Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Judah Device



The Device of Judah




And the Lord said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants of Jerusalem.” - Jeremiah 11:7.


For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, saith the Lord: they have set their abominations in the house which is called by my name, to pollute it.” – Jeremiah 7:30.




I feel a need to apologize to everyone who reads this.  My entries have been rather infrequent and sporadic.  I am staying abreast of what is going on, but I have also had to deal with some health issues and a surgery.  Age stuff.


There is a LOT going on right now.  There are lots of people who are worried and watching, and many waking up from their slumber.  The scariest thing about the things now coming to light is that all of it was talked about ten years ago by people like you and me; and it’s happening.  I am still recovering from the surgery, and getting through a lot of notes, so please bear with me and thank you so much for your patience.



The Word and the Aleph Project



Sealed With a Word”:  We talked about the war against the Word, and “what was revealed, the day the music died”.  And then we dug deeper into the “Aleph Project”, and how they “changed the truth of God into a lie” by attempting to change the Aleph into the Ayin within the books that God had already written and sealed: the elect.  We closed with:


According to Job 5:12, the Lord “dissapointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise”.  In Psalm 10:2 David sings “let them be taken in the devices that they have imagined”.


David also reveals in Psalm 21:11for they intended evil against thee: they imagined a mischievous device, which they are not able to perform”.  Daniel talks about these “devices” twice in Daniel 11; and Paul mentions them in the Acts:


For as much then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man’s device.” – Acts 17:29.


In the Jews religion, the Apostle Paul said he profited more than many of his peers, being “zealous” over the traditions of their fathers; as he “persecuted the church of God and wasted it”.  This appears in Galatians 1 if you are interested in checking that out.


The objective of the “Jew’s religion” is stated right there.  Jeremiah 7:30 identifies Judah as he who places the abomination in the house called by His Name. 


The Bible reveals the attempt by those who say they are Jews and are not and do lie, to take the kingdom of heaven by force, by committing violence in it (Matthew 11:12).  They are doing this by committing violence against the law (Zephaniah 3:4),  by doing violence to the blood of men (Proverbs 28:17).


The life of the flesh is in the blood . . .” Leviticus 17:11; and the “kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21).  This is what they are after; and what the dragon was after in the “man child” in Revelation 12.


What is this “device” and how are they using it to “cut off” the poor, with “lying words”?




Prisoners of Their Devices


This conspiracy has been in the planning for a long time.  The events mentioned in Jeremiah occurred a long time ago.  What did they know and when did they know it?  At least since the time of David and Solomon and those craftsmen who lead him astray in the building of “houses” for their idols.


Have you heard of or looked into the European Council for Nuclear Research?  The French translation of that title and it’s acronym is CERN.  The word nuclear conjures up in the mind visions of atom bombs and nuclear reactors at power plants: but the “research” CERN was involved in was “nuclear”, as in, nuclear DNA.  This is where they were searching for the “God Particle”. 


The first collider/particle smasher was the “ALEPH Detector”.  It was later incorporated into the LHC (Large Hadron Collider). Between 1989 and 1995 it was in operation to measure events created by electron positron collisions (smashing particles):  Violence to the law (Zephaniah 3:4); violence to the blood of a person (Proverbs 28:17); or violence in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 11:12).


CERN was established in 1954 in Geneva, on the Franco-Swiss border.  It has 23 member states (“23 and Me”, now that’s a number).  


The Human Genome Project wasn’t considered until 1984 (U.S.) and formally launched in 1990; right around the time that the ALEPH experiment was in operation at CERN.  Coincidentally, the HGP needed CERN’s help in the computing power department.  At least, that is what was reported to the general population.  HGP and CERN for a time had a secret but symbiotic relationship.


So CERN’s objective was to find, and isolate the “God Particle” (Higgs Boson); and the objective of the Human Genome Project (HGP) was to “sequence the human genome”, so where was CERN actually looking for this “God Particle”?  And in WHOM?  The timeline of events is interesting.


1954, after WWII and after Operation Paperclip’s scientists were brought back from Nazi Germany, CERN is conceived by 12 member states, all but one of them in Europe.


1984 HGP is conceived.


1989 to 1990 – The “Aleph Detector”  begins operation as a particle smasher. Why did they name it the Aleph Detector?  Did they already know what they were looking for? (Romans 1:25, Psalm 106:19-20, 2 Kings 14:21-22, 2 Kings 16:6). 


It was also the year at CERN where Tim Berners-Lee with Robert Cailliau initiated a project called “ENQUIRE” which became the World Wide Web, and spread to the world.  The concept of “hypertext” was developed as a way for researchers to share information.


CERN WWW Hypertext


The implications of the use of this “hypertext” protocol however was not isolated to just computing: this technology was also the concept behind “mind mapping” and “keyword” linking in sequencing the DNA.  This tells us that even the scientists knew, back then, that the DNA was a LANGUAGE . . . and they were looking for THE NAME of the AUTHOR in that “book”. 


1986 – The HGP was launched with funding from the Department of Energy’s “Office of Health and Environmental Research” (OHER).  It didn’t become part of the budget until 1988 (Reagan Administration).


1990 – As CERN was trying to detect “the Aleph”, HGP was gathering and organizing efforts through the DOE (Department of Energy) and the NIH (National Institute of Health): both had later help from DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) in developing the CRISPR technology (gene manipulation).  CRISPR stands for “Clustered, Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats”.  This will be a significant connector as we move along.


1993 – 1995: 1993 CERN announced that the “World Wide Web” would be available free to anyone (they meant so corporations could charge YOU for it).  1995 CERN also “created anti-hydrogen atoms”.


During the same time period Human Genome Project, Aristides Patrinos and Francis Collins succeeded David Galas and James Watson as Project head of the NIH for Human Genome Research.  This would later become the National Human Genome Research Institute.


DARPA had some things going on in the early 1990’s as well:  DARPA had been working on their own precursor to the World Wide Web, a project called “ARPANET”.  It was actually a project that began in the mid-1960’s, maturing through the 1980’s.  In 1990, DARPA decommissioned it, ironically when Bernes-Lee and Cailliau took over the reigns on the World Wide Web (internet) at CERN.


Then, there was “Y2K”, at the end of the millennia.  We discussed that on “Cracking the Code” and “Origin of a Name”, which was taken down by Google in December of 2021 with the rest of the blog account (look at the dates in the urls).  They were already working on COVID and Gain of Function when this was published.  I will post them again, on these links:  Cracking the Code” and “Origin of a Name”.


Y2K was not a computer glitch.  It was a genetic code.  The head of the Y2K “security” detail for the CIA was a biophysicist named Lawrence Gershwin.  And what led me to this was a 2011 trial against an alleged doctor who was accused of killing a patient in 2009.  The documents presented at the trial included an autopsy report in which blood was drawn from the alleged victim at 13:30 in the afternoon: almost a full hour before the patient was declared dead.  The blood vial was labeled not with the patient’s name, but that of “trauma-Gershwin”.


The name of the patient was Michael Jackson – Proverbs 28:17, Zephaniah 3:4 to Matthew 11:12, because where is “the life of the flesh” – Leviticus 17:11: and John 1:1-4.


During the 2000’s :


CERN: in 2000, a new state of matter was discovered called “Quark Gluon Plasma”.  2010 they recorded the isolating of 38 antihydrogen atoms and in 2011 CERN maintained those Antihydrogen atoms for over 15 minutes.  2012 however, CERN recorded a “boson” with mass consistent with their long sought Higgs Boson (the God Particle).


Human Genome Project: A working draft of the human genome was announced in 2000.  This was jointly announced by both President Bill Clinton and Prime Minister Tony Blair on June 26 of that year.  The publishing of that paper took place in February of 2001, nine months before the “towers fall” on 9/11 (Isaiah 30:25).  The finishing work would continue for another decade.  The essentially complete genome sequencing was announced in April of 2003; and in May of 2006, the “last chromosome” was sequenced, with about 300 gaps left to be completed.  Chromosome X was completed in 2015.  The Y Chromosome; the last to be sequenced, was not completed until 2021, AFTER the COVID controversy began.  We will come back to this.


DARPA: The projects that DARPA had been working on during the early 2000’s to present day included genomic projects, AI, and biological manipulation projects as well as others.  In 2000 the HISSS (Handheld Isothermal Silver Standard Sensor) was developed to detect biological weapon threats such as bacterial, viral and toxins.  HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) was being developed between 1993 through 2007.  From this came weather modification upgrades. 


In 2004, interestingly enough, DARPA “shut down” it’s “LifeLog” project.  This was a concept to gather into one place everything an individual says, sees or does.  This reminded me of the so called “Obama Database” that Maxine Waters was talking about in 2012.  NSA now has control of this project housed in the new Utah Data Center in Pine Bluff.  But the “LifeLog” project is already within us: see Zephaniah 3:3, Isaiah 44:9, Hebrews 4:12 and finally Daniel 7:10 and Revelation 20:12 – especially Revelation 20:12.


What else was going on in the 2000’s?




Man Gone Wrong


While the “craftsmen” were busy working on the infrastructure of their “device” to “take His Name in vain”; others were focused on the “stones and timbers” of the “house”.


Lawrence Gershwin talked about the “Y2K failures” in his lecture to the CIA heads of national security in the Pentagon.  The event took place on January 20, 1999:


Testimony of Lawrence K. Gershwin

Foreign Efforts to Deal with the Y2K Problem


In this he refers multiple times to “Y2K failures” and “Y2K related failures”.  The urgency in remediating this “situation” seems a little alarmist considering that this lecture wasn’t even given until the very year this was supposed to begin happening.


Upon discovery of this information, the first question that swerved through the folds of my brain was “Why is a biophysicist and a bio-weapons expert even talking about computer glitches?”


Is there a connection between computer language and language of DNA?


It was through this breadcrumb trail that the relationship between cyberspace and bio-space was discovered (Space-Force?).  Why was the “internet” given to the general public?  And what does “gene editing” have in common with “word processing” and text editing?  Can DNA be altered subtly through sorcery or in the modern term, Pharmakeia?


Man gone wrong?  This wasn’t just a U.S. project, this was a global effort by the kings and merchants of the earth, unbeknownst to most of the rest of the population.


Lawrence K. Gershwin’s Bio


Lawrence Gershwin’s Bio reveals some of the departments within which he worked.  Bioweapons was just one of them.  Fauci is not mentioned in any of this. 


By the time I had learned about Gershwin, the person who was responsible for revealing this information was already dead: And the information appeared on his autopsy blood vial as “trauma-Gershwin” (trauma = violence) in the 2011 trial of his murder, so someone was “following up”.  Even so, it took me a couple more years to figure out what this meant.


As I stated above, by the time I published “Cracking the Code” and “Origin of a Name” in May of 2016, Gain of Function research was already well underway.  It just wasn’t publicized and with good reason: People were definitely looking at the timing for patents by then.  The patents were concealed under the blanket of “trademark protection”.  Enough controversy had already been brought to light concerning vaccines in general, and the toxic adjuvants in them.  One doctor, ironically a pro-vaccine doctor named Offit, described vaccines as “a violence act” to the blood of a baby.  That comment lead me to Proverbs 28:17 and Leviticus 17:11. And it’s connection to the “violence to the law”, and “violence in the kingdom of heaven”.


Gain of Function research was funded not only by the NIH but also the DoD.  Ask yourself why . . . WHY manipulating the genome of a virus to make it more contagious would even be considered?  What possible value could this have other than to “weaken the nations”?  Overlapping all this activity between 1999 – 20-early teens, we have this also occurring:


The meeting took place in a room in the Pentagon, room BC232.  The Project was named 149AZ2.  Whether or not it was Bill Gates that gave the lecture doesn’t even matter. The time stamp on the video dated this as April 13 of 2005 at a little after 9am: Four years after the first rough draft of the human genome was published.  What was noteworthy was that “VMAT-2” gene and “God Gene” or the gene responsible for spirituality in a person was their target.  They had developed a “vaccine” to cure “Islamic fundamentalism”.  They were discussing vectors in which to introduce this into a population and rhino-viruses and other like respiratory illnesses were the most viable means of “overspreading” it.


FUN-VAX (vaccine against fundamentalism) was not a conspiracy theory.  It occurred, despite what SNOPES says because even SNOPES changed their story on how and where the video came from.  They also cite that “no event or circumstance has validated the claims made . . .”  Considering this article was published on January 15, 2015, “Corona Virus” and COVID-19 had not yet even made a public appearance, so there needs to be “fact-check” on SNOPES.  Also their disclaimer on “The God Gene” as being “Pop Science” is false: Source, Google Patent WO2018195121A1 applied for April 19, 2017,  Google Patent US10912771B1 applied for January 27, 2017, and others. 


Remember they were talking about this in 2005.  Patents started appearing as early as 2016 right at the time that CRISPR was also being augmented by Jennifer Doudna,  AND Gain-of-Function experiments were ongoing.  On this source: JUSTIA Patents, VMAT2 inhibitors were being experimented with as far back as 1982, but not through viral vectors.


There are also several links to not only patents but experiments that took place under the funding of the NIH:

"Faulty dopaminergic transmission is at the root of Parkinson’s. Increased VMAT2 is protective against Parkinson’s disease and also protects against toxicants that can cause Parkinson’s." -

"Animal studies show that conditionally reducing VMAT2 expression causes a whole-brain decrease in monoamine neurotransmitters." - 

"Increased levels of VMAT2 can protect the brain from damage from methamphetamine." -

"Animal studies also showed that increased VMAT2 is protective against anxiety and depression. Additionally, increased VMTA2 enhances locomotion." - 

"Another place VMAT2 is essential is in the beta-cells of the pancreas. Dopamine modulates the release of insulin, and VMAT2 is important here in the packaging up of the dopamine. Thus, VMAT2 protects against oxidative stress in beta cells by controlling dopamine release." -


Then this obvious “late-explain” from some unknown scientist-turned-short-lived-film-maker allegedly wrote an article published in the San Francisco Chronicle on May 15, 2021.  This was three months after I had posted “DIVOC”, shut down by Google for two weeks; and a month before Omicron got it shut it down permanently.  Yet this “film” was “made” ten years prior to the alleged “pandemic”, and the only explanation appears after people begin connecting it to the COVID controversy?  Look at the link.  It’s posted in “opinion/openforum”.  He’s probably part of Gershwin’s CIAFirstfruits” within the “Denial & Deception” committee. 


This article on the PubMed section of the NIH and the July 21, 2011 VMAT2 Inhibitor study NIH and NIH Dec 7, 2008 studies proves that they were experimenting with the genetic deletion of VMAT2! It’s right in the abstract.  Why would they be looking to genetically remove it?


If they can genetically remove or inhibit one gene, they can do it with any of them, including nutrient inhibitors which a lot of our common medications and food chemicals have.  They are doing exactly what it says in Isaiah 53:8, Jeremiah 44:7, Daniel 9:26, Obadiah 1:14-15, and  Habakkuk 2:10.


CRISPR is proof enough that this is VIABLE and had been in the planning for a long time.


This document which I also have a copy is the experiments on how they would spread this “virus” to a general population.


FUNVAX needed a respiratory virus that was communicable, on steroids, to accomplish this “vaccine” through breathing it in (Genesis 2:7 – goal: same pathway God used to make man a living soul).  Remember they were working on “Gain of Function” before the PUBLIC revealing of 2015 – 16.  But something else was also being worked on which DARPA had a hand in, but two people were given credit, and Nobel Prizes for:  And that was CRISPR.




Corona – the Crown


Ship The Virus dream


The above screen shot was taken from a Michaelsguardian blog posted on June 28, 2017.  This was before Corona virus crossed anyone’s radar in the blogosphere.


We had covered this before on “DIVOC” and “OMICRON”, but I want to put all these pieces together because there are some new pieces of the puzzle.  So let’s review real quick.


Male Child


This screen shot was taken from the VIRS book series “The Viruses”.  I underlined in red relevant information.  The virus was first “discovered” in the “nasal washings of a male child” (Tyrell and Bynoe, 1965).  It doesn’t say how old the child was, but I’m betting somewhere around 6-7 years old (see story of Joash, 2 Kings 11:2-9, 2 Chronicles 22:10-15).


This “virus” from the “nasal washings of a male child” was then “cultivated in human embryo tracheal organ tissue.  It was initially called B814 (add the numbers, they come to 13).  They couldn’t use it to grow other agents of the common cold so another variable was added by Hamre and Procknow, called 229E (numbers also add up to 13) in 1966.  In 1967, Tyrell was back at it with Almeida that the isolates were identical to (but not natural of) avian bronchitis and mouse hepatitis. 


All in all there were five, then six components of this “common cold” construction that all started with the “nasal washings of a male child”.  Why is this significant? 


That last underlined sentence says “The term Coronavirus, which described the characteristic morphology of these agents, was accepted in 1968 (Tyrell et al.. 1968a).”


Did you get that?  These “agents” were manipulated so “Coronavirus” is not a natural virus but a genetically manipulated one, which is why they were allowed to be patented.  The “seed” was from the “nasal washings of a male child”: and they called it “CORONA virus”:  Daniel 12:1 and Revelation 12:4-5.  Why a “male child”? 


Why they were doing this in the first place?  Was “CRISPR” already a known component of bacteria?  Did they already have a plan in place to create a virus that was hyper-contagious, and which genome was programmable; or was it to rewrite the genome of it’s host with CRISPR?


CRISPR Encoded Virus


The second full paragraph down reveals studies that CRISPR gene editing was encoded in the genome of the virus.  This was then injected directly into the eye, they said to try to correct blindness.  If they were going to use CRISPR to edit out the “God Gene” or the VMAT-2, they would have to find a way to inject a CRSPR-encoded virus into the brain or at least find a way to target the synaptic vesicles where the VMAT2 is located.  How would they do that?


VMAT2 Dopamine Insulin Management

 Synaptic vesicles not only have mitochondria (which has mitochondrial DNA), but Serotonin plays a part in neurotransmitter release.  Serotonin, and it’s counter hormone melatonin are produced by the Pineal Gland which ironically is also considered the “mind’s eye” or the “third eye” and by some “the seat of the soul”.  The Pineal gland is “at the root of the nose” which you will see below.  It is mentioned in the book of Genesis 32:30, where Jacob “wrestled with God”.


The screen shots below are from a Twitter post on just where the PCR tests went into the nasal cavity and it’s relationship to where the pineal gland is located in the head.


PCR Test for COVID Pineal Gland


Pineal Gland Location


Add to this also, that the books of Matthew, Mark and John all testify to Jesus being persecuted in a place called “Golgotha, which is translated, “place of a skull”.  The Gospel of Luke testifies that Jesus was persecuted in Calvary: the only place in the Bible this place is mentioned.  And Calvary comes from the Greek word for “Kranium” (Cranium).


This explains the purpose for the PCR test (Polymerase chain reaction).  If you were to read the abstract on this, you would realize what this “test” really does.  Both God and science apply names that reflect one of two things: What it IS or what it DOES.  PCR description: “A method used to rapidly make millions to billions of COPIES of a specific DNA sample.”  A swab can hold a LOT of DNA samples.  Was PCR designed to collect DNA samples from the nose?  Or DEPOSIT DNA on that cribriform plate hoping some of those “millions” would make it into the brain cavity.  


Cribriform Plate PCR Test


Cribriform Plate Olfactory Nerves


People don’t realize that is probably the cause of many loosing their sense of smell for a period of time.  Many I talked to had nose bleeds from the PCR test.


The below screenshot from the NIH website proves that CRISPR is encoded into viruses as a first resort, using adeno-associated viruses (respiratory tract infections).


CRISPR Encoded Adeno Viruses


The below is interesting: This says that CRISPR is encoded primarily into Adeno-viruses for “human clinical trials” and “augmentation therapies”, and “integrates into hotspots in mitochondrial DNA” – we covered the targets in VMAT2 genes the mitochondria in that cell line.  Then the sentence completes “Integrating into hotspots in mitochondrial DNA and a specific location in chromosome 19”.


CRISPR NIH Virus Vectors


Chromosome 19!  COVID-19!  To condense, CRISPR is a “word processor for DNA”, the “vaccination card for the genome”; and is encoded into a virus (Corona virus called COVID-19) targeting  a specific location in chromosome 19.  So there you go.  They had a target.


A Word Processor for Genes?

Jennifer Kahn on CRISPR


“Effectively a genetic vaccination card

In cells”

At 3 minutes 55 seconds


“CRISPR= Clustered Regularly Interspaced

Short Palendromic Repeats”


“…For scientists to delete, or insert

Specific bits of DNA into cells”


The have revealed themselves in every level and every angle of this “conspiracy among the men of Judah”.


Another interesting trigger:  Rx – what is used on just about every label of a bottle of medicine or over every pharmacy door or window.  Rx.  Rx doesn’t stand for “pharmacy”, there is no “x” in there. 


(Romans 1:25, Psalm 106:19-20)


Ironically the Gematria or numerical value of the Resh is 200.  The Gematria value of the Taw/Tau is 400, making 600 together.


Before Governor of New York Cuomo resigned in 2021, He had said this about the COVID-19 vaccines:


End the War?


The weapon that would end the war?  What war would that be?  The war in heaven?  Is he concurring with dissenting doctors that the vaccines WERE a WEAPON?  A “war against the WORD”?


Here are links of the history (published) of CRISPR-Cas9 and Gain of Function research.  Do independent research, but I post these to compare timelines and sources.


They were looking for something specific.  The VMAT2 gene?  The “God Gene” or “God Particle”?


What is the “one word” that “fulfills all the law” that the Apostle Paul revealed in Galatians 5:14?  Jesus came “to fulfill the law” (Matthew 5:17); and Jesus was the “Word” that “Was made flesh and dwelt among us” as “the only begotten of the Father” in John 1:14.  That “Word” was “in the beginning with God and was God” in John 1:1.


His Name is called the Word of God” in Revelation 19:13.  It is the Name the elect are sealed with, it is the Name above all names that Jesus was given.


We are told That “God is Love” (“The Word” - clue, 1 John 4:8 and 4:16); and that “Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13).  So what is the Name?  This is important, they are after this.  They have to “take His Name in vain” (Psalm 139:20) and place “a name they made unto themselves” – (Genesis 11:4-5) in the “house called by His Name” -  (the sanctuary that is cast down - , polluted), It has to be “taken out of the way” so that “wicked is revealed -  (the man child – Isaiah 66:6-7, Revelation 12:5).


The name isn’t Jesus although God gave it to Jesus, the “Name above all names”.  Remember the Revelation of Jesus Christ to John for the church of Smyrna:


Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him MY NEW NAME”. – Revelation 3:12.


The Name is mentioned in scripture; and The Name will be without the Jot and Tittle but only after “all is fulfilled (Matthew 5:18).


But the first letter of that Name is given us in 2 Kings 14:22, 2 Kings 16:6, and what it was CHANGED into in Romans 1:25 and and Psalm 106:19-20.


And they are trying to eliminate genetically as we speak.  Transgressing the law written within our DNA - Adding to - taking away from THE BOOK that God himself authored, with His own Name.  The adversary wants the throne of the kingdom within each and every one of you.



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