand to Meta: – Social media users in Israel are mocking Facebook’s company name change to Meta, as it sounds similar to the Hebrew word for ‘dead’.” – Source,


Does it?  Well, back in April of 2015, the article “Babylon’s Brother” explored the book “What Does a Jew Want”; and one of the pages of that book explains that removal of the “Aleph” from the word “Emet” (truth) would deactivate a Golem (what the Jewish religion consider everyone to be that is NOT a Jew), making the word “Met” which means “dead”.


The "Star ye made unto yourselves" - Amos 5:26


Ehmeht (Amen) = Truth

Met (men) = dead/death (taking the Aleph)


This was interesting.  So did the logo for “everlasting” coupled with the name “Meta” mean “everlasting death”?  If I was Jewish I would have laughed too.  But I’m not laughing, and I’m actually grateful they pointed this out.  Remember there are wicked men among God’s people . . . not ALL of them are willingly taking part.


The Aleph (Elath in 2 Kings 14, 16 and 18) is the “truth of God” that was “turned into a lie in Romans 1:25.  David gave it away in Psalm 106:19-20 that Israel changed their glory into the similitude of an ox when they “made a calf in Horeb”:  Horeb means “dry land” or “desert” (wilderness).  We are the “land” (Genesis 2:7, 2 Chronicles 7:14, Jeremiah 18:4, Romans 9:21).


The Aleph represents in the Greek the “Spiritus Lenis”.  The “Spiritus Lenis” means gentle/soft Breath of God/Spirit/Life (In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men”).


If you take the word Breath, this is what it translates to in both modern Hebrew and Greek:


Hebrew for Life/Breath of God/Spirit – Ruach


Greek for Life/Breath of God/Spirit – Pneuma


If you take just the word “Life”, this is what is given as translation:


Hebrew for Life – Chai


Greek for Life – Zoe


Now, for the word “Truth”?  This is in scripture, in Romans 1:25 -


Hebrew for Truth – Ehmeht (Amen)


Greek for Truth – Alethe (Aleph/Elath)


Alethe – Who turned the truth of God into a lie?


The next part of the “Meta” dilemma was the word “everlasting” or “eternal”.  This came was quite a shock to me, but it rather verifies some earlier documented theories:


Greek for Everlasting/Eternal – Aion/Aionios


Hebrew for Everlasting/Eternal – (Hebrew letters)


Sought the translation/transliteration of it to English and I was in for the shock of my life.  So I searched the transliteration/pronunciation of those Hebrew letters. 


What is called “eternal” in Hebrew, how to pronounce and transliterate into English?  The first source brought this up:




The second source verified it:


Image Natzkhi



If you click on that source, note that the Armenian word for “eternal/everlasting” is “anmerakan” and “anmer”.  I searched one more source:


Image N-tz-h



The “Wiktionary” link for “Abadi” also has a more organized list, but because it is in Malay language the word “Hebrew” appears as “Ibrani” (Ibram/Abram):


Image in Malay Wiki for “Everlasting/Eternal”


The theory for “Nazi” and “Nazi-ism” coming from the word “Ashkenazi”, as in “Ashkenazi Jews” is right there.  The Hebrew (Babylonian Aramaic square-script) pronunciation of their word for “everlasting” is “Nazkhi”.


It also begs the question who was really behind Nazi Germany: Especially I.G. Farben and its chemical experiments done on concentration camp prisoners, because at least three of those “Ashkenazi Jews” sat on the board of I.G. Farben, and were founding CEO’s of three of those six companies that were conglomerate of I.G. Farben.  A healthcare conglomerate named "MAITRI" (Maitraya?) is now an officer in Bayer, who bought Monsanto; and which was one of the six companies of the conglomerate I.G. Farben - the "INIT" (TINI backwards) of centralized sorcery.


Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations” – Ezekiel 16:2.




Judgment At the House of God



Instead of Facebook’s name change to “eternal death”, God’s “Everlasting Truth” (Aion Alethe) testifies of “Eternal Life”.  Jesus’ warnings in Matthew 24 and Mark 13 are to be heeded, and we better take it seriously:  Because there IS NO pre-tribulation rapture.  We are not better than our Lord and if they persecuted him they will and are persecuting us.  But why do they?  A memory of a movie is brought to mind:  What need do they serve” in their scheme to put their own name in place of that of God’s name in the law?


Why have they through time, sought to devour the souls of men and blaspheme the Name of God among the Gentiles?  What made them hate Jesus?


They seek that which they covet; and they hate what they can’t possess.  And they corrupt men by appealing to their vanity; because that is the very condition which brought them down.


If that was powerful enough to cast down the angels that sinned who left their first estate, it is certainly powerful enough to corrupt those a little lower than the angels. 


And the children of Dan set up the graven image: and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Manasseh, he and his sons were priests to the tribe of Dan until the day of the captivity of the land.


And they set them up Micah’s graven image, which he made, all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh.” – Judges 18:30-31.


For this reason -


For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God?” – 1 Peter 4:17


But there is something more powerful than vanity: Something that seals the breach committed by coveting: and that is Abba – who’s beginning and end is Aion Alethe.


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