Tuesday, July 23, 2024

A Prescribed Assassination


About the Assassination

False Flag?




And these are they which are sown among thorns; such as hear the word, and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the lusts of other things entering in, choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful.” – Mark 4:18-19.


Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.  If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” – 1 John 2:15.


There is difference also between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit: but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband.” – 1 Corinthians 7:34.




These verses may appear to have nothing to do with what this topic is about, but believe me, they very much do.


I should have put in a few verses about the robbers of the people, because that is what is taking place right now.  And none of your political stumpers are doing anything about it.  None of them care.  If there are a few that do, they are waiting for something.


They are too busy selling out your children’s and your children’s children’s lives to the spiritual thugs who gave up their inheritance for blood money and a star they cannot substitute.


I saw Obama, who is really Barry Soetoro, take the hand of the Golem they call Joe Biden and lead him off a stage.  Barak Barry Obama Soetoro, the “CIA handler”.  That now-viral video of that incident should leave no doubt in anyone’s mind what that demonic crust of a man actually is.


There is no doubt at all, WHO is actually president at this moment: and it’s not Biden.  And that lying, DEI-hire, cupid doll of a White House Press Spokesperson is about as convincing as an hypo-matured A.I. creation.  She has no emotion in her face, she has no soul in her eyes.  She reminds me of that Grace Rwaramba who was nanny to the Michael Jackson kids.  You ought to look up a picture of that woman.  I’ve never seen a more vacant pair of eyes in my life . . . except maybe those of Jared Kushner.


It is of no use to “uplift” these people, or find something good about them, because they are all molecules in the nucleus of the cells forming the LIE.  Every one of them are keeping their mouths shut while people are suffering, while people are dying, while people are losing their homes, their farms: while people are committing suicide making room for the insatiable appetite for gluttony of them that are NOT “His”; but CLAIM to be; to include Zelensky and Netanyahu.


And before anybody starts slinging the useless tag “anti-Semite” at me or anyone else calling this lie for what it is, make sure you know what an actual Semite is.  Because the Fake Israel installed in the Levant is killing the REAL Semites, just as was written to happen in the book of Jeremiah 1 and Ezekiel 38.


Do you know how many Jews there are rolling around in their stolen money still claiming to be the “Oppressed”?  What’s worse is how many ignorant Christians are still in bondage to this deception.  If I slap a sticker that says “Jew” on a pedophile and call him “Israel”, they will defend him on social media before they defend their own grandmother.  That’s how redundantly ignorant they are of the difference between the Remnant of Israel (God’s Israel) and a Jew.


And what kind of “noise” is going on in our halls of injustice today?  Our houses of Congress and the Senate are filled with Golems dancing around on their marionette strings for their “handlers”; and the only true “governance” we have is meted down from Tel Aviv, FOR Tel Aviv, BY Tel Aviv (But it’s not Tel Aviv, it’s further north). 


Jerusalem doesn’t exist in this world.  It’s a Trojan horse from which our enemies will descend out of once they subvert a few more governments.  REAL Jerusalem is the one Christ brings down with him.  And from the looks of things, that Event isn’t that far away.




Total Recall?


Some of you reading surely might remember the movie “Total Recall”.  It starred Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sharon Stone and Mike Ironside. 


It’s a very interesting story about a man who goes to a “virtual reality vacation” place and upon returning learns that his wife is actually his handler and his whole life was “installed” in him over the course of six weeks.  His best friends are actually his assassins if “the erasure” of his mind didn’t take.  He learns he himself is an agent but struggles with whether this is part of his “vacation program” or if it is reality.  Schwartzenegger plays "Quaid".  The mutant prophet is named "Quatro" (Q?).


This is very familiar to what is being “programmed” into much of the world’s citizenry right now.  What is reality?  What is “constructed”?  Can you see through the thin wall of movie theater screens to the truth?


What reminded me of this movie was watching Joe Biden, hearing how some are describing him as “dead” in the eyes, and the face when they meet him.


Joe Biden, believe it or not, needs your prayers.  Not what is IN Joe Biden, but Joe Biden himself.  More are now expressing “concern” for him, because this is NOT Joe Biden.  And they are using Joe Biden, the “stolen election” and the attempted assassination, to get Trump elected.


Not just “elected”, but in a way publicly “deified”.




Mind Play


Back in 2010, God brought to my attention the existence of the CIA’s “mind-control” programs through an interview I watched of Latoya Jackson, after Michael Jackson’s death.  She mentioned “the control factor”, she mentioned “her food being drugged”, and she mentioned adverse conditioning which included physical and emotional/mental abuse at the hands of her “handler” husband/manager, Jack Gordon.


It’s a big story, but it wasn’t allowed to be told in the U.S.  It was a Dutch TV interview.  Ten years she was under bondage of this person, who in the past had been affiliated with Senator Harry Reid, who was affiliated with the Mormon church, which is heavily affiliated with many of the “three letter agencies” including the NSA and CIA.


Everything Latoya described that happened to her is in the lyrics of Michael Jackson’s song “Morphine”.  Her description of not being able to put one day’s events in the order of the next day’s events, or having continuality of time in a day, week or month is text book compartmentalization.  This is described in some of the CIA “MK Ultra” experiments that people like Uri Geller, Dr. Gottlieb, Richard Helms and that Rabbi Boteach took part in. 


And there is not a member of that core family that did NOT have handlers.  Some of them were spouses, some were managers, nannies, etc.  And this is patternistic with most of your A-List celebrities and “influencers”.


I was introduced through Michael’s death, to the existence of “gang stalkers” posing as fans, planted listening devices in private homes (Michael drew a lot of pictures), remote voice to head technologies used to project “voices in the head” of the target.  It is also searchable tactics published using professional, familial or religious infiltration, government organized blackmail, compromising and character assassination either through the press or one’s own circle of influence through planted handlers or “CIA assets”.


These are brought up in many of Michael Jackson’s albums, from “Dangerous” through “Invincible”.


Michael Jackson’s handlers were many, and switched out often.  Some of them Michael was able to “get to”.  He rescued THEM out of the clutches of the elite in the industry.  As soon as this was discovered, they were replaced or even “taken out”.  Michael would “fire” some of them to protect them.


Jermaine, on Al Jazeera TV back in 2009 also bravely exposed the government’s part in the destruction/reconstruction of Michael Jackson.  They were after him, he said: not because he was a black man making a lot of money, but “because of the good he was doing”.


The government was after Michael Jackson.  Little Michael Jackson (I mean that in an endearing way): a singer/songwriter and producer and philanthropist in more ways than just monetary.  Jermaine also mentioned the “power” he had in this same interview and he mentioned the “publishing” they were after. 


Jackie Jackson revealed in a song title released a year after Michael’s passing “WeKnow What’s Going On”.  Randy Jackson was full of clues on his Twitter posts in 2009 – 2011.  And that “UNO” card game.  You know who you were. ;-).  The whole family knows what’s going on.  2300 Jackson Street”.  It means something.


Michael’sinterview with Jesse Jackson on his radio show back in 2005 (while his trial was going on) also revealed by Michael himself, that “there is a big fight going on about that right now, as we speak” [his publishing].  Michael also said during this call in interview, “there is A LOT of conspiracy” and  there is conspiracy all around me”.


Most people will believe what the press’s narrative about this suggests: that it was about his song catalog or the “Sony/ATV Catalog”.  Anyone with any knowledge of the vast machinery involved in trying to “get” his “publishing” will question why so many of these conspirators, many much wealthier than Michael, would risk so much legally and financially, for a relatively small piece of that pie after everyone was paid off.


This was about much more than a music catalog.  And Michael Jackson told us in so many songs.  If it were just the Sony/ATV catalog, they could have killed him off a long time ago and taken it through the very means they did in 2009.  But they needed him for something else.  And he sang about that too.


Michael is definitely a “big story”, and it’s going to get bigger.




The Head Wound


07-13-24 –In the early evening where I live, and as I was writing the paragraph above this subheading, my sister messaged me and informed me that former President Donald Trump was shot at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.


Butler is north of Pittsburgh between the Pennsylvania Turnpike and Interstate 80.  I went over to my sister’s house and we watched the recaps of the incident.  It is noteworthy that my sister had been watching the rally in real time, and saw the incident as it happened.


I saw more on social media when I got home, and I noticed a few things.  Now before I spill this, let me share with you a screen shot I took back in 2016 and posted concerning Mitt Romney’s nervous little speech roasting then President elect Donald Trump.



2016 - Mitt Romney gives a press conference bashing Donald Trump at the Hinkley Institute at Brigham Young University.  It was a shocking character assassination by a Senator of the same party never made before.  He started the ball rolling.  Mitt Romney is also very high up in the Mormon organization now calling itself “Church of Jesus Christ” (of Latter Day Saints).


Ronald Reagan was shot by John Hinckley Jr in 1981.  I was not the only one who caught this connection between the “Hinkley/Hinckley’s” and “assassination”.


Reagan Shot by "Hinckley"


So then what happens on July 13, 2024?  An “attempted” assassination of Donald Trump, while rallying in Butler, PA  occurs.  The bullet grazed his right ear.  Others were injured and one person was killed, but not Trump.


While people were commenting on the fact that the shooting scene (especially behind the president) was a little “off”; others were noticing a person almost directly behind, left of Trump who did not even flinch.


And the guy that was killed that is all over the media now?  Where were the images of him being carried off the field?  Where were the paramedics?  No images of this at all.  No one found that strange?


My first impression of the whole scene in general made me question the Reagan shooting: because it really looked like a scene in a movie with a bad director.  There were delayed reactions, people jumping seconds after the shots began. Other people didn’t react at all.  They didn’t duck, they didn’t bend over or cover their loved ones.  And some really ingenious shots were acquired by amateur’s with phone camera’s, like the one with Trump on the floor of the stage, not quite covering his ear, so you could see the blood, framed by crooked arms and legs of people on the stage.


But the person who really stood out wasn’t Trump.


It was a man who, in 92 degree humid weather, was dressed in black jeans and a black blazer over a T-shirt, wearing a black fedora hat.


Some said his name was “Vincent Fusca”.


He stood out like a sore thumb.  He was unshaven, overgrown and unkept hair, and of course wearing an outfit that should have had him sweating profusely.


My sister asked me if I had ever run across him in my research.  I said no, never heard of him.


The name was a bit unusual.  I could not find a suitable acronym or anagram.  Next I looked into the origins of the names, if there were any.  It turned up this:



his name derives from the Latin root “vincēre > vincens-entis > Vincentius,” meaning “conqueror, victory/victor, who wins, winning over evil.”




This name derives from the Latin "fuscus," meaning "gloomy, dark, black, (voice) hoarse, hollow, cavernous, (of thoughts) dark, secret, occult."


Both were of Latin origins.


At first I searched and found no images of him appearing on Google image search (later they did).  And very little of the Butler PA Rally pictures are featured.  They are pictures of Trump at other rallies.  I had to dig deep into the Social Media posts to find any that were not either substituted or were only close-ups of Trump.


One post listed this URL at 90.5 WESA, a Pittsburgh news source.


"“I watched this guy put his own money into following Trump around, trying to spread the word,” said another supporter, who identified himself only as “CJ.” He said Fusca was doing “the stuff we were taught when we were kids: If you want to change the world, get out there and change the world.” - Source, WESA.FM, Pittsburgh's NPR News Station.


Take-a-ways: “put his own money into . . .”; “spread the word” . . .; “change the world” . . .


On this article there is a link to the only campaign video.  Not an original, but a repost on the channel belonging to a woman who lives in Iowa.



This woman also appears in another photo, with another “mystery guy” that “Q” enthusiasts also suspected may be JFK Jr. in disguise.  She’s another internet influencer in the “Q” groups. She’s no random Trump fanatic.




Some screen shots of the Fusca guy from the Video above: It is a 1.06 minute video and only the last 30 seconds or so do you actually see him.  He is wearing a mask, the fedora, and black pants and jacket over a Tee-Shirt that says "George" (George Magazine, JFK Jr's founded publication).


What is odd about the video is it depicts nothing but images of children playing, running through a field, at the beach and references to children while viewing the NY city from the air; with some oddly dark urban music in the background.  When he appears it is in front of the Liberty Bell in Philadelphia, and he is at a distance.  The video is not very good quality either.


He was wearing a fedora and a mask.  I checked the date on the video and it was February of 2022.


I checked her profile.


From one of her videos


Writeside Blonde posted this video, it says, on February 17th, 2022.  She has some of herself on there as well.  They went to a debate party with a "caravan", so she is active on the Trump circuit. 


Another anomaly is that she lives in Iowa, yet she posted a two year old video of his senate campaign of a guy in Pennsylvania.  Nobody's ever heard of him.


This kind of reminds me of this guy at the Michael Jackson funeral service:


MJ/The man in the Fedora

(The man in the baseball cap is actually Barry Gibb)


What I couldn't find, my sister found.  And believe me, I looked on Facebook and he wasn't there yesterday when I was doing searches.  When I searched again, lo and behold, a "Vincent Fusca for Senate" page pops up.


Facebook Campaign Link


Just in case they take it down, I took screen shots:


FB Vincent Fusca


Vincent Fusca for Senate-Facebook Page main


I scrolled down and saw his website link and I clicked on it.  This is what I got:


VF 4 Senate-Weblink


It doesn't exist.


His most recent post two days ago.  And it was a screenshot of an 8chan greatawakening post from Q back in January 21 of 2018 with the red highlighted "shot heard round the world".


The post below that was made allegedly on December 8, 2021.  All the remainder of the seven posts are the pictures he posted to his page and all are dated December 8, 2021.


Clicked "see all photos" link and this is what shows:


Vincent Fusca Facebook Photos Albums


That's it.


And the two pictures of him standing in a campaign committee photo is not HIS campaign, but according to his lapel sticker and the table banner in the background, it's for the Rick Saccone campaign.  His pocket pin also says "Trump 2020".


Senate-Facebook Photos Saccone Campaign


Under the same search on FB there was this post by another FB account:


Facebook posts another account


It's a "QAnon Supporters Group" page.


Now . . . aside from the fact that many of Fusca's posts are "dated" and don't match up to the "senate campaign" timeline, it also is interesting that for a guy who was running a Senate campaign in 2022 and is passing out leaflets at Trump rallies today, he has very little pictures or posts on his Facebook page.  His "campaign" website "does not exist" and all his commenters, or most of them, are foreigners, except for two women who don't even live in the same state.


I also noticed something in most of the available pictures of this guy.  His hands are paler than his face.  This is unusual, but then, if you are going to dress for winter in the 92 degree heat . . . I guess the possibility of having pale hands exists.


Posted by Lauren Bayci on FB


VF-forSen 2022 Facebook page

Ashley Babbit?


Ashley Babbit T-Shirt with Ashley Babbit?


From another FB account posting at the Hillsdale College Rally


Look at his hands, pale compared to face and neck


Click on this and enlarge it.  Look at the difference between his skin tone on his face/neck and his hands.


Prosthetic makeup?  I will lay you odds this person does not exist.


I smell false flag.




J.D. Vance


The day after writing this and before I could get it posted, Trump announced almost awkwardly, that J.D. Vance would be his running mate for the Trump/Vance ticket.


Vance is a junior senator from Ohio.  He authored a book titled “Hillbilly Elegy” which was made into a movie in 2020 (published in 2016 when Vance was only about 31).  The movie was directed by Ron Howard and starred Glenn Close and Amy Adams.  There is more background on this that I will cover later.


The J.D” stands for “James Donald”.  He was born “Bowman”, but took the last name of his grandparents who were responsible for most of his upbringing.  The description in the summary on the Wiki-page invites a deep read; and could very well have been set in the pine barrens of South Carolina.


The name “Vance” is “derived from the old English word fenn, meaning “marshland”.


(Isn’t “marshland” and “swamp” pretty close to the same thing?)


Vance is also ancestrally linked to Scotland, where the name evolved from Norman settlers of the de Vaux clan”. – Source, “thebump.com/vance


Trump also claims Scottish descent (on his mother’s side), and if you have been following along, we learned that the Trump’s have ancestral links to the Post families, to the Barry/Barrie's of Scotland.


Vance has only been a senator since 2023.  Why would Trump pick him over some of the better known, such as Mike Flynn, or Ben Carson?  Why pick a former “Never-Trumper”?  It made no sense.  Someone I work with suggested it was because he was a “greenhorn”.  We can see from above that there is more to it than that.


For the sake of brevity, we can close this topic for now.


Fusca – a message?


Vance – An announcement? (Marshland, swamp).


This “drama” is brought to you by the “Deep State”, the “Swamp” and “the right and the left” wing of the same bird.


We Know What’s Going on” at “2300 Jackson Street”, to "plan our work, and work our master plan  . . ."


We know who wins . . . and so do they.



And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.” – 2 Thessalonians 2:8-9.


And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death, and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” – Revelation 13:3.

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