Monday, December 25, 2023

Don't Give Up


Don’t Give Up

It’s Spiritual Warfare




I haven’t given up, but I have wanted to!


There are times when we so fall back, or backslide or stumble that we are convinced in our own minds that there is no way God is going to pick us back up and put us back on the path this time.  And I have felt this way, because for some reason, I have been trying to battle that which remains in me, by myself, and getting mad at God because I am not getting it done.


We are not supposed to do it by ourselves.  We were NEVER meant to do this by ourselves.  How could I have forgotten that? 


If you have ever asked yourself, or even asked God, why you can’t seem to overcome certain challenges, be it your temper, your stubbornness, your cravings for certain things, whether it’s food, drink, debate or attention?  Well?  That has been me for the last two to three years I have been “in exile” from my home. 


Instead of “overcoming” I had been giving in and convincing myself that “this is part of my personality: this is why God chose me, because of my “perseverance” (stubbornness and perseverance is NOT the same quality) because HE made me this way”, right?  Yeah . . . NO.  And instead of asking God for help, I have been giving up.  Even knowing that the closer you get to your blessing or answered prayer and your PURPOSE for which He is preparing you; the harder that adversary is going to attack.  So you put up your dukes and say “let’s go for it”!  How did that song go? “Beat it, beat it, no one wants to be defeated, show them how funky, strong is your fight”? 


It’s (say this with me) . . . it’s NOT your FIGHT.  And I was TOLD this, “the Lord will fight for you” . . . and I still fell for this “I got to do this MYSELF!”


I felt like I was going backwards, I KNEW I was falling back into some old habits and reactions, and still gave in to the anger. 


You might have seen it in response to some of my posts, replies; and truth be told, everyone is having a harder time with the lies, with the murders, with the flimsy justification for wars against people who are falsely accused or witnessed against: having a hard time with the injustice of all of what is going on.


Many of us are also being pulled by our emotional strings to defend the very system that is setting us up for a marking: because we are watching social media instead of testing what we see in scripture.


I had to take a step back.  This is why there are three weeks between articles: one, I didn’t feel “clean” enough to even think about trying to post what I am about to post; 2, I wanted to be sure of God’s timing and not my own impatience; and 3, The Holidays.




Jesus, I Lost the Path


I had a dream back in 1980, before I turned 16; about Jesus coming to me three times in a dream; and for both the previous visitations, he had told me he wanted me to tell my grandfather that I saw him.  I believe I reposted that here, after Google shut down my previous blog: “The Sword and the Shield”.


In that dream, which was packed with symbolism that appears in the Bible, I had left the path to find a shorter route to my destination.  Both times I had to be set back on it. 


In a dream I had a few months later that year, I was shown what the “end” would look like.  The House I was in was my “temple of the body”; but there was something else in it that had to be overcome.  I DIDN’T overcome it!  God did!  And as I was being gathered up, the Lord said something to me that I cannot tell anyone, because at the time, as a teen, I didn’t understand it.  It would be DECADES before he revealed what that was, that I was to do.


Without excuse, I have been messing up, screwing up, thinking “well it’s in God’s time, and we’re still here, so I must still have time” . . . Fine, but that doesn’t mean waste time either, and I have been doing that too.


One of the most important pieces of communication we have is prayer.  And Prayer is also one of the most effective weapons we have against that which is determined to defeat us and steal the Word right out of us: Mark 4:15.


Do I have “stoney ground”?  Yes, yes I do.  Yet, although I have stumbled on these “stones”, each time I have gotten back up or rather, God has picked me back up, brushed off my knees and I’m back in the place of peace and “waiting upon the Lord”.


Someone once told me “sometimes it’s not saying the right thing, but saying it at the right time” and then they said “timing”.  And this is what I have been struggling with.


In the last few days, I went back over some old posts, old search terms I had taken screen shots of, and some old Twitter posts.  And last night I read over some very old blogs, many I have not reposted after “Michaelsguardian” was taken down by Google.


One of these I posted in October of 2014 called “Spiritual Warfare”.  I’m going to repost it here.  This was two years before Trump even ran for President, and Obama was still in office.


It was also before I left my home and my husband over the manipulations of a certain church and their ties to “agencies” in the U.S. government.


In this article which was rather short, I was reminded how important prayer is, and the power of it, invoking certain words for your shield and protection.  These are going to be needed in the next 24 months by those who know, and have been out there witnessing for the truth.


I will repost those prayers, some of them in the Psalms of David.


Please read this repost, if you haven’t seen it. I will include at the bottom of that, the prayers.


Please enjoy the rest of your time with your family, and anyone that I have offended in my struggles, please forgive me.


In the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ,





Click the Link for prayers for help.




Click this link to continue to “SpiritualWarfare” Reprint.

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