I Saw Sound of
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Is this the same guy? |
“I know it is so of a truth: but how should
man be just with God?” – Job 9:2.
“Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for
thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day.” – Psalm 25:5.
“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth
shall set you free.” - John 8:32.
And my
favorite one on truth:
“Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the
truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” – John 14:6.
reason I titled this “Ayin SOF” is not because I just turned Theosophist or
Jewish or Masonic: But because it can be
translated into “I saw (have seen) Sound of Freedom” – S.O.F..
When I
wrote and posted "Sodom and Egypt”
last year, I made Jim Caviezel a promise that I would watch the movie. I live too far away from the theater, so I
didn’t go there. I don’t have Amazon
Prime or Netflix or any pay T.V. but I do have a T.V. and a DVD player. I watch what I want, when I want. And in this way, in the comfort of my own
home, without having to pay a yearly subscription to a company whose values are
none of my own, for movies I have no interest in: this is the way I chose to do
So Jim,
and Angel Studios, and Tim Ballard . . . it did take me a while and for that I
apologize, but I watched “Sound of Freedom”.
And I finally SAW why, in the movie, that it was titled as such.
the good stuff.
Good Stuff
For a
non-Hollywood movie, this was really very well done. I was surprised. The subject, as gross as it is (can’t think
of a more appropriate word), was not over-sensationalized.
emotions were subtle and you felt them.
And it wasn’t just Jim Caviezel's performance either. The other actors were awesome too.
I guess
my biggest issue with watching the movie was for the same reason it took me ten
years to watch “Passion of the Christ”. I
didn’t want to see any “ugly”. I had
reported on this stuff in the past, and even had the cops sent to my house (by
Google, AFTER they shut down my 12 year, faith-based blog), which had reported
on child trafficking in the U.S. This is
not a subject matter that sits well in your gut. And a lot of Hollywood knows about it and has
done NOTHING about it.
other issue was, both Angel Studios and Tim Ballard are “Mormon” church
affiliated. I’ll get into why that was a
problem for me further below.
and other “agencies” are involved in the trafficking of women and children; but
not EVERYONE working in those agencies are involved in it. A lot of “scandals” have been covered up, and
we connected a lot of them, which is why I was dubious about this movie.
scenes were suggestive, but not exploitive, especially the scenes with the
character Rosio: Even the scene where Caviezel's character, Ballard, beats the
snot out of the camp boss. You see it
from the eyes of the child, whose eyes were “closed”, and the audience was
spared the “violence” of it. It was just
very tastefully handled and artfully told the story without being offensive.
I think
if Hollywood would go back to the “art” of making movies, instead of copping
out with “shock value”, we would be going in the right direction. Maybe Angel Studios will serve as the new
Hollywood, because it surely needs an overhaul.
Now for
the Critique:
Tim Ballard (the REAL one): I don’t even know if that is your real
name. I don’t know the truth of what you
did, what you were involved in, what you saw, etc. You are admittedly agency. If you left the “agency” to do any of this, I
thank you for what you HAVE done even if only one child was rescued. I pray that there are good people IN said
agencies because with everything going on in the world, you know what is
directing these agencies is not good. I
trust none of them. I even question
people I DO know, and how they can work for such organizations. It’s like a contest of intrigue between governments
and their citizens, and governments of other nations; and no truth exists in this
at all.
Case in Point:
NSA Plaque
The Standard for
know the reports that are out there. I
covered some of the early ones on “Sodom and Egypt – the SLAVE Question” back in May of last year. I find it curiously convenient that the Mormon
church so quickly turned on you instead of defending you: even though Angel
Studios produced the movie and were spared the controversy.
problem was not with you personally, but the two agencies you are involved in:
the CIA (as Homeland Security); and the Mormon organization. I will address more of that further down.
Jim: I saw your interview. If you read that blog that I posted, “Sodom and Egypt – the SLAVE Question”,
I expressed my concern for you. I did so
because I have been there before. People
in that organization (Mormon) used my own spouse to try to get to me. We are no longer together and a bond has been
severed. I have been in my own “Patmos”
since at least 2014.
I was
told by the Lord to “not turn back” and I haven’t: but there is a reason I
suffered it and learned from it. I was
supposed to “see” what I saw, and it began my investigations into the Mormon
organization. Had this not happened, I
would not have done the digging that I have done and seen the organization for
what it is: a “secret society” under a layer of deception of Christianity.
same sentiment goes to another “actor” who has done some movies for Angel
Studios (You know who you are, and this IS my business):
mistake every opportunity for God’s favor.
There is a reason that God tells us in the scriptures, that the
adversary is “subtle”, and will “obtain the kingdom through flatteries”.
prayed for you. Just know that. Immediately after I saw that interview on
Steve Bannon’s War Room in May of last year, I prayed for you. Guard thyself: Psalm 35 and 37.
Read them aloud morning and night to the Lord. If you know where God is, and how He works
and from where He can hear you, you know how powerful this is. Before prayer, cover yourself in the blood of
Christ, and cast out in the Name of Jesus Christ. Cast out and name them, whether it’s fear,
illness, temptation, anguish, jealousy, whatever it is, cast it out in the Name
of Christ. I know it works.
Angel Studios: Same as those mentioned above. There is an artist who warned us of the power
of the entertainment arts who was one of the ones taken out. As with any medium, it can be used to gather,
or scatter. Truth gathers those with the
love of the truth. I pray Truth is among
you. It is because of the organization
you call church that I am wary of you.
Not the people entrapped in it, but those that have formed it, and command
the direction of it.
If you
want to make movies inspired by the Spirit, you do not need a church
president’s blessing to do it. No title
given to man by men supersedes the direction and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Neither does a title given by men verify a
godly man. Money or control of it does
not in the same, evidence blessing from God and you will soon find that out
when Christ overturns the tables in our own temples.
I am
praying that those among your company who are not of the truth, are soon changed
by it.
To the Mormon
Lately Known as the
isn’t just to the organization, but also to any of the individuals who are one
of their members.
is no Mormon church/LDS church between God and people. There is no organization of religion that is
truthful in laying claim to the “one true church” because there isn’t one. Not one church organization on the face of
this earth has escaped corruption. Any
church claiming this is a fraud.
“church” is “the body of Christ”. And
the body of Christ is not a 501-c-3 Corporation. That is “maritime law” and has nothing to do
with Christ or his Church. Christ does
not belong to any corporate entity, organization or government, period.
church is the “body of Christ”. That is
the elect and through the elect, the multitude that no man can number in which
Israel (the REAL one) is “increased in the land”.
“Land”: that is, the clay, dirt, dust of the ground from which God made us. This is scriptural and it is truth. Your Angel Studio’s film “Sound of Freedom”
boasts the tagline “God’s children are not for sale” . . . well neither are
God’s people. And if you are a 501-c-3,
you have already offered up your people for chattel.
Mormon religion is the bondage of Egypt.
This is warned bout in the New Testament in present and future-tense: in
Galatians 4:24-25, and in Revelation 11:8.
Mormon organization/religion is all
about, sourced, and translated from Egypt.
So is Alice Baily’s and Helen Blavatski’s Theosophy, Albert Pike’s
Masonic religion, and the Lubavitch Movement’s “Cabbalah”, amongst other
cultural “disciplines”.
Egyptian secret schools of knowledge produced it’s “Pharaohs”. Those “Pharaohs” became Pharisees and Judaism
became what it is today: the “secret knowledge” of the “Book” all the way back
to the first deception in the garden: to “be as gods, knowing good and
evil”. This is why the “Book of the Law”
was made, why it was put in the Ark, and why the “Sabbath was made for man”.
“book of the law” written in your ‘SUBSTANCE’ which David praises God for the
knowledge of, is written in your DNA. We
have been “poisoned” with “sorcery”, various sources of “Phar-makeia” since
they have known how to manipulate the law within us. Mormonism is just another name for the
“craftsmen” who came out from Tyre/Tyrus to form a “wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing”
religion. The “Luciferians” and the
“Satanists” are decoys for the “subtle serpent”. Many of your people just want to know the
“No Lie is of the
truth”! – 1 John 2:21.
organization could easily become such a strong crusader for the truth of Christ
if it would just turn from the error it is teaching. Sever the Masonic tentacles so your people
have a chance! Joseph Smith was really
not that different from Balaam: then something worse took over: Brigham Young.
from the fleshly religion, appealing to fleshly desires and the rewrites of the
true accounts of the Bible. Brigham
Young has besmirched the Bible enough in his “Journal of Discourses” and the
“Book of Abraham” enough to prove this.
You people of this “city” so to speak, do not want to re-run this
script, it’s been done before.
don’t want a do-over of the Joseph story, because we know what that turned into
over the subsequent four hundred years. We
are not going to get another “Moses”. We
are at the end of this clock, as per the years God gave Moses in Deuteronomy 34:7 and the spirit
among man in Genesis 6:3.
is It”, Michael Jackson said, in his rehearsals for the concert before they
took him out. We either clean our
sanctuaries or God cleans our clock. And
you can’t “clean” without Christ. Your
choice: I’m not going to live without
Him; and you’re not going to ever BE WITH him as you deceive his sheep, so
consider your hearts. Free will was a
gift: consequences are the fruit of our choices.
Reveals Through The
are people I met that are in the Mormon organization that are genuinely nice
people. As some of their “agents”
recruited my husband, I also met some real “scallywags”. When they were exposed, meaning I learned
their intent, they were conveniently put away just as Tim Ballard was. It’s not fooling anyone, it’s the same
pattern. Like Ezra Cohen’s “X’s” across
the faces of certain scapegoats on Telegram, I mean this is what they do. They just move their handlers in and out of
is also the very real possibility that I, like Jonah, was exposed to this
organization for the very reason that Jonah was told to go to Nineveh: and I was too busy fighting for my husband’s
soul to see it. And if that is the case,
I don’t know what to do about that now, except perhaps to tell you this:
It is
not too late yet . . . YET . . . to turn away from the works of darkness.
not too late to repent, YET; And change the direction of your works.
not too late to ask for forgiveness, YET, and ask God to show you the truth.
TRUTH is this: Jesus is our mediator between us and God. The ONLY mediator. No church president, pope, preacher, pastor
or reverend has been assigned that duty – as it is written in the Gospels.
“Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the
truth and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” – John 14:6.
No man
comes to the Father, but by Christ.
Christ Jesus, the WORD that “was in the beginning with God and the WORD was God”. “His NAME is called the WORD of God.”
WORD represents the movement of the SPIRIT: that SPIRIT is LIFE and the LIGHT
of men. It is the act committed of that
“Greater love”
that “hath no
man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends”, as
Jesus did: A man who laid down his life that could take it up again, but
suffered instead.
is no evidence that any other book would be written after the Bible or the
Bible would have foretold it. It takes
the SPIRIT within a person to open their understanding to the scriptures. And that SPIRIT comes through the WORD when
it is revealed to you – not “in the letter” but in the “Spirit” of what it is.
In 1 Samuel 3:21, this happened to
Samuel, and it happened to me in exactly this way. This is how the Holy Ghost reveals, teaches,
discerns for you, within you. This is
why praying, and consulting with God, meditating on His Word, fasting (which I
am terrible at doing) to clear your body and mind to hear him is so important.
It took
me fifteen years and I am still struggling with this. I struggle with the quiet; and I struggle
with discernment of what I do see and hear.
I can’t do it without Him and neither can anyone else.
“struggle” is not just within, or because of the Mormon religion. It is a problem with every church to one
degree or another. Some are worse than
others. Churches have pretty much
followed the coat tails of government:
it has subverted the personal responsibility of individuals, enabling
their decisions. It is a form of
“obtaining the kingdom by flatteries” and it needs to stop.
not doing your congregation any favors; and God is not going to excuse it just
because a people’s religious leaders do.
freedom isn’t a pass to “do what thou wilt”.
The Liberty of Christ is the much more rewarding of “love your neighbor
as yourself”. Not just your congregation
members, but those who don’t know the damage they do to themselves and their
kin by their sin.
From a
place of love, we correct or instruct, or give of what Christ gave to us. The Word that Christ IS, is within us. It is battered, bruised and corrupted, but
it’s in there or we would not be “alive”.
Our purpose is not to gain advantage through secret alliances, deception
or trickery. That is selfish and that is
not “love”.
If true
contentment came from the things gained by this conduct, greed would not
exist. Being in bondage to the things of
the world is not freedom, and the crimes you commit against others for vanity’s
sake is like a drug from which you cannot abstain.
Let go
of your “comfort” of the worldly things, because as you can see: these are all
beginning to fail. It is time to “come out of her,
my people”.
We were
meant for better than what is going on now: and the patience of the Lord for
that last lost “child” could very well be for YOU.
are so many hurting right now. We are
besieged by so much propaganda, manipulation, and mental abuse right now, and
you were given the power to SEE through all that, through Christ.
is sleeping in that vessel of yours currently being tossed about in the
storm. Call to him. Someone else’s purpose may very well be
connected to your own.
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your
adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may
devour: Whom resist stedfast in the
faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that
are in the world.
But the God of all grace, who hath called
us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while,
make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you.” – 1 Peter 5:8-10.
There will be a day
Late Additions:
Trump’s Verdict
going to talk more on this but I have been instructed to “hold on” for reasons
unknown right now. So I have what I have
that is not coming out just yet because other people are tied to that, so I
have to wait. But I have to at least talk about this.
The day
of the verdict last week, I received this from a family member and I want you
to read this. I had made the mistake of
asking this family member “what are your thoughts on the verdict? I got an electric jolt to the heart when they
Damned Shame
was our discussion, and as I read over social media posts from various
platforms, the sentiments were about the same.
And I agree with this person! I
felt every bit of their anger, frustration and despair! And it flipping pissed me off!
matters not whether you believe Marjorie Taylor Greene on her comparison of
Trump to the persecuted Christ or not.
It is that kind of statement made by a political figure that makes me
want to side with the democrats in their proclaiming “MAGA” a “cult”.
And it
IS a cult. People’s emotions have been
turned into a cult and Trump has been not only unapologetic about it; he has
been shoveling the coals into the fire and right now, that man sickens me.
He has
been unapologetic about that too. People
are losing their homes, losing their cars, struggling to feed their families,
can’t pay their auto or home insurance, medical costs and medication are
through the roof, and this orangutan thinks it’s funny! He has turned your suffering into his
platform upon which to further feed his nascent narcissism.
And Joe
Biden? I grew up in the state he was
lowly lawyer, senator and then governor of.
My mother, a single mother of three YOUNG children at the time, beat him
in court with his own argument. He was
an elitist back then. He’s never been
“for the people”: Over the people maybe.
He doesn’t care about you or me either.
The two
kings in Daniel 11:27 come to life. Only
he half the time can’t remember whether he’s still a “Zionist” or not. He can’t even remember what neighborhood he
came from. And I will lay you odds that
his “presidency” is under duress. So
pray for him as well, because nobody his age should have to endure what he is
enduring for the deep state. He’s lost
family too, and the reports are probably not the truth either.
This is
what they have been instructed to do, instead of campaign. You know why?
Probably because not many people can afford to give to campaigns, thanks
to the collective efforts to destroy your lives. This is a corporate game and has been for a
long time.
is not suffering what you are suffering.
This is a drama. And as long as
you TUNE IN, you will continue to be robbed while your head is turned toward
their bullcrap.
they are “sifting” for Satan, the Lord is watching. They have succeeded in getting you to forget
that “elections” have not been “honest” for a long, long time.
Bilderberg Group just go away because of the 2020 election; like the flu did
during COVID? If you are focused on a
faked “stolen” election, you have forgotten all about those people. I bet their last meeting was a doozy! Love to be a fly on the wall on the next one.
Rothschild is dead. The OTHERS are still
alive. Nothing fell apart, nobody’s been
arrested (for real), Epstein’s list is nothing but bait, and nobody is talking
about the “9/11” controlled demolition.
Their plan is in full steam ahead.
If you
think the “placement” of Trump back in the oval office is going to stop
biblical prophecy, you’re pretty much going to go the way of the son of
are working their craft. Trump still
thinks he’s on “The Apprentice”, and the fog of Delaware City has never left
Biden’s head. They are “gazingstock”
right now for your distraction and entertainment.
saving grace in all this, is they are unaware, for the most part, that the
script they are re-running for yet another “Fall of Rome”, has been written a
long time ago. God has the conclusion. He always has.
emotions are the very wall through which we need to SEE the futility of their
got this. We know where they are
going. And we still have a chapter or
two left to go.
if you’ve already bought your ticket, your “pay-per-view”: Some of you know how
to highlight or “hyper-text” the clues they are mistakenly of the opinion no
one else GETS. Those have also already
been written, in that book you carry to church.
understand that they have written already within themselves the very curse that
they had planned for you. And if it gets
too much to watch at times?
You can
always hit the “off” on the remote.
This is
dedicated to all those saints who are suffering and enduring, and the
gazingstock who have been “conscripted” into this show, like it or not.
that little girl who has “been waiting all her life”: I can’t imagine the role
you have had to endure. I have at times
in my quiet pain, whispered the same lamentations as you. And God was patient. This is for you too.
All The Lost Children
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