Saturday, June 1, 2024




Gift In Love Does Abba




But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.” – Acts 20:24.




This has been quite a week.  I can’t right now in the glow of this moment settle my mind to write what I have to write; but If I don’t at least begin, I might lose this moment in the Spirit.


It was Memorial Day Weekend when several revelations came to me, in regard to all the suffering, moving, and severing of some of the relationships; and the comforts of this world in the last ten years or so.  Memorial Day.


While this may not get posted until the following weekend, I used the last two days of a four day break from work to put down the things that have come forth.  Those things that have come forth include some revelations of things that until now did not make much sense to me.


Take for example, the verse posted above.  I made my notes, then opened this program to write, and I sought a Bible verse that reflected the content of what will be presented here.  I pulled up Biblegateway online and without having to keyword search, the very first “verse of the day” that appeared below the search bar, is the one under this title.


As I read it, I realized that this expressed precisely my “joy” over what I have received from the Lord; even as he carried me through every travail, every affliction and every pain of labor to this point.


As I typed the verse into the document, I felt the thankfulness of every word in me from that verse.  Then I posted the book, chapter and verse and I gasped:


Acts 20:24 . . .








2024 marks the end of my ten years of struggle and affliction . . . tribulation if you will.  And I realized that the “peace” that God promised us is not so much the peace we all want to see in the world – It is the peace within, regardless of what is going on in the world.  That is where the PEACE begins.


Faith feeds this peace, because as bad as things are right now, His promise is within us, palpable, real, within reach.  We were told of the trouble in the midst of the world now, before it came.  We knew this was coming, for those who are of the faith of Christ.  We read about it, we believed and watched for it.


Now that this trouble is here, how do I expect to have found this peace; or more accurately it has finally been rested in me?


God’s timing is understood only by Him.  And I may drift in and out of this peace as I pray for the oppressed, the suffering and the victimized.  I will continue to pray for the remnant of His seed until Christ is formed in them.


There are several things that happened this weekend.  I hope this expresses with some understanding why enduring until the end is so very important – because we are almost there.






Last week and part of the previous week was pretty discombobulated.  There was some construction going on around my home, window replacements, siding, lighting and it was a mess.  I would come home from work and there was just a lot of disarray outside.


We also had storms develop out of nowhere, when rain was not forecast.  Some of the cloud formations were very interesting.




On Wednesday, May 15, one of the clouds had heavier clouds below it.  It was in the form of the head and neck of a dragon.  I took a picture of it:



Habakkuk 3:13


Then the very next day, there was another one in almost the same spot, of a dove with an olive branch in it’s mouth.  I took a picture of that.  By the time I retrieved my phone and got back to the window, all you could make out was the head and the branch extension.  The “wings” were beginning to dissipate. 




Between May 18th through the 20th, I received three messages.  They came through social media, through accounts that I was following. 


One of them was a woman suggesting that someone was going to be removed from my life for a little while, and God would remove their “favor” as a “wake up call”.  No other detail than that.  This was significant in the follow up dream that I had on May 21st.  We’ll get to that.


May 19th, another message from a different source.  This one was from an account I did not follow, with the message that “someone is mad, and bitter right now” because I was happy and what was meant to tear me down did not work.


May 20th, another message cautioning me that the darkness coming against me is God’s battle, and that even though I may have reason to retaliate not to do it, and not to give in to my will to give in to my urge to “be petty”.  She said “don’t give the enemy a moment of darkness that is not in you any longer”.  She said “let God handle those people, and you keep praying for what God wants you to do”.


These three messages put me in a state of peace that has yet to dull.  Not only that, but I shared two of these messages to people that I knew were in battle too.  And one name came to mind that has been popping up again and again on social media in the Hollywood circles – no, it wasn’t Sean Combs.  But we’ll get to him.


Monday night was uneventful.  Tuesday . . . Tuesday two of those “messages” were the first thing I thought about when I woke up early Wednesday morning.


On the night of Tuesday, May 21, 2024 I had a dream. 


In this dream, I was pulling into my driveway knowing that I was being followed.  It was someone I knew from my past.  He wasn’t right behind me, but close enough that he could see where I turned.


I turned on several roads until I got to my house.  I parked the car and ran into my house.  As I got in the door I said to myself softly “don’t turn on any lights, don’t turn on any lights”.  I didn’t want them to know what room I was in.


I ran down a hallway and into my bedroom.  Because the bedroom was at the back, and was at a higher level than the front, I could get out the window and slide down the porch to the patio wall below it.  As I entered the bedroom I could hear him yelling “I know you’re in there!  I know where you are!”


As he said this I heard him pounding on the front door trying to get in.  This woke me up.  I awoke on my back, with my heart pounding and I was breathing hard.  It took me several minutes to get my heart rate back to normal.  I went back to sleep as it was still dark out without further incident.


I spent my day wondering if I would have to move again.  What did this mean?  Wasn’t my torment over?  Didn’t I overcome and didn’t the Lord deliver me from danger?


That night, I went to sleep after praying for protection: not just for me, but for anyone else whom the adversary was trying to pull back into fear.


The next morning was Wednesday the 22nd of May. I was looking forward to the four-day Holiday.  Memorial day.  I woke up at 6am and came out of my bedroom, took care of some morning routine things between the bathroom and the bedroom.  When I walked out to the living room, what I saw in my window made me gasp.  I went back into my bedroom to grab my phone, then took this picture.


The Cross


The morning sun at that time of day is at a sharp angle east of the front of my home.  The “east” is toward the opposite corner of the back of my place.  Somehow the trees were not prominently featured in this shadow, but the cross was.  And the light, or what sunlight was reflected from something out front, or the angle of the sunshine was just perfectly positioned for whatever was causing that reflection to appear as a cross.  It was at that moment, something I needed to see.


One of the other things that God set on my heart:  There has been a lot of “promotion” of the “hell all up in Hollywood”.  I have been sparingly on social media lately as everything I see just twists in my gut.  And one of these issues has to do with the proliferation of certain “celebrities” as everything from “mentally unstable” to “criminal”. 


God laid on my heart this thing: We are not yet in the day of peace.  The dragon is still persecuting the remnant of the woman’s seed (the elect, the children). 


Don’t mistake the slaves for the merchants in the temple:  They are among the “gazingstock” that are “so used”, mentioned in Hebrews.


But call to remembrance the former days, in which, after ye were illuminated, ye endured a great fight of afflictions;  Partly, whilst ye were made a gazingstock both by reproaches and afflictions; and partly, whilst ye became companions of them that were so used.” – Hebrews 10:32.


This is exactly why “celebrities” are “made”: to become “gazingstock”.  They are employed to be “distractions” and tools of propaganda.  If they even still have their own mind, they are not allowed to talk.


Now let’s start with “Sean”.




P. Diddy Combs


Concentrate on the merchants, not the slaves: this is the merchants of “slaves and souls of men” (Revelation 18:11-13).


I don’t know what Sean Combs has done or hasn’t done and in reality, neither do most of us.  There is a lot of bad stuff online right now, videos, and who knows how genuine these are.


I know I’m probably going to get skewered over this, but let’s just step back for a minute and look at the whole picture, and not just the “scene”.  Put our emotions away for just a minute and look at this analytically.


If you believe that the same “FBI” that covered up a hoax election is the same that’s going to “indict the criminals” you are deceiving yourselves, or at the very least, letting them deceive you.


Sean Combs stated before this happened, that you would hear many bad things coming out about him.  He knew they were going to take him down.  You know why?


For one of the same reasons they took Michael Jackson down:  They KNOW who the “merchants” are, of the slaves and souls of men in Hollywood.  They know!  That doesn’t mean Combs is innocent, but he knows.  This is a “mob” operation at work here.


And those “merchants” are not your “celebrities”.  Most of those “celebrities” belong to the CAA.  The CAA and the CIA are under the scripts of the kings and merchants of the earth that are exposed in Revelation 18.


I don’t know if Sean Combs is innocent or guilty of half of what he’s being accused of.  I don’t even know that the videos now out there are “real”.


What I DO know, is that celebrities are not their own.  They are drugged, they are tortured, they endure the same “mind control” and “mental conditioning” that people like Uri Geller and Richard Helms revealed they were working on with the CIA, the M16 and Mossad with MKUltra and a number of other programs.


Michael Jackson revealed this in his “Morphine” song.  His sister Latoya revealed it in an interview she had to do in a foreign country because they wouldn’t air it here.


I have shared screenshots  of declassified documents on the CIA and the mind control experiments and programs under which these experiments took place.  It exists.  Our government allowed it to happen.  Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, Operation Midnight Climax, MKUltra: look it up. 


Consider this:  They have Sean’s children.  They are mostly grown now, but they have his children.  They got ahold of Lisa Marie’s children, who was Elvis’s child herself.  They took out Jackson family spouses, children and friends.  They conscripted Nicholas Cage’s son, Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain’s daughter, Michael Jordan’s son, John Travolta’s son and wife, Eric Clapton’s son, Bill Cosby’s son, Cher’s children, Carol Burnette’s daughter, I mean the list is never ending.


I have never NOT been angered about this.  It has always been in the back of my mind through the years, through the COVID operation and the “seed” that they were after.  And believe me, like you I have let emotion speak first and launched reproach toward one celebrity or another concerning what I saw in the news or on social media.


Just today, I let Robert DeNiro “have it” over one of his political grandstanding, staged press conferences, and I don’t know if he even believes what he says.  These people are owned.  They are told what to do and what to say under duress: under threat.


Instead, we should be praying for these people.  Because many of them are probably not going to make it out of this without our prayers: and we need them, because not only are they “slaves’” to the “kings and merchants of the earth”, as we all are:  They are witnesses to their atrocities against children . . . and all of us.


Sean Combs: I understand your fear.  It is not too late.  Some may not forgive you but you can still ask.  Find your golden cord, take down the house and take it to God.  You know better than most that He sees.


As for those trying to ride this train to his destruction, people like the newly famous “Jaguar White”: There are red flags all over the place in her produced videos.  But don’t discount everything she has said.  Look behind it.  Sean is being used for something.


In just some of the surface research, there are some things about Combs that contradict what the press, alt-media and paid influencers are putting out.  Some examples:


Sean was charged with assaulting Steve Stoute of Interscope Records.  This was in the first quarter of 1999.  It was over a video collaboration with Nas.  In one scene Combs and Nas were being crucified.  The video was “Hate Me Now”.  Combs wanted the shot taken out because he thought it was blasphemous (Combs is Catholic or was).


Combs produced a gospel album in 2001 titled “Thank You”.  It was completed before the “weapons trial” and the source says has not been released as of 2023.  From there through the present, there was a signing with Motown, and a “name change” to “Brother Love” or “Love”, and a move away from industry patterns.  In 2022 – 2023, Combs started a new record label “Love Records” under Motown.  The single from that album was “Gotta Move On”; and on August 22, 2023 Combs released a trailer teaser for the album “The Love Album: Off the Grid”, released on September 15th of that year.  The single “Another One of Me” was also released at the same time.


I encourage you to go look at these lyrics, with what is going on: not just in Comb’s life, but in the world today, in Hollywood too.  Discern the lyrics.  Michael Jackson’s “Off The Wall” has a slightly different connotation than Comb’s “Off the Grid” (“The Wall” is mentioned in Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” and it is mentioned in 2 Kings 18:26 too).  Comb’s “Another One of Me” and Jackson’s “Another Part of Me”.  Look at the timing of Comb’s trouble, after the release of “Hate Me Now”: During Michael’s fight with SONY and Tommy Motolla.


Take your time to look into the lyrics of these albums.  Also consider what is reported under his “religious views”:  And we have a common denominator.   It is similar to what happened to Richard Nixon, Michael Jackson, Randy Quaid, Eric Clapton and a number of other artists for exposing the same Cabal.


Let’s look at some others before we get into that.




Tom Hanks


Tom Hanks.  I’ve had arguments with family members about you.  


Is there anybody that doesn’t love his movies?  I can’t think of one that I have seen that I DON’T like.  Now look at what is coming out about him.


Tom Hanks has never been involved in a “scandal”: at least not one that is noteworthy:  He’s kind of like the “Billy Graham” of actors . . . untouchable when others in their profession have succumbed to temptation and excess.


Yet in the last few years, his name has been associated with “Epstein”, and he’s been many times, by many social media personalities and bloggers alike, accused of being a pedophile.


I’ve looked hard, and I don’t see it.  I’m not a “fan” per-se of Tom Hanks, but when I hear Tom Hanks name in the same sentence with the word “pedophile”, I feel the same way as I did when I heard that word associated with Michael Jackson:  It’s just not there.


I can’t explain to you why, because it’s not something I can explain.  It’s not in him.  And I can’t be angry with some of the people who are reposting these posts and memes.  They believe they are doing the right thing by exposing this stuff, and Tom Hanks has not responded to, nor has he addressed any of this.


Hanks has said some things that I didn’t agree with, or has led one to believe that he is anti-truth, or anti-Trump, or anti-Republican, but he has not addressed the accusations at all.  So I will say this:


As with Sean Combs, Tom Hanks is also being “used” for something.  Note this in the back of your brain.  There is more.




Brittney Spears


I said this before and I’ll say it again:  I do not believe it is in the books for Brittney Spears to fall.  I had a dream with her in it once.  It was probably ten or eleven years ago, possibly longer.  I never wrote it down and I never talked about it.  It may mean nothing; but because of the content of the dream, I don’t think so.


Brittney had an innocence in her.  It seems to be gone now.  I am praying for her and those I’ve already mentioned.  She has been through some stuff that next to none of you reading would have endured.  And they have her kids too.


Instead of criticizing her, or playing into the fake press reports about her “mental health” (Just like they did with Princess Diana), pray for her.  You don’t stomp on the fingers of a soul that is hanging on by the skin of their teeth.  This is what we have been called to pray for.  There is no doubt in many of you that she is also being “used”.


She keeps saying she feels abandoned by her family.  This echoes the same fake narrative that certain MJ fake Fan communities were trying to promote to those looking for answers in Michael Jackson’s death.  Follow the pointing fingers back to the shoulder and you will find the culprits or those working for the culprits.


This is exactly the same tactics that the leaders of the Jews triggered the crowd to demand the release of Barabbas instead of Jesus.  Nothing has changed except the tools in which this is accomplished: Modern technology, internet, the craft of persuasion and manipulation accompanied by sorcery, Pharmakeia and fear porn. 


Michael Jackson used the phrase “throwing stones to hide your hands” in more than one song.  “Scribes, Pharisees, Hypocrites” . . . you put that phrase into the search bar of Biblegateway King James Version and a pattern is revealed to you that is still ongoing today. 


Brittney needs your prayers.  I know many others do, and you may view these people as “pampered”.  Their “pampered” days are over, and they are now discovering just what was going to be required of them when they signed that contract for their fame and money.


Think of it as another version of the “income tax” agreement on your W-4 Forms.  You don’t know what you are agreeing to because the numbers change every year, with every administration. 


This is the way they do things: Get you to sign, then change the terms: “obtain the kingdom by flatteries”.


Throw the money and fame at them, seduce them, praise them, put them on a pedestal . . . then when they have recruited their millions of fans:  margin call.  It is time to pay the devil his due.


Let’s feature one more:




Paris Jackson


Out of all the people surrounding Michael Jackson, you are the one that I felt hurt him the most because you are supposed to be his child.  Whatever you were selling or to whom, I was swayed by it.  I believed you had totally “gone bad”.  I’m sure there is something else to your actions and I have tried not to judge you.  I have however, been angry with you from time to time because I wanted better for you.


That horrible video you did, I can’t remember the song, and I do not want to go look it up because I really hate that video:  The one where some medieval gigalo  tore out your heart.  It was dark and not of the Jackson stock at all.  Why did you dive into that?  Maybe if it is for me to know, it will be revealed why you did it, and to whom you were singing. 


I will tell you this though . . . you did not look happy.  And you’re not alone.  I just wonder with all the handlers that were around your dad and you children just how often you really got to see your dad . . . and if he was the real one when you did see him.


Something else just occurred to me, just now writing this to you:  Billie Jean.


I had written some time ago, that I did not believe you, and Prince and Blanket were his children.  I even had revealed to me who your parents were, genetically.  I had published side by side pictures.  Then in the lyrics to Billie Jean, Michael sang “She told my baby we’d dance til’ three, then she looked at me; then showed a photo of a baby crying, his eyes were like mine . . .”


That stanza in context reveals that the “dance til’ three” wasn’t in reference to the time of night, or year: it was referring to “seed”.  Just now, I looked back at Isaiah 53:10-11:


Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand


He shall see the travail of his soul, and shall be satisfied: by his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many; for he shall bear their iniquities”.


You seem to be in a healthier place now.  I pray you are.  And I’m praying you are stronger than I thought you were.  All the people that were around you that were not healthy; and all the family you needed that you seemingly cut yourself off from were my stumbling stones for a short time.  I was enduring my own wilderness and my eyesight is not perfect in my own will.


Paris Jackson, please forgive me for causing you any affliction or being among those that did.  I travailed over the confusion your behavior was causing to others and I want you safe and away from trouble.  We are all prodigal children, trying to find our way back home.



I’m going to break with the celebrities of concern right now, because this is a good place to get into just what happened this Memorial Day weekend.


We have victims everywhere in the world.  We have the millions of unnamed children, we have the slaughtered and the “token” wounded of wars used as photo-ops for the same people that are professional victims no matter how much suffering they cause others: We have the elect that are under affliction, and we have the multitude that no man can number just praying for justice and peace.


Keep this situation in your prayers please, and try to withhold your anger until the truth finally comes out.  Now to “Gilda”.






I was given Friday through Monday off for the Holiday.  I had watched a couple of movies, but on Sunday, after a nice ride with a family member, I settled down to watch for the umpteenth time, “The Shawshank Redemption”.


I always loved that movie.  And the title is appropriate with the word “Redemption” in there.  Most of you have seen it.  It stars Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins.  It’s about a banker who is falsely indicted for the murder of his wife and her lover.  He is sent to Shawshank prison where he eventually ends up being the accountant for the corrupt prison warden.


After learning from a new arrival to the prison that a man incarcerated with him had committed the crime, Dufresne appeals to the prison warden to find the man and the warden shuts him down.  After being thrown into the “hole” for two months, Dufresne tells Red if he ever gets out, to go to a certain hayfield in Buxton, and he would leave something there under the oak tree near the north end of the stone wall.  It would be under a black volcanic glass rock.


Andy uses the very system he set up to enrich the warden against him, escaping, taking his money with the fake identity he set up, and escapes to Mexico.  Red later joins him after a successful parole hearing, to help him start his boat tour/fishing business.


As I was watching this movie, there is a scene in the first thirty minutes where the prisoners are watching a movie, and Andy Dufresne comes in to ask Red for a poster.


The movie is “Gilda”, starring Rita Hayworth.  Dufresne asks Red if he can get him “Rita Hayworth”, a poster.  Hayworth is one of three posters that grace the wall of his cell during the time he is there.  She is supplanted by Marilyn Monroe, then Raquel Welsh.


As I was watching this movie, the scene where Rita “flips her hair” suddenly sparked a memory:



Wasn’t “Gilda” the movie clip featured in the docu-concert “This Is It”, where they inserted Michael Jackson into the film as if he were one of the characters?



Now in this Michael Jackson clip, Hayworth is singing the song “Put the Blame on Mame”.


Mame is a woman’s name meaning “star of the sea”.


During my days of covering the TII documentary when it first came out back in 2009 and 2010, there were many speculations as to why “Gilda” was added.  Michael Jackson was wearing his “Smooth Criminal” outfit and he was inserted into the film in black and white.


The scene ends up being a shoot out as Michael is escaping by jumping through a window with bullets flying by him (reminded me of the Matrix).


Yet the scene included in Shawshank Redemption represented hiding an escape route (Hayworth covered the hole he was digging in the wall.)  The whole movie “Shawshank” (with Gilda embedded in it) is about turning the tables on a corrupt State official.


This may be too loose a connection, but why did “Gilda” in “This Is It” pop into my head, after I had seen this movie dozens of times: and why NOW?


I don’t remember watching the movie “Gilda”, with Hayworth and Glenn Ford.  I read the plot and with a little more confusion, it is similar to the plot in Shawshank, where Gilda is the subject under bondage as the tables are turned on her husband by the one she really loves.


Oddly enough, “Shawshank Redemption” sports the promotional poster of a man standing in the rain with his arms out, back arched and hair back: very similar to Michael Jackson’s “Stranger in Moscow” video at the end, where the loner throws his hair back and opens his arms to the rain.


Shawshank/Stranger in Moscow rain

Michael Jackson

Stranger In Moscow


Shawshank came out on October 14, 1994.  It was based on the Stephen King Novel “Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption.


The song “Stranger in Moscow” was released in 1995.  Wikipedia has the single release as a year later.  The track was written in September of 1993.  The video was produced and shot in July of 1996.


Interestingly enough, the video’s description begins as six individuals, including Michael, who are disconnected from the world, lonely, and not knowing where they fit in the world.   Then all at the same time, they begin venturing into the rain, individually gathering under the storm.


We had discerned the lyrics to this song in the past.  I’m featuring it below.


Stranger In Moscow

Take My Name and

Just Let Me Be


It is a very spiritual film, and definitely for the chosen by God when they finally come through their travail.


There is definite relevance, but I’m not sure what the message is, other than maybe a reassurance that he’s “onto her game and she’ll get played the same” (Heartbreaker).



For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.” – Obadiah1:15.


What the enemy is now doing, is writing his own curse on the walls within him: and no amount of genetic engineering is going to erase it.  So maintain your faith, and keep watching.  And warn your fellow servants of God to stand clear of deception.


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