Sunday, June 18, 2023

The Triumvirate


The Triumvirate

Rightly Dividing The Word




Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” – 2 Timothy 2:15.


And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them.” – Revelation 11:7




Jim Caviezel gave an interview to Steve Bannon on “War Room” about “Sound of Freedom”.  He did not look well.  We had to use two articles to discern what he was telling us in “Sodom and Egypt” and “Adrenaline Rush”.


We learned that somehow, Caviezel was hijacked from making “Passion of the Christ: The Resurrection”, to play “Tim Ballard” in “The Sound of Freedom”.  He said some things during that interview that raised some red flags.  One of them was that “we may not even get to the resurrection of the Christ because we won’t have a country anymore, and I’m talking about the film . . .”


He mentioned “apocalyptic”, he mentioned “adrenochrome” and he mentioned “George Soros”.  He also revealed that Tim Ballard was a Mormon and said “I know who Jesus Christ is in that movie, it’s Tim Ballard”.


We learned in “Adrenaline Rush” that Tim Ballard had a press conference or a church conference in Utah that appeared suddenly; where he not only name dropped Mel Gibson, but claimed that Mel Gibson helped edit the ending of “Sound of Freedom” and was working on a four part docu-series on “Operation Underground Railroad”.  Both of which Mel’s people were reported to have said  “none of those reports are accurate”.  Jim Caviezel never mentioned it.


Autoresponder emails for updates on the angel funding for “Sound of Freedom” are still coming in.  Last report was that Angel Studios (Mormon owned also) has received donations of over 4.5K for print and media ads . . . it’s June 13, 2023 as I write this.  The release is July 4, 2023.  That is just over two weeks away.  Have YOU seen any adds for this movie other than social media posts by fans?


We did some background on both the information given in Jim’s interview on “War Room” and Tim Ballard’s conference on both those articles linked above.


We also posted some old articles that has been published on the Google-deleted blog so that most of the research I had done on the Mormon church would be available as reference.  Because the Mormon Church organization has an agenda.  And it is tied in with the NSA/CIA and other three letter agencies in the U.S.; the Masonic Organizations, and “Q” which are tied to President Trump; and to Michael Jackson.


This has been at least in my years of research, a 12+ year project that began a long, long time ago:


A 60 Year Plan?


Rewriting HIStory?


HIStory-Plumbline of Zerubbabel

777 or (666) in the Jewish Language?


Trump and O'Reilly - HistoryTour? 


Michael Jackson, Trump and the Campaign "Teasers"


QAnon and  Neverland logos


The Real Reason This Proliferated the Press

Check out the Name of the UNIT he is in . . . 

Caption under the photo . . . "dead to the world" (Alive in Christ")

"SeChrist" is the name brand of the equipment. (See Christ)


Trump and Q have been linked many times in Q Drops and even on mainstream media; as has Trump with the Mormon church:


Orin Hatch w/ Paul Ryan Tax Bill 2017

“enrollment [endowment] ceremony”?


Trump on Senator Lee of Utah Lost Declaration


Reference Matthew 11:12


That’s just a few.  There is NO evidence that Jim is part of QAnon or that movement.  But I do know that the NSA is associated with the Mormon church/LDS church.  There was also the “film” of Jim in one of the Q teasers, stating that we have to “stand with Michael and ten thousand of his angels”.  That’s not a “Catholic thing” to say.  It’s not something I even disagree with either.  I just want to caution you, as Jesus did in Matthew 24 and Mark 13, that “Michael” has a dual role, which is revealed in the prophecies of Daniel and in Revelation 12.


There has been a ton of coverage both in the past blog and the ones I write today on what was revealed to me about the role of Michael in the Bible: the first testimony being that which was given in 1 Thessalonians 4:16


There is only one “archangel” mentioned in the book, and he is named in Jude 1:9.  He is the one that “withholds” in Revelation 12:7; and he is the “prince who stands for the children of your people” in Daniel 12:1.  It is the same “prince” whose sanctuary is polluted and cast down in Daniel 11, and the same “prince” who is called “Messiah” in Daniel 9:25-27 and they place the “abomination” in him.  I know who he is.  His “name” after he who withholds is taken out of the way and that wicked is revealed” is the idol of “Micah” all the time that the house of God is in Shiloh.  Proof of that is in Judges 17 and 18.


Isaiah 44:13 describes the same thing that David saw in a vision in Psalm 139:14-16.  David sees them placing the abomination as if it is happening to him in Psalm 88:6-7.  Judges 18:31 reveals where the “idol” is placed “all the time that the house of God was in Shiloh”.



Trouble Like Their Never Was


The wicked must be exposed.  The disease must be acknowledged and the “symptoms” are actually “helping fight the disease”.  The parable of the wheat and the tares is another example as to why we must endure until the “transgression is finished” (Daniel 9:24).


What the adversary of God is after, is that Name that is within all of God’s creation.  The name they made unto themselves (to steal a plagiarized book of the law) is the abomination that will be overspread.  So they take His Name (which is The Word) in vain but replace it with their own name (Genesis 11:4-5Daniel 11:31 & 12:11) – the name they wanted to make unto themselves when they were building the tower in Babel – Mystery Babylon: the rewriting of the DNA without God’s Name in it.


"If We Remove the Aleph?"

"By removing God from the place" 

(Taking His Name . . . in vain, Out of the "Star")


Article On Removing the Aleph

Romans 1:25/ Jeremiah 7:30



Mormons, Masons and Jews


Why do the Mormons have all the genealogy records?  They owned and  Reportedly was sold to “Blackstone Group” (Blackrock) in December of 2020 for 4.7 billion dollars.


Blackstone Group is owned by Co founders Stephen Schwartzman and Peter G. Peterson.  . . . Peterson was chairman on the Council of Foreign Relations the same year he cofounded Blackstone.  Schwartzman is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, the Business Roundtable, and the International Business Council of the World Economic Forum.  Interestingly he is also a board member of the Asian Society and serves on the advisory board of the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University, Bejing.  He has also been awarded fraternal decorations from France and the Order of the Aztec Eagle.


Peterson was Greek, Schwartzman is Jewish. (Peterson passed away in 2018).  Both served in the Nixon administration.  Both were Republican.  Schwartzman also served on a created position in the Trump Administration.  Blackstone itself does not have a good human relations record and has been convicted of transgressing child labor laws in slaughter houses.


In 1992 Blackstone Group owned 35% of what became BlackRock and adopted the name according to “”.  I could not find “Blackrock” among the top investments of “Ensign Peak Investors” (Mormon owned): but I did find private Mormon investors/developers involved in government who were among their investors.


It is reported that “” was never Mormon church owned.  This is a lie.  Mormons still have free access to’s records and free membership.  James Sorenson, a Mormon began “Relative Genetics” and sold it to “”, another Mormon company” (source, also held other companies including genetic research and bio research companies.


Controversy surrounded their “genealogy” claims when one of their own, Thomas W. Murphy confirmed DNA analysis that American Indians were actually of Asian descent, and not from Israel as the Mormon’s claimed.  He was warned to recant his research which he refused to do.  He was excommunicated for his honesty.


The Mormon church owns millions of shares of two of the COVID vaccine giants: Johnson and Johnson, and Merck.  Did they advocate the vaccine to their followers or turn them away from it?  They’re into genetic modification of their cattle on their ranches, like the one in Florida.  Are they of the same persuasion when it comes to people?


Most of the Old Testament is about what was being done to the “Book of the Law” and God’s name, within all of us, and all of his creation as a result.  I have multiple times on this blog and the old one, referred people to violence to the blood (Proverbs 28:17), “violence to the law”, our DNA (Zephaniah 3:4); and “the kingdom of heaven suffers violence” (Matthew 11:12) and “the violent take it by force”.



The “traditions of their fathers” surrounded the “alchemy” of the human DNA: To eliminate or profane the Name of God in common man; and “making a name unto themselves”.  To be God-like by their own will and oppress unnaturally, everyone else.


Making the Word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye.” – Mark 7:13.


They didn’t call it a “CORONA virus” for no reason.  It wasn’t a naturally occurring virus.  It was a “cultivar”.  We talked about this on “DIVOC” and “OMICRON” in 2021. 


A Search Term entered on the Old Blog

March 9, 2020 – Height of COVID Panic

Habakkuk 2:6-14 "Getting What They Deserve"


We also covered the basis of it on “ELISA” in 2020 and “Cracking the Code” back in May of 2016: this goes all the way back to Aleppo and the mothers of Israel and the wives of Jacob. All the way to the angels that left their habitation in Genesis 6; all the way back to the transgression’s beginning, in the garden.


The Mormon church has a big stake in the outcome of the manipulating of information in this country.  There are leaders in the Mormon church who are/were politicians who were members of the CFR and/or the Trilateral commission.  One of them was Harry Reid.  Orin Hatch was another.  John Huntsman etc.  Not all of them but they were no strangers to it by a long shot.


Harry Reid had a connection to the Jackson family infiltration as one of his handlers was also a handler for Latoya Jackson; Jack Gordon who sequestered Latoya from her family for almost ten years.  I covered this story nine years ago and she was not the only family member that suffered under CIA handlers posing as various managers and staff.


There was intense, intense interest in the Jackson Family.  I came around the other side of this issue through research in the mental bondage of celebrities and MKUltra research.  We were getting into what “gazingstock” was, and what they were “used for” mentioned in Hebrews 10:32-33.  Celebrities used to promote a narrative, or to “distract” the masses.  You all think this is new?  This was about the time the Mormons sent people to infiltrate my house.  But it wasn’t just Mormons either.  It was those that boast knowledge of how to manipulate the letters of the law . . . the Name of God in the law and how to blaspheme that amongst the Gentiles. 


A friend of the family called at 2 in the morning in 2015.  He was a former Navy Seal.  He wanted to talk to me about the question his Jewish friends had about their language. I asked him “Your Jewish friends called you?”  He responded yes and repeated their reason: to ask about their language and I responded to him “Warren . . . why are your Jewish friends calling you asking you about their language?  Don’t they KNOW it?”  He got off the phone rather quickly after jumping to another topic.  The following week he called my mother and told her to tell ME to “tell her to stop doing what she is doing!”  He’s GONE now.


He is just ONE of the reasons that I know how, and through whom, and BEHIND whom they hide.  People are placed in your life, and you don’t know who they really are, and what their objectives are. 


In Jude 1:9, what was the devil after?  Why did the archangel Michael have to withhold him from the body of Moses?  What was IN there that was of such value to him?


In the prophecies of Daniel concerning the “sanctuary of the prince”; and the “daily sacrifice”:  Why did they need to cast his sanctuary to the ground?  Why did they have to “take away the daily sacrifice”.  What was the daily sacrifice? (See Luke 9:23)  Why did they want to place the “abomination that maketh desolate”?


How did that tie in with the prophecies given to the Thessalonians from Paul?  Or Zechariah?  How did Jesus become “become a curse for us” to redeem us from the curse of the law?  What did it mean when he “became sin for us, who knew no sin”?  It is linked there in the 2 Thessalonians 2:3-8, and Zechariah 5:1-4.


What was IN Michael, the “Messiah your Prince” in Daniel 9:24-27?  Isn’t this revealed in Revelation 2:26-28 and Revelation 3:12?


They needed the “host”  (Daniel 8:11-13).  They FOUND the “host”.  They polluted the sanctuary and placed the abomination “in the house called by my name” (Jeremiah 7:30) and planned to “overspread it”.  Their “host” was the reason COVID was created.  We saw the symptoms of his ruin described in Isaiah 52 and 53. The whole world saw it happen.  They ALL know his name!  They made their proselyte two fold more the child of hell than themselves (Matthew 23:15) refers to Isaiah 44:13.


He was a Levite in mount Ephraim (in whose hand was the stick of Joseph) from the house of Judah: just as was described in Judges 17 and 18; up to where they placed the idol.


Why did God let this happen?  That was my second prayer on the same day that I asked for his burden back in 2009.  I didn’t know what I was asking for.  But the Lord has been showing me ever since.  My life changed.  Everything has changed.


You will be amazed when He shows you what He showed me.




The Triumvirate


It is established in scripture, that the Lord revealed the adversary, his agenda, and the Lord’s “overturning” of it all.  They are after “The Word” which is His Name (Revelation 19:13) in his creation, especially that of man.   They want their kingdom and they want their slaves.  “We don’t really need the vast majority of the people”, they said . . . Just the useful ones to them:


Just Who Is "We"?

A Sodomite - Source


The “three in one” is the spiritual which manifests in the physical.  Paul discusses this in the first letter to John (5:7-8).  There are three that bear record in heaven: The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost.  And there are three that bear WITNESS in the earth (in us): The blood, the water and the Spirit.


Back when Moses received instruction to build the Ark of the Covenant, it wasn’t just a “box”.  It was built to protect something.  When the Lord gave Moses the Book of the Law, where did he tell Moses to put it, in Deuteronomy 31:26?


“. . . in the side of the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord your God, that it may be there for a witness against thee.”


“in the side” of the “Lord your God” for a “witness”. 


Where was Jesus pierced?  (In his side: John 19:34)


What flowed from his side?  (the blood and the water: John 19:34)


The Spirit is life (Genesis 2:7Romans 8:10); and the Life of the flesh is IN the blood (Leviticus 17:11).


What are the three the bear WITNESS in the EARTH?  (Spirit, the blood and the water 1 John 5:7-8)


The wicked are their own witnesses (Isaiah 44:9).  The “books will be opened” and “the dead will be judged out of the things written in the books” (Revelation 20:12).  Their judges are like ravening wolves within them (Zephaniah 3:3).


Whatever you are, whatever you did, whatever you thought and said is NOT escaping you.  Your DNA records and stores everything.  This is part in parcel what the adversary wants to do in genetic manipulation . . . hide their record (sound familiar politicians?). 


It’s not just a lineage record.  It is a recording and storage device in our cells.  Every instruction for the health of your body is written in the DNA of every cell.  INSIDE the DNA, for DNA itself is not living; is the LIFE that God breathed into you (Genesis 2:7): the “big bang” brought about by the breath of life he breathed into your nostrils for you to become a living soul!  The breath of His Spirit, Breath of Life: what the Aleph actually represents!


The DNA in your cells (cells = cities) talk to each other and give instruction, so that the organs of the vessel your soul inhabits can work in harmony and PEACE for healthy body and mind.  That peace has been destroyed, that harmony has been thrown into chaos; and that “transgression” of the law within you has brought forth the “plagues and curses” of that law.  Science calls it “auto-immune disease”.  God calls it “the wages of sin”.


Sin is transgression of the law”.  It is Christ who restores that law.  Not the Jews, not the Mormons, not the Illuminati, not Trump, not the military; Christ Jesus.  Therefore the malcontents who want to usurp power over you; they in all truth, have NO POWER, unless you GIVE it to them.  Prayer is your protection.


Those plagues NOT written in the book of the law (Deuteronomy 28:61) are those that man has created, like AIDS, and “Corona” and “SARS” and like diseases and viruses placed into DNA-corrupting chemicals in food, water, air and vaccines:  violence to the blood (Proverbs 28:17Zephaniah 3:4Matthew 11:12), where the “life of the flesh” is (Leviticus 17:11).  Those diseases will God bring upon them (those diseases of Egypt).  What they have done will be done unto them according to the Word of the Lord in Obadiah 1:14-16.


Paul the Apostle told the leaders of his former religion “the Name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles, through YOU, as it is written”.  So the Gentiles also had the Name in them.  They were cut off from the knowledge of Him.  The Jews through Israel corrupted the law within man.  They did so by “flatteries” and “deception” and “lies”, as was told in the serpent of the garden.  Just as Baal taught Balak to trick or deceive the children of Israel into cursing themselves; and they have been bewitched by this “tradition” ever since.


Their “traditions of their fathers” have made the Word of God of none effect (Mark 7:13) within us.  That was their goal.  They wanted their slaves.  They wanted their name in us to usurp a creation, “book” they did not write.  Some of them are going to “repent” = to turn around, to turn away from a wrong direction, to regret so deeply as to change the course of one’s behavior/life” and some of those know, just as Jacob knew, what “rods” to put in the “water” to “cure” the “cattle” in Genesis 30:30-45”.


Do you know what “Moloch/Molech” means?  The “star of your god” was mentioned in Amos 5 and Acts 7.  They were building a “star”  The same “star of redemption” they believe they can fake mentioned in the screen shot of the book above.  That is: the “star” without the “Name of God” in it.  A “fake light”.


Meaning Moloch

(Hard to see, I'm sorry, click on pictures to enlarge)


Strange name, it almost sounds like “molec-yule” (log, groves, towers, pillars, rods, Jachin and Boaz, etc . . .)  DNA is a molecule: a MOLEC-YULE.


In that meme above it is described as a “tyrannical” or “oppressing” government in which the ruler is the head of a triune.


A “Triune” is what some churches describe the God-head to be: the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost: the three that bear RECORD in heaven.  Others call it the “Trinity”.  They are three yet one.  There has been a lot of division over this concept from those who can’t see beyond the flesh.


Well I saw a relationship between that “Moloch” and the “Triune” in this Twitter statement below, made by a U.S. political representative:


Article: "Balkanize Syria":


Newly discovered documents show how in 1957 [former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom] Harold MacMillan and President Dwight D. Eisenhower approved a CIA-M16 plan to stage fake border incidents as an excuse of an invasion by Syria’s pro-western neighbors, and then to “eliminate” the most influential triumvirate in Damascus.


You know who the “CIA” is.  M16 is the United Kingdom’s central intelligence agency.  The Mossad is the State of Israel’s CIA or NSA.


What is the “triumvirate” in Damascus?  (Bible on Syria)


The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the Lord of hosts.” – Isaiah 17:3.


“to eliminate the most influential triumvirate in Damascus”:  According to that scripture in Isaiah 17:3, that “influential triumvirate” is “The Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost”. 


What did Eliakim reveal to us in 2 Kings 18:26?  What did king Rezin of Syria recover to Syria after he drove the Jews out of it in 2 Kings 16:6?  And what did Azariah BUILD and restore to Judah in 2 Kings 14:22?


Aleppo-Civil War 2011

Aleppo = Aleph/Alap Codex

Aleph/Breath of God – Law

Genesis 2:7


What the “Jews” wanted to know from our family friend concerned THAT.  The Name.  Imagine the hairs going up on your arm when people you don’t even know are calling someone who used to work in special opps about the research you are putting out on the Name of God, and what the Jews did to it.  Then a week later, he calls another family member to get you to “stop doing what your doing”.  Then turns up dead?


I didn’t stop.  I couldn’t, because they were lying about the Name of God.  But the Jews didn’t descend upon this house, the Mormons did.  And that is why the interview with Caviezel disturbed me.  All of this global drama, distraction, illusion, lies, the WAR in heaven . . . is over this NAME.  It is the ONE WORD that fulfills all the law.  It is the ONE WORD that will destroy the abomination of Babylon.  Aleph is the first letter in the Name.  It is the “beginning and the end” of that Name.  It is the “Name above all names” that God gave Jesus.  It is the NAME of which the elect are sealed.


It IS the Gospel!  It IS the “ABC, 1-2-3, Do-Re-Mi” of the Law breathed into us.  It is what will restore the registries in our DNA; and will renew the Spirit in us and cleanse our souls from the bondage.


What was the significance of that in the Law of Moses; and what David said of it in Psalm 106:19-20; and Paul reminded them in Romans 1:25?


What does any/all of this have to do with what Jim Caveziel said about the country and the border, his “two agents” and the “Daily Beast”?



Children of Ammon


The Mormon doctrine is replete with the teachings of Ammon.  What they have done is re-structured the destiny of Ammon and the children of Ammon, to lay the bricks of a parallel yet deceptive prophecy. 


Much of Brigham Young’s writings in “Journal and Discourses” not only praise Ammon – the Mormon prophet – but compare him to God.  Other Mormon leaders have likened him to Paul the Apostle as the story of his “conversion” is very similar.


The Jesus they preach is not the Jesus of the Bible.  The do not teach Jesus as being from a virgin, but from a carnal act.   The Mormons also are absolutely anathema to Jesus being conceived of the Holy Ghost, which is scriptural fact in Matthew 1:20.  We are warned:


But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.  For If he cometh that preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might bear well with him.” – 2 Corinthians 11:3-4.


There is that word “subtle” again.  The enemy is not going to LOOK LIKE your enemy.    He WILL employ others of his camp to LOOK like your enemy so as to seduce you with appearances to expose them.  Paul the Apostle warned:


I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you unto the grace of Christ unto another gospel: Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.


But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.  As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” – Galatians 1:6-9.


The second letter to Peter, chapter 2, and the letter of Jude warn of those who “crept in unawares” or “came in privily bring in damnable heresies”.  But in choosing to subvert with Ammon?  The Bible has some very definite things to say about Ammon and the children of such:


An Ammonite or Moabite shall not enter into the congregation of the Lord; even to their tenth generation shall they not enter into the congregation of the Lord for ever.” – Deuteronomy 23:3.


In 1 Kings 11:7 is “Molech” called the “abomination of the Ammonites”.  In Jeremiah 40:11, the Jews that King Rezin had driven out of Elath came back down out of the Moabites, and the Ammonites where they dwelt, when they heard the king of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah, and came into Judah:  again, we’re not talking about real estate here:  A REMNANT of Judah – the PEOPLE.


They are coming for the “Land”.


Molech was the “abomination of the Ammonites” in 1 Kings 11:7.  Molech was to who they passed their children through the fire in 2 Kings 23:10.  The Jews were IN The Ammonites.  Do you understand this?  Before they came back into the “land of Judah” when they learned the king has left a remnant of them.    They are also the subject of prophecy to Ezekiel:


Son of man, set thy face against the Ammonites, and prophecy against them; and say unto the Ammonites, hear the word of the Lord God; Thus saith the Lord God; because thou sadist, Aha, against my sanctuary, when it was profaned, and against the land of Israel, when it was desolate; and against the house of Judah, when they went into captivity;


Behold, therefore will I deliver thee to the men of the east for a possession, and they shall set their palaces in thee, and make their dwellings in thee: they shall eat thy fruit, and they shall drink thy milk.” – Ezekiel 24:2-3.


Molech/Moloch is the abomination of the children of the Ammonites.  They caused reproach in the land if Israel and the land of Judah.  “The star of your God” in the “tabernacle of Moloch and Chuin” is reproached in Amos 5:26 and Acts 7:43.


Now look at this: 


Ammon: Amun-Ra is an Egyptian god.  Ammon in the Bible is NOT the same as “Amen” (which means truth).  Nowhere does the bible equate “Amen” with Ammon”.  Ammon and Moab were the children of Lot, born of incest with his daughters fearing lost lineage (Lots’ wife looked back on Sodom and turned into a pillar of salt.).  The “abomination of the Ammonites” was “Molech/Moloch”.  The name “Ammon” is said to mean “teacher, builder” and “hidden one” (refer to Psalm 139:14-16 and Isaiah 44:13).


The Mormons are of Masonic root.  The “endowment ceremony”, which they were grooming my husband for, is of Masonic ritual. The Masons boast hidden knowledge of the “craft”.  The MASONS were “builders” (of the temple:  From the previous article:


Mormons build the temple?


The Mormon – LDS church has tried to whitewash the history of Ammon/the children of Ammon.  The LDS Church was founded by Joseph Smith who was a Mason, as was his father and brother (the “witnesses” of the golden plates).


The “Masons” are the very same “stone masons/builders” mentioned in the Bible whom Solomon sought to build the “house for the NAME of the Lord”.  But Solomon had other high places built to other gods in that house. 


A Mormon company subverted the making of “Passion of the Christ: The Resurrection”; and Jim Caviezel they commandeered to make “Sound of Freedom” about a Mormon “Tim Ballard” (“Ballard of a Hurstler?” . . . I remember you) and his “Operation Underground Railroad” (O.U.R.?), about rescuing trafficked children.


In doing some background on Tim Ballard, I found this private, 25 member Facebook Group.


Forget God . . . I’m Telling

Tim Ballard?


And on the day that I posted “ELISA” in 2020, which I referenced above, this search stat was among those that were noteworthy:


Elisa Test Haliburton visit

Dick Cheney was CEO


How are people going to SEE the forest through the trees in this?

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