Thursday, May 16, 2024

The Second Child


Song of the Second Child




For out of prison he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is born in his kingdom becometh poor.


I considered all the living which walk under the sun, with the second child that shall stand up in his stead.” – Ecclesiastes 4:14-15.




By the Grace of God will we overcome.


I’ve seen enough.


I’ve heard enough, I’ve witnessed enough and I have been lied to, placated, gaslighted and patronized enough.


Haven’t you?


I get tired of praying for people who call themselves leaders that are nothing but bought, paid for, pimped out and clearance-sale scripted actors.


For the third time in three years, they are trying to replace another “speaker of the house”.  Not because he surprised everyone by doing exactly what the last two did – voted for iniquity: but because they need to continue the pretense of chaos to keep the American people believing something is being done.


All the showdowns and passionate speeches in the senate, house of representatives and the interviews on social media and alt-news sources are nothing but a ruse.  It’s a Jerry Springer Show, just for people that live in much more expensive trailers . . . on YOUR dime.


Nobody is fighting for you.  Do you understand that?


They don’t care about you, they are too busy building their idols, and their Ukrainian Sodom and Gomorrah (as if the three letter agencies didn’t provide enough children for their insatiable appetites); and funneling money to their fake Jews in the Fake Israel state.  Because Lord knows, all the data collection taking place at Pine Bluff’s NSA of every American citizen to the Mossad isn’t enough.


They have to make damned sure that every American knows the difference between a Golem and a Jew:  And if you are not Jew, you are “golem”.  You are supposed to know who their new “god” is, and why sodomizing eight day old infants during their “bris” is in their eyes “holy”.




For All The Lost Children


Con-gress: a cross between a con and transgression (of the law[s]).


There are way too many and too large a majority of those people in those seats in these alleged houses of legislature that have been compromised, bought off,  pedophile-conditioned.  Caligula would have been envious of the level of lasciviousness that goes on with some of the people in this “club”.


Let us not forget the “Finders” cult, the “Franklin Scandal” and “BoysTown” Nebraska.  Oh, and how many connecting players were involved in covering up the Hershey Orphanage scandal and Penn State/Sandusky abusing of pre-teen boys.


There was also the “Midnight Call Boys” at the White House, Barney Frank’s “D.C. Pedo-Brothel” brownstone; and the “Johnny Gosch” story: all tied into Hollywood through Hunter Thompson, the CAA/CIA and the Bohemian Grove “Cremation of Care” Ceremonies: the “shot heard round the world” at the human hunting clubs in Colorado and Texas by people like Dick Cheney, the Bush’s, those “Hollywood Moguls” that the “surviving Corey” talked about on 20/20 back in 2011.


Instead, we are daily blistered by the repeated punches on the same spot by our politicians, over the same tie-died issues.  Their designs haven’t changed and neither has the rhetoric or the pattern from the “denial and deception committee”.


I was sick of this when Obama was still in office; and the Clintons.  Nothing has changed.  And don’t even come at me about President Trump.  Nobody went to jail.  Nobody he claimed was going to jail was even investigated.  Trump contributed to the campaigns of these very people when he was just a civilian billionaire; and yes, I’m talking about the Clintons.


Everything around that man is a mirage:  Lots of talk, no action.  But you know what DID happen?  What has made the headlines and what action did take place?


Well, lots of people got “vaxxed” by “Trump’s Vaccine”.  Even Trump himself, who allegedly had already had the virus.  Biden must have gotten the Moderna shot because, well . . . our current “Commander-in-Depends” is a walking, tripping, stuttering geriatric nightmare.  Human decency demands an elder abuse investigation into his handlers: you can start with his wife.


We know “Trump” has the “Replicant” of the “Ark of the Covenant”.


We know Ted Cruz spends more time auditioning for the role of the new Archie Bunker then actually making any strides toward justice, law and order.  But there is something that Ted Cruz did reveal, very subtle I would say, which I will address at another time.


Marjorie Taylor Greene – shaking my head: Two of the people she petitioned to get into the seat of majority leader (Before Mike’s Johnson) slapped us in the face.  She likes posting on social media about everything WE should be doing; as if signing petitions are going to change the things they are NOT changing.


We have a Constitution, we have a Bill of Rights and we have a Declaration of Independence – If they cannot even follow the laws that they make, a petition is about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.




Biblical Prophecy vs. Jewish Supremacy

Exposing the Narcissists


For the umpteenth time, let me explain something that is plainly pointed out in the

Bible, which they’re now trying to outlaw: not even just by Jesus and Paul, but all the way back in the Old Testament:


The Jews are not God’s people.


Let me repeat that:  The JEWS are NOT God’s people.


ISRAEL, is God’s people.  ISRAEL is God’s people and ISRAEL is not synonymous with JEWS.  Evidence?  2 Kings 16:6, they were at war with ISRAEL AND SYRIA.  This is the FIRST PLACE the word JEW is introduced in scripture.  This is AFTER the fall of Solomon and AFTER the CRAFTSMEN built the temple that was destroyed.


There is nowhere else in scripture, before this that the word “JEW” is mentioned as an entity . . . AT ALL.  In the five books of Moses (what they call the TORAH), the word JEW is not mentioned at all.  So where did this come from?


2 Kings 18:26 – the LANGUAGE was not the same as Israel either.  Eliakim pointed this out.  He didn’t trust the Jews.  If the JEWS were ISRAEL, why would that have been?


In 2 Kings 16 – King Rezin of Syria drove the JEWS out of ELATH and RECOVERED ELATH to Syria.  Most people think ELATH was a city, but it was not a CITY as we understand cities.  Judah was “the LAWGIVER” (book of the law – nuclear DNA in CELLS).  If you check out 2 Kings 14:21-22, you will see just what Judah was building that those who became “Jews” were after.  Because after Rezin drove them out of Syria, they came back to infiltrate Judah in Jeremiah 40, when they learned the King of Babylon left a remnant of Judah.


Jews then became known as “Israel”: “They shall seek to mingle their seed with the seed of men” – Daniel 2:43 – Who is “they”?  What seed? 


The same “seed” that introduced itself to Eve in Genesis 3:  Abel was of God’s seed (Adam’s); but Cain’s seed was of the serpent.


 This antichrist seed was described in Psalm 21:9-11 & Psalm 37:28,; in Isaiah 57:3-4, Matthew 13:38; and the serpent’s seed in Genesis 3:14-15.


True Israel, the REMNANT described in Isaiah 1:9, Isaiah10:20-22, Isaiah 11:11, Isaiah 17:3, Jeremiah 23:1-3, Joel 2:32, Micah 2 ;12 and 4:7 and 5:7-8, Zephaniah 3:13, Romans 9:27, Romans 11:15 and Revelation 12:17.


The remnant of Israel who are sealed with His Name are also described as the “elect” in Isaiah 45:4, Matthew 24:31, Mark 13:27, Colossians 3:12, 1 Peter 1:2, 2 John 1:1, and Revelation 7:3-8: a hundred and forty, and four thousand: twelve thousand from each tribe of Israel (forty and six years was this temple in building – the Jews said to Jesus in John 2:20-21, “fullness of the Gentiles”/Gene-tiles – Romans 11:25).


Remember the “Birthright” in 1 Chronicles 5:1-2?  What happens after the “birthright” is given to the sons of Joseph?


“. . . and the genealogy is not to be reckoned after the birthright” – verse 1.


Genesis 49: 8-10 and 22-26 explain why.  So does John 8:33-44, and Romans 9:6-7.  As a matter of fact, Jesus identifies of what “seed” they are in John 8:44: “ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”


And of course in verse 37 – “I know that ye are Abraham’s seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.”


That WORD is the NAME.




The NAME They Know Not


In an earlier chapter of John, when Jesus was teaching in the synagogue, this took place:


And the Jews marveled, saying, How knoweth this man letters, having never learned?” – John 7:15.


The answer to this question of course, is because all things were “made by him and for him” – He IS the “letter” and “the spirit” of the law.  Jesus is the Word made flesh who dwelt among them in John 1:14, and that “Word is God” in John 1:1.


Now the parable is this: the seed is the word of God” – Luke 8:11.


And the Word is God in John 1:1; and the Word of God is the Name in Revelation 19:13.    I know I sound like a broken record; we’ve discussed this many times.  This is the WORD with which ISRAEL is sealed, the “Remnant”: the “one hundred forty, and four thousand of his servants mentioned in Revelation 7.  The “temple of the body” . . . the “forty and six” years (forty and six chromosomes).


The “multitude that no man can number” that John saw standing before God with the elect, is the “Israel increased in the land” from every nation, people and tongues.   Something else the Jews need to know, and the “Israel” within them:


It’s “understanding the Bible, 101”.

Romans 2:24 explains in plain language, that "Gentiles" were once God's people too, because the NAME of God was blasphemed in them through the Jews.

This means THEY (the JEWS) screwed with the book of the law in God's creation.  Period.

Why would they DO that you say?

For the same reason they "seek to mingle their seed with the seed of men" in Daniel 2:43

For the same reason they sought to destroy Israel (the real one) from within - by "becoming" of them.  And just as Eve was seduced by the flatteries of the serpent, so was Israel "seduced" by the riches and worldly power of the adversary.  She "played the harlot" in Jeremiah 3:6-8.  And "backsliding Israel hath justified herself more than treacherous Judah" in Jeremiah 3:11.

For it is "Judah" who places the "abomination in the house called by my name" in Jeremiah 7:30: And "there is a conspiracy among the men of Judah" in Jeremiah 11:9.  Judah is "the people of the prince" in the prophecies of Daniel 9:25-27, concerning the "Prince of the Covenant"/the "Messiah the Prince".

They did this for the same reason JEWS didn't EXIST until whatever they were before the war against Israel in 2 Kings 16:6 tried to steal ELATH from JUDAH, who built it (2 Kings 14:22); and from SYRIA (2 Kings 16:6, Isaiah 17:3).  And they had to infiltrate JUDAH to do it because JUDAH was the LAWGIVER - Genesis 49:8-10.

That being said, CON-GRESS is going to have to ban the whole Bible because the New Testament is not the only place that JEWS are revealed for what they are.

And the reason God has allowed them to do what they are doing is because they infiltrated ISRAEL through JUDAH.  They were after THE WORD which is HIS NAME: to TAKE IT IN VAIN.

Now REAL ISRAEL doesn't know who they are - because they think they are JEWS.

WE WERE ALL MEANT TO BE GOD'S PEOPLE - or he would not have created us in the first place.  "God created them male and female" in Genesis 1:27; not "Jew and Gentile". 

The JEWS are exactly who Jesus said they were in John 8:44.  This is why they hate him, this is why their Babylonian Talmud denigrates him, and his students, disciples and prophets. And if there is not HIS NAME in them, they will burn. period. forever. period.  

This is revealed in 2 Peter 2 and Jude 1 and quite a few other prophets: That there are some among them that are "ordained to this condemnation": because they "left their first estate"; and "their own habitation".  They HAD God and turned from him to the flesh (Genesis 6).  They do not get back in . . . EVER.

You see how high the stakes are for them?  And they will take God's "Israel" with them, if they can.  You who are Israel, take note.  Because some of you KNOW, now, who you really are.  And the mother's of Israel KNOW, and Christ knows and before the day of wrath, you will know too.

Those that say they are Israel and are not and do lie, are trying to re-write their own redemption, through the LAW, by "taking His Name in vain" ("take my name and just let me be" - Stranger in Moscow), and have labored to "make a name unto themselves" and attempted to "build a tower from the earth to the heaven" (Genesis 11).

Jesus was the Word made flesh (John 1:1, & 14).  He came in the flesh, in the Jewish population because ISRAEL id among the JEWS as well as other nations.  Now THAT Israel needs to REMEMBER who they REALLY ARE, and they can't do that without CHRIST because CHRIST JESUS is THE WORD, which is HIS NAME with which they are SEALED. 





Beasts Stay Where the Food Is


If you want to kill the beast, you have to stop feeding it.  And as long as there is a “system” of sustenance, the beast will be fed.


The “kings and merchants of the earth”, as foretold in Revelation 18:1-14, will “mourn” and “lament” for that “Babylon, that great city”; and it says in verse 11:


And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise anymore:”


And in verse 13 this “merchandise” includes “and slaves, and souls of men”.


Americans are paying for their own demise.  Our taxes are funding our destruction.  We are being “Bolshevik’ed” out of our own souls.


Somehow, our politicians have been coerced into the acceptance of Sodomites showering in girls locker rooms, men being women, women being men, marriage being a “right” between anything that has an appendage or a hole. 


When did “Trust the science” turn into “gender is fluid”?


We can’t be seen by a doctor anymore, but we’re charged for one, whether we see a NP or a PA.  None of them touch you or treat you: they just “prescribe” pharma.  Nothing is cured, nothing is healed.  We are just conditioned to pay top level dollars for third world care.  I’m old enough to remember house visits by general physicians.


We pay more per capita for health care than any other nation on the planet; yet we are the sickest.  By the way, we are also the most vaccinated population on the planet and are number #1 in auto-immune diseases.


Our health is declining, our life expectancy is declining, our infant mortality rate is increasing, our children are suffering neurological disorders for which medication needs to be prescribed at an alarming rate.  And although the evidence does appear even on the CDC website, if you know how to connect the dots: “autism is caused by brain inflammation; heavy metals accumulating in the brain causes “brain inflammation; adjuvants in vaccines” consists of heavy metals as well as a few carcinogens.  Nobody wants to put a stop to the “poisoning of the wells” inside of us.


Add to that the fact that this country is the ONLY ONE on the face of this earth that allows the amount of toxins and nutrient blockers in our foods, drinks and water that no other country will allow in.


If you compare a label of ingredients on ANY food product that is sold internationally from the same company, same product; there is a big difference between the U.S.A. and let’s say . . . Netherlands, or Sweden, or Portugal, or even Belgium: BIG difference.


And yet none of our politicians are even addressing this.  Why is the FDA even still funded?  They are allowing this.  They are “regulating” natural nutrients as toxins and toxins as “food additives”.  And none of this poisoning is NEW: it’s been done before and by the same “people”. 


The Bible calls them out, which is why NOW, our “congress” has decided that certain verses and parts of the Bible are “hate speech” . . . They should take a look at the Talmud!  But then they already have, which is why ‘NOAHIDE’ laws and its “beheading” of Christians has had a 50+ year scapegoating of Arabs employed in those criminal wars in which we lost young men in fighting.


We are a nation getting gang-raped by our government, by industry, the education institutions and the healthcare and pharma industry; not to mention your state regulatory commissions.


We are not a free country, and have NOT BEEN for a long, long time.


The illusion was never real: perception and the construction of it became an insider’s “craft”.  MKUltra is not just for celebrities anymore.




When Does the Good News Happen?


It has been said that “Good news doesn’t sell”.  Well, that is to Good News’ credit:  Good news should be free:  If it’s not free, then it is iniquity and available only to those with the money to receive it.


This is why there is only one appointed mediator between man and God.  And that is Jesus Christ.  It’s not the Pope, it’s not the “Rebbe”, it’s not the Imam, it’s not the Dali Lama or Buddha:  Salvation is not for sale.  There is no amount of Hail Marys that will get you into heaven.  There is no “Law”, be it Noahide or the “Torah” that will get you into heaven.


Being a Greek or a Jew, an Italian or an Egyptian or a Caucasian will not guarantee your place in “His Rest”.


Jesus is the only way.


You tell this to most people today, especially the young, and most have no concept of what that means.  They think the Bible is a fairy tale.  They don’t know what it is that they are rejecting is IN them.  It’s part of the language of their DNA – the LIVING part, of everything.  The danger of religion is that people mistake religion for God and visa-versa.  Re-Legion is nothing but another control mechanism to in many cases, separate you from God.


Take a look at what has happened in the health care system in this country.  It’s a good analogy of the distancing of the physician from the patient. It’s the same thing that religion has done between our spiritual physician and our souls.  There are too many “middle men” profiting while segmenting the relationship.


You Muslims, You Jews, You Christians, you observers of other “disciplines”:  It’s not your traditions that will save you.  There is no peace without truth.  There is no peace without that greater love that Jesus witnessed to us.  Jesus not only described it in sermon but performed it on the cross.  You don’t get that from “tradition”.  There is no “Spirit” in tradition.


The “Good News” is the “Gospel”.  Where did the word “Gospel” come from?


Good Spell or “God-Spell”.  A “spell” is a language of either healing or scattering.  They don’t call them “curse words” for nothing.  A combination of vowels and consonants creates a word.  That word has a meaning, and spoken has a SOUND.  Words form sentences expressing thought: it becomes “DOCtrine”. 


DOCtrine can become SCRIPTure: think about that the next time your doctor wants to prescribe something that will affect your body.  He gives you a prescription.


Rx appears on every bottle of prescribed medication.  It also appears on signs identifying a pharmacy or a slip of paper (seldom used anymore) for your prescription order.  R is not the first letter in Pharmacy and “x” doesn’t appear in the word at all.  Why “Rx”?


Well, in Hebrew, the “R” is a “Resh” … it means “head”.  The “x” represents the “Taw/Tau” which means “Mark”.  There is a direct reference to this in Revelation 13:16.  So it appears that the “Rx” isn’t so much an “acronym” as it is a “goal”.


Those of you committing “sorcery” with “Pharmakeia” take note:  This has a LOT to do with the “letters” that the Jews marveled that Jesus KNEW without being taught by them.


That WORD has a SOUND that brings every other sound in your DNA into harmony.  The Levites who were the singers and musicians of skill in the temple were also the only ones who could bear the Ark of the Covenant (and whose inheritance was God).  David was a Levite from the Tribe of Judah.  He soothed the soul of Saul with his music.


Back in 2018, I told this story on the old “Michaelsguardian”: I was in the car with my mother.  We were driving to Camden (SC) and I was for some reason in a state of peace, contentment (a miracle in itself, she was driving).


I was humming a song very softly to myself, so as not to disturb her.  The song was “How Many Kings” by “Downhere”.  It’s a beautiful song, full of vocal harmony.  As I was humming I was actually going in and out of consciousness, and during one of those seconds of being “out”, I was standing in front of a throne.


The throne was all white and about the consistency of either frost/ice or crystal.  And he who sat on the throne couldn’t be seen because he was light.  There were others around me, but the odd thing was that I could hear myself humming the song in the background.


The voice from the throne said to me “Come forth”, and as I started up the steps to the throne (which platform, throne and wall around the back of it stretching either side was all of one piece), I opened my eyes to the sight of a cloud in the sky, through the windshield . . . and I was still lightly singing to myself.


I told my mother about it as soon as I woke up.  She passed away on April 1, 2020, two months after God made a way out for us from the situation in South Carolina.




The Name Has a Sound


The Name has a SOUND.  That “sound” heals.  Music implants into our DNA the images, words, memories and events of not only our past, but some of the past of our ancestors.  It’s not the only stimuli that “forms the architecture of our DNA” but it is the most resonating because it’s vibration.  And there is good and bad in that too.


It’s like the difference between “Music” and “the Music Industry”.


The WORD is the NAME – Revelation 19:13.


That NAME which Jesus was given above all names as he was born in the flesh, was from the beginning with God and was God – John chapter 1.


That WORD restores all the law that was transgressed.


That WORD is LIFE (John 1:4), and “the Life of the flesh is in the Blood” (Leviticus 17:11)– the blood given us upon the altar is Christ’s blood.


That WORD which is the NAME restores the NAME of God that was blasphemed among the Gentiles, through the Jews, as it is written – Romans 2:24.


What did the Lord say to the Jews which were building the house in Haggai 2?


I will bring glory to the house”, He said.  The house that they were building with hands unclean.


Those that “place the abomination in the house called by My Name” in Jeremiah 7:30 are going to discover that some “tables” will be “overthrown”.


What you have done will be done unto you.  Your reward shall fall upon your own head” – Obadiah 1:15.


This is not a shallow promise: In Obadiah, the Lord reveals exactly what infiltrated Judah and became “Jews” in Obadiah 1:10-15.  In verse 13 exactly, it says this:


Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have LAID HANDS ON THEIR SUBSTANCE in the day of their calamity;” - Obadiah 1:13.


This SUBSTANCE is the same that David talks about in Psalm 139:14-16 that was being “made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.”  And that “SUBSTANCE” was not hid from God while this was going on, and was written in God’s book: “written in your book, when as yet there was none of them”.


So Jesus knew this when he admonished them in Matthew 23.  Paul knew this when he exposed them in Galatians 1; and in his letters 2 Peter 2 and Jude.


The “synagogue of Satan” is among the Jews.  However, so are some of the remnant of Israel.


And that combination, according to Paul in Romans 2:24 is within all of us; where the battle of Armageddon will take place.


Now you may understand the parable about the wheat and the tares in Matthew 13:25-30.


And this is what those “ordained to this condemnation” are trying to prevent.




This War has Already Been Won

Just Get Out of Your Own Way


The dragon may already have been shut out of heaven with his angels as I write this: That “kingdom” in which he tried to access through the “man child” in Revelation 12.


The man child has already been “brought forth” as described in Isaiah 66:6-8.  Those that spoiled the sanctuary know it: Those that placed the abomination in the “Messiah the Prince”, the “Prince of the Covenant” in Daniel 9:25-27 and 11:22 know it.


And the daughter of Zion?  The woman who brings forth in Revelation 12 believes.


Before I close this, I mentioned something about Ted Cruz.  Ted Cruz, during the COVID lockdowns made a very astute statement that next to no one paid attention to. 


If  you have read this article we posted back in 2021, “Omicron – the Great Counterfeiter” (which got Michael’s Guardian shut down by Google permenantly)


Ted Cruz wore something that made a statement: And he never said a Word about it.


“Come and Take It”



What appears on that mask is mentioned not only in Ezekiel 12:3-10, but also in Zechariah 5:1-4.


Read those.


I don’t know if Ted Cruz knew what it was, but I did.


Previous Articles


01/14/24 – Evasive Maneuvers                   04/12/24 – Raiders of last ark

02/03/24 -  Seat of Power

02/14/24 – The Ark of Trump?

03/03/24 – The Replicant

03/15/24 -  Deep Dive

04/01/24 – The Jews of Sixth Street

04/23/24 - Between Jews and Jesus

04/29/24 - "Building 7


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