Monday, August 5, 2024

Is It Scary Yet?


Is It Scary Yet?

Talkin’ ‘bout the Swap



"And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the Lord of hosts." - Ezekiel 19:4.


"And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon." - Revelation 9:11




The delusion is cracking.  It is cracking and they don’t see it. 


Or maybe they do, but they have no other options for the direction of their script at this stage of the game.  They have no choice but to play it out; they are out of evasive maneuvers. 


Since many people still believe them, they persist; and little irritants like me can for now, be ignored.


Just when you believe you may have been wrong about someone, they just have to disappoint.  It reminds me of the song by Billy Joel, “Matter of Trust”, when he sings: “You just recover when another belief is betrayed”.


People, you are just going to have to trust God at this point.  Be not deceived and be not moved.  Dig your heels into the dirt and stand fast on what the Lord warned us about concerning the strong delusion.  The “appeal” has been made, and a lot of people, out of common decency, are falling for it.




Seeing the Unseen


I’m going to refer back to three blogs I wrote earlier this year: “The Ark of Trump?”, “The Replicant” and “Michael Jackson Deep Dive”.  There are some things we “deep dived” into on those topics that have been augmented in the latest developments.


I was sent this on Sunday morning (July 21, 2024), on either Telegram or TikTok, I can’t remember.




“What most aren’t seeing is the ‘swap’.


All the ultra billionaires now turning to Trump bet on something happening on the 13th.  That bet cost them the world.


They shorted his public stock and if you look, companies Pres Trump has holdings in.


That week the American president just became one of the biggest holders of the petro dollar.  The reason all of the world sent him not only well wishes but also sent him sealed diplomatic pouches.


Black Rock, Vanguard and all those that had interest in those holding companies are now owned in a way by Mr. Trump.


Why do you think Microsoft, Amazon and so many others are exiting DEI?  He literally did what in business would be a hostile takeover of the stock market and Federal Reserve using their own rules.


He really doesn’t have to be president, it is just another title for him at this point. 


The information bubble has burst.  It cannot be stopped now .  There is no more left/right it is Americans.” – Source – Tik-Tok on @Garyfloyd617.


I don’t know that any of that is true. What diplomatic pouches?  Trump became one of the biggest holders of the petro dollar?  That’s not worth a whole helluva lot today, is it?  How does one “own” them that had interest in those “holding companies”?  I suppose it’s possible, if you’re Michael Douglas and Charlie Sheen in “Wall Street”.  I’ll have to find that movie and watch it again, maybe I missed something.


And “Microsoft, Amazon and so many others are exiting DEI” . . . Really?  Not judging by the Olympic Opening Ceremony I saw this past week!  I need more evidence than a TikTok from a QAnon enthusiast. 


This gut-rot is coming from the same place that keeps trying to convince people that Hillary Clinton and “the real” Joe Biden have been executed at GITMO: “It cannot be stopped” . . . “It had to happen this way”, “WWG1WGA” bullstuff.


As far as the “hostile takeover of the stock market and the Federal Reserve using their own rules”, that would be something!  But, did it happen?


“Scare-necessary event” – was the “attempted assassination”?  Was it really Trump’s people “turning the tables” so to speak, creating their own false flag to distract the “bad guys”?


Two kings whose hearts are to do mischief, and tell lies at one table” comes to mind from Daniel 11:27.


That’s not all I caught on Tik-Tok yesterday.




Did Trump Win Them Over?


I saw an interview with Facebook Founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerberg actually calling Trump “bad-ass” for standing up and pumping his fist in the air “after getting shot in the face”.  The “left-leaning” political pundits don’t know what to say, Biden went “missing” then came back “taller”, then dropped out of the 2024 election.  Then for some reason, none of the “threats” from either of the countries that we are supposedly justifying to go to war with, have taken advantage . . . but there are “wars and rumors of wars . . .”


Everyone except the DEI’s are well aware that Trump will be president . . . or SOMETHING.


I caught some clips of the RNC. Aside from the wrestler “Hulk Hogan” ripping his T-Shirt and calling the event “Trump-a-mania”, there was something that Donald Trump, Jr. said during his speech that made me look closer at the convention:



I listened to the whole speech of his, looking for what was said on the TikTok video and it wasn’t there. I listened to two different videos of this on Youtube.  Then I wondered if maybe the Trump’s other son, Eric had said it. 


Before I searched for his speech, Donald Trump Jr’s had some golden bread crumbs dropped himself.


The World Turned Upside-Down


He said this at the 06:51point or just before it, at the youtube I posted above.  He said “It’s like the entire world has been turned upside down”.


Well?  Yes, it has.  And if some of you remember, that was THEIR goal!  You know who I mean:


1987 Lecture



Yes, I sat straight up in my chair when Trump Jr. said that!  Because this analogy appears in two different places in the Bible:  In Ezekiel 21, and in Matthew 21.


I will overturn, overturn, overturn it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.” – Ezekiel 21:27.


And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all of them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves.” – Matthew 21:12.


There also appears this same story in Mark 11:15-20, John 2:13-16.


God said He will “overturn it” and it shall be no more until he come whose right it is” – (Shiloh means “he whose right it is”, see Genesis 49:8-10).  What is God giving that person?  What did the Rabbi Schneerson say in that 1987 lecture?


What did Biden say that Trump “left” back in January of 2021?


“He left a very generous letter”.


Schneerson said they need to “turn the world over” to “reveal the ‘alef” – why?  It’s a letter in the Hebrew Alphabet, right? What does it represent?  The Ox? It must be important, because they CHANGED IT, according to Paul in Romans 1:25.  And we know from David in Psalm 106:19-20 that this is true.  Don’t they claim to love King David, but not head the Word God gave him?


Jesus also “overthrew the tables of the money changers” and “the seats of them that sold doves” – (moneychangers = bankers; them that sold doves = doves symbolize peace).


Keep this in mind, in the context of Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to speak in front of Congress.  He is not a man of God but exactly what Jesus said he was:


Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” – John 8:44


Benjamin Netanyahu has no truth in him; and the majority of Americans sat and watched his sanctimonious speech.  His words are without love, but are of vanity and war.  He speaks as a man who owns them he is talking to.


There was the “other son” of Donald Trump and what he said, which is why I searched it on YouTube in the first place.


What Eric Trump said at the RNC was also noteworthy and I wonder if anyone else caught it.


Eric Trump said:


@2:20-29 minutes

"That man is Donald J. Drump(f)


I listened to this several times.  Maybe he “muffled” the word “Trump”, but I kept hearing “Drump” or “Drumf”. 


If you remember from back in February, there was a three-series of blogs that led up to the “origins” of the name Trump, as well as his genealogy back to his Great-great grandparents.


News of Donald Trump’s “Ark” at Mar-a-Lago was what started me on this breadcrumb trail; because of a Tweet by a Conservative journalist back in 2022.


“The Ark of Trump?”


This article gathered all the symbolism in the articles, postings and social media memes in one place concerning that one comment made by a Journalist named Dan Gainor. This included headlines concerning the “nuclear documents” that Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice was trying to indict Donald Trump for taking.


What a Coincidence


Stew Peters had originally posted the picture of him standing next to “the Ark” at Mar-a-Lago.


February of 2024 This Posts


A second article compiled other connecting information up to and including from Donald Trump himself concerning another “Arch” – through an image he paraded around with during his 2016 campaign, of a man named “Michael”: that is, Michael Jackson.


The Replicant


It was on this article that we began linking why Donald Trump has possibly referred to “Michael” or “M” or “Mike” so many times and held up pictures of himself with this celebrity.


On this article, we had tracked down the relatively recent lineage of Donald Trump:


From The Replicant: Trump's Lineage


Anyone that believes that this man Donald Trump is NOT an insider has missed most of his life.  He used to be a Democrat and they used to love him, then he switches parties, then they hate him: same as another “media influencer” who this week came back under my radar.


During the course of time that I was researching and writing THAT article (“The Replicant”), Candace Owens had put out a podcast on “The Daily Wire” titled “The Disturbing Truth – I’m Done Being Threatened”, about P.Diddy Combs.


Owens was trying to make a connection between Comb’s “bodyguard”, who she claimed was the head of Michael Jackson’s security when Jackson died; (Faheem Mohammed would have been 21 at the time. I know because I investigated him and the other Muslim bodyguards he had during the timeframe before and during “This Is It” rehearsals).  She also brought up the power of the Jews that surrounded Jackson and Combs.


What she was saying was everything I had investigated back in 2010-2014.  It was  when I began trying to vet HER background that I found some disturbing patterns:


Michael Jackson Deep Dive


Within a year of her bashing Trump on her fledgling social media platforms “Degree 180” and “Social Autopsy”, she:


- “became a conservative overnight” she said, “because of Social Autopsy”.


- Suddenly was all over social media with clips of testimonies (plural) of her in senate hearings, with zero political experience, zero college degrees, zero background . . . zero anything.  She just appeared and was promoted.  Just like other “assets” the agencies like to plant into our influence.


- Met and married the son of Lord Michael Stahel Farmer, Life Peer of the House of Lords in Britain (with Sir Lord Jacob Rothschild, mind you!).


- Married George Farmer at Trump’s winery in Virginia.


- Was suddenly courted and supported by conservatives involved in “Gamergate” who started on 4Chan, the same place “Q” got started.  Q once claimed to have control of the NSA in their JFK Jr-sounding videos.


Within days of publishing this, Candace was “fired” from the Daily Wire, published on social media. She also posted “attacks” by former Michael Jackson handler Rabbi Schmuley Boteach, and put out a self-promoting “I made something of myself” boast about how many of her books suddenly were sold out on Amazon.


She’s now still doing podcasts but on her own, probably with the 90 thousand she said she made on that same video about her books.


I had stated before, that I agreed with most everything she has politically and  morally.  But if someone is going to get that snarky because someone vetted her with the same standards she vets everyone she reports about, I’m not about to buy their story.  There’s nothing there to buy.  It’s a hollow canoli.


A fake is a fake, whether you like what they are saying or not.  If they can’t be real, they are as fair game as the people they investigate.  I still believe she is “agency”.  She is a fake persona. And she is misleading people:


On July 20th, she posted (with responses)


On Twitter - Where is she going with this?

Catholics Determined the canon of the Bible?
Not According to William Tyndale & Martin Luther


That did it for me.  She can’t possibly be that good of an investigator, knowing about MK Ultra, knowing about Jewish influence in Hollywood, Pornography, pedophilia, grooming children, trafficking and turn around and try to convince people that the Catholic church IS Christianity and is targeted by pornography. 


She doesn’t know how the Catholic Church got started, and what they’re involved in?  Really?   Has she no clue of the symbolism, the upside down cross on the Pope’s chair?  What about the Masonic symbols or the prayer “beads” that are also used in the Jewish and Muslim religions?


Does she really believe that they compiled the Bible?  They HID it from people until other’s started translating it for the public.  And that I learned from someone who studied to be a Catholic priest and got out of the church itself for that reason..


She is deliberately misleading people, and that is not okay.


This is textbook pattern with these “assets”. They peddle their influence, they’re given a platform, they tell you everything you agree with, everything you want to believe: then once their “influence” has been sufficiently established and they have a following, their agenda is subtly put down like a red carpet at your feet.


This is what “gazingstock” is developed to do.  This is why “stars” are “made”.  This is what most of those “gazingstock” don’t know that is “in the contract” when they sign their souls away for fame, money, power.  They are “used” to “deceive”, distract” and “enter-attain-[the] mind”: See Hebrews 10:32-33.  The word “Illuminated” is even mentioned there.




The ASSassination Attempt


Back to Trump: This “assassination” attempt is looking more and more like a production.  Last article we pointed out that certain rally attendees behind Trump not only did not duck when the gunshots went off, some even stuck out like a sore thumb. 


One of them was the “Vincent Fusca” character whose non-existent campaign for senator in Pennsylvania, non-existent website for his campaign and his anemic Facebook page lacked any substance, as so many other “crisis actors” who appear in these false flags.


There was no coverage of the man who was shot and killed, no video or news coverage of any ambulance, and the 20 year old kid who made that shot also was not adding up with witnesses declaring that there was more than one shooter.


Sounds like the False-Flag playbook to me.


Regardless of how they did it, or what actually happened, Donald Trump’s wound verified that SOMETHING did.


This appeared on Twitter a couple of days ago.  Someone pointed out the obvious:


Assassination - ear


The explanation underneath it, from a “community notes” feedback was that this interview actually took place before the assassination, not after; and that Fox News was releasing “snippets” throughout the time frame between then and now.


There is just one problem with this explanation.


The provider, citing Fox News website, stated that the actual interview took place on July 13 and took place at “Mar-a-Lago”.


The incident in Butler, Pennsylvania where Donald Trump was injured in an attempted assassination occurred on July 13, 2024 at 6:11 pm during a political rally.  I wrote about that on “A Prescribed Assassination”.


How could Trump give an interview in Mar-a-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida that same day that he was speaking at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.  He was shot at 6:11pm; he arrived earlier than that.


I did a search on both Fox News and Youtube to see if I could find an interview with Faulkner, and this was the only listing I could find . . . and it says “July 15, 2024”.


Interview, Date is July 15, 2 days after injury?


Lots of people are pointing out these anomalies, not just me.


So, how long does it take to smear a blood capsule on someone’s ear as you are helping him down to the ground in a movie scene?  Hollywood knows.


The “ear pillow” that Trump appeared to wear for a couple of days afterward: showing no trauma to surrounding tissue, no “bleed draining” under the skin; no bruising or swelling.  It wasn’t even a convincing bandage.  Jokes were made about the “My Pillow” guy providing it for free, custom made for Trump.


Another thing, just this morning that really turned my stomach:


Trump Baits Miley Cyrus Via Dad


Donald Trump, during “BitCoin” conference, had for the audience, poked fun at Billy Ray Cyrus who was in attendance.  Is Trump the only president to ever hold a rally at a BitCoin conference?  I didn’t listen to his whole speech but will another time.


What he said to Cyrus was “How did you get such a liberal daughter?”


Some of us may have forgotten:


Billy Ray Cyrus Pleading for Help

They “got” his Daughter


Now they're beating up on B.R. in the press over clips of some recording of him calling Miley a devil.

Well?  Something got into her, and it wasn't angels.

Miley Cyrus, who was Disney’s “Hannah Montana” was turned into something else.  Billy Ray knew it, he knew who the people were but he at one point was asking for help.  Whoever it was caused a division.  Same story with Nicholas Cage’s son back in the early 2000’s, and the same with Michael Jackson who’s father had stated in an interview prior to Jackson going “Off The Wall”, that he knew there were “people whispering his ear, and I know who they are”.


Considering what Trump claims to know about “them”, and the “deep state”, I wanted to throw a shoe at him myself, hard!  And Miley is not even my daughter.


People don’t take celebrities seriously because they are celebrities.  Steve Perry with Journey reminded me in a song I was listening to earlier in the week:


Circus life under the big top world; we all need a clown to make us smile . . .

Through space and time, always another show.  Wondering where I am, lost without you”.


I love this song and I imagine that he’s not really singing to the earthly love of his life but the heavenly one.


Back to the circus though, It was a highly insensitive and almost mocking thing to say to a dad whose heart I’m sure had been ripped to shreds.  He has to pretend he’s okay with things, or explain away his earlier panic.  As with other celebrity dads, a life could be hanging by a thread, dangled like a threat to maintain the charade.


Trump knows.  He’s sported enough pictures around, and referenced Michael Jackson a number of times.  There’s no way he doesn’t know why Marlon Brando said to keep your kids away from Hollywood (if you’re an artist with kids).







A New Addition to the Trump Lineage?


This just in as I was closing out this article:  Donald Trump.  Does he have other relatives that haven’t been “present and accounted for” in his genealogy?


“The Forgotten Books of the Bible”.  This was the subject of a discussion with someone online.  It had started with what was called “The Gospel of Thomas”.  This person was trying to “introduce me” to it, and the claim was that it was filled with “sayings” of Jesus: different from the history of Jesus’ life and ministry, like the other Gospels.


We will talk more about this discussion on another topic to spare the length.   For now, let’s just talk about where the conversation took me.


Before I rebuff someone, I do my due diligence.  I don’t always cover everything, but I do my best to search out as much as I can.  And from all the sources I dug up on “The Gospel of Thomas”, it is allegedly from a manuscript found in some hole in the wall in Egypt, with other manuscripts.


Now that I know who was behind “The Dead Sea Scrolls”, I’m dubious to the extra-biblical scripts that pop up in modern times, from supposed ancient finds.  “New isn’t always True”.


The sources on the Gospel of Thomas (and others like the Psalms of Thomas and even a book of Judas), were many.  It was when I began reading some of the “sayings” of Jesus, and the slant of interpretations that the evidence of “New Age know thyself” corruption became apparent.


But one of the sources in which this book was listed, of course, was in Wikipedia.  I entered “The Book of Thomas” in the search, and the “Lost Books of the Bible” came up with “the forgotten books of Eden”.


There is a big list of “books” or “manuscripts” on this link under “History of Translations”, to include the Book of Enoch, the Gospel of Thomas, the Book of Jesus, etc.  Many others listed there are found in the Catholic Bible or the Apocrypha.


I read down through the list, then scrolled back up to the text to see who was involved in these “translations”.  Some of them were in Syriac, some in Greek and some even in Armenian.


The Lost books it says, is a collection (1926) of 17th and 18th century English translations of some of the “Old Testament Psuedepigrapha and New Testament Apocrypha” ever published.  It was a compilation of previous collections back from the 1700’s.


Rutherford Hayes Platt published the reprint in 1964.  The article goes on to state that the first half of the “Lost Books of the Bible” was a reprint of William Hone’s “Apocryphal New Testament”.  This was also a reprint of William Wake’s “Apostolic Father’s” from 1693.


The second half of the book, “The Forgotten Books of Eden”, included “The First and Second Books of Adam and Eve”.  This was translated from ancient Ethiopic to German by Ernest Trumpp.”


This is when the needle on the record player in my brain scratched across the vinyl to a stop.


Ernest Trumpp?  German Ernest Trumpp?  With two “PP’s”?


Ernest Trumpp: "Trumpp was born on 13 March 1828 at Ilsfeld in Wurtemberg Province (now Baden-Württemberg) in Germany. He became the Regius Professor of Oriental Languages at the University of Munich and member of Royal Bavarian Academy of Sciences.[1]

Around 1854 he arrived in India as a missionary sponsored by the Ecclesiastical Mission Society to study the languages of India and to prepare grammars and glossaries for use by Christian missionaries. There he was initially stationed at the Karachi mission, where he learnt the Sindhi language. Later, he was stationed at Peshawar, where he studied the Pashto language. He went back to Germany in 1860. In the 1870s, he was subsequently recommended by Robert Needham Cust and sought by the Secretary of State for India of the British government to return to India, and work on translations of Sikh scripture in Lahore (Punjab).[1] He published a number of works related to Sindhi and Punjabi languages and texts throughout the 1870s. He died in 1885" - Source, Wikipedia.


There is nothing in the article to identify his parents, his grandparents.  Some organic genealogy search would probably turn something up. 


Ernest Trumpp did not appear in any of the “Donald Trump” genealogies that I searched out.  But “Trump/Trumpp” is not a common name.  He’s not a billionaire so Ernest’s genealogy would have been of little interest.   And on his Wiki page, there is no follow up lineage: not even his parent’s names.


He was an expert at Oriental languages and was called to India office of British government to help translate Sikh scriptures.  He worked with Sindhi and Pashto (Afghan) languages also.


It's getting contentious out there.  It's getting weird, scary but people are seeing.  Their propaganda is having less and less effect.

For the so called Jewish-controlled media, and the Trump bashing going on, there are rabbi's who consider Donald Trump the "Non-Jewish Messiah".  Things aren't adding up.

It's a ruse.  And the more they blatantly and openly persecute Trump, the more they are driving people into his camp . . . and they know it.  

Because persecution sells.




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