Sunday, March 3, 2024

The Replicant


The Replicant

(Somebody Gonna Fake Me)




And after the second veil, the tabernacle which is called the Holiest of all; which had the golden censer, and the ark of the covenant overlaid round about with gold, wherein was the golden pot that had manna, and Aaron’s rod that budded, and the tables of the covenant;” – Hebrews 9:3-4.



And over it the cherubims of glory shadowing the mercyseat; of which we cannot now speak particularly.” – Hebrews 9:5.





I promised you we would talk more about this in the last article, "The Ark of Trump?". If you haven't read that yet, click on that link to get the background on this.


The previous article opened with a brief history of the Ark of the Covenant, how it was made, what happened to the Philistines when they stole it; and the relevance to the inheritance of the Levites.  They are the only ones who could "bear" the Ark, they are the only ones who inherit no land with Israel but live within Israel's borders: Because the Levites' inheritance is God.


When you understand what this means, what the "land" actually is that Israel inherits; then you realize that "Israel", contrary to how the world has been feeding it to you, is not some theo-political government in the Middle East.


The “land” Israel was promised was the “land of milk and honey”, health, vibrant, incorruptible bodies: We are the potter's vessels, made from the dust of the earth, etc.


Israel IS, what man was supposed to BE before the fall from the garden.   Israel, as the prophets revealed; is "scattered among the nations”, and “IN THE MIDST of many people" (Micah 5:7-8, Like dew from the Lord, showers upon the grass).


Israel, is those that have power with man and with God. That is the definition per Jacob in Genesis 32:27-28.  The REMNANT of Israel, from which the rest of Israel will be multiplied "in the land", are those that GOD CHOOSES to call by His Name: sealed with His Name.  So knowing this, the instruction from God to Jeremiah should mean something more to you:


And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the Lord, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the Lord: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.” – Jeremiah 3:16.


"And many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee." - Zechariah 2:11.


So "Israel" will be increased "In the land" (ground, dirt, dust of the earth, earthen vessels - 2 Corinthians 4:7).


Israel, is not what the TV and the News is putting before your face.  When God “gathers” Israel, it will be as Jesus explained in Matthew 16:


Do ye not yet understand, neither remember the five loaves of the five thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?  Neither the seven loaves of the four thousand, and how many baskets ye took up?” – Matthew 16:9-10.


When I brake the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? They say unto him twelve.” – Mark 8:19.


And when the seven among four thousand, how many baskets full of fragments took ye up? And they said seven.” – Mark 8:20.


There are twelve “baskets” of “fragments”; and there are twelve tribes of Israel.   Twelve thousand from each tribe in each “basket” of fragments  = 144,000.  We will get into this a little bit later.


There are seven baskets of fragments left from the four thousand.  There are seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3.


For, lo, I will command, and I will sift the house of Israel among all nations, like as corn is sifted in a sieve, yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth.” – Amos 9:9.


We discussed “grain” briefly also in the last article, as in the name “Dagon” means “grain”.  And “grain” is mentioned seven times in the Bible.  If you read those verses: Amos 9:9, Matthew 13:31 and 17:20; Mark 4:31, Luke 13:19 and 17:6 and 1 Corinthians 15:37 and the context in which the word “grain” is used, five times as describing a “grain of a mustard seed” in regard to faith.


This is in response/verification to Amos 9:9:


But some man will say, how are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come? 


Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die.  And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain: But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.” – 1 Corinthians 15:35-38.


Do you understand?  God sifts the grain.  God sifts “Israel” from all the nations (ALL the nations, don’t matter if you’re black or white).  God knoweth them that are his – 2 Timothy 2:19.


So be not deceived.  This is not about the Jews, or the religion of the Jews, or even the law Moses brought down, which the Jews claim is only for them.  The Jews have made this about the Jews.  It’s not about them.  This is about the Word.  It always has been about The Word.  John 1:1 and John 1:14 which is Revelation 19:13 and will do what it says in Galatians 5:14.


Now let’s continue with the purpose of the Ark in the news today.




The Purpose of the Ark



We discussed the Ark's purpose; that it was a "protecting vessel" in which the pure Word and the Book of the Law/Life was protected".  The Ark of the Covenant - protector of the Covenant: the "Covenant" being "The Word I covenanted with you", which God revealed in Haggai 2:5.  The Word of God is the Name according to Christ himself in Revelation 19:13.


The Word is that which is taken out of the way in 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8, within the man child who is caught up to God and to his throne in Revelation 12:5.  He that withholds is that Ark/Arc, verified in both Jude 1:9 and Revelation 12:7.  God also has given us this clue in Exodus 23:20-21 and Isaiah 63:9, and 1 Thess. 4:16.  Please read these.  It’s the same information revealed by different prophets.


This situation is foreshadowed in the story of Joash in 2 Kings 11 and 2 Chronicles 22, hidden in the “bedchamber”.  I shared with you the dream I had about finding a closet in a third story bedroom in the townhouse of a corporation CEO of which Federal Marshals were getting ready to search: and in that “closet” was a trap door that lead to a room filled with light.  Down in that trap door which I slid down through was a ladder laid flat between two filing cabinets.  I laid down on that ladder with my arms over my chest within the frame of that ladder and I knew I would not be found.


That dream I had in 2015.  The story about Donald Trump’s “secret room” in the bedroom didn’t appear until two weeks ago: a week after the story about the “replicant” of the “Arc of the Covenant” (I know, I spelled it the way James O’Keefe spelled it).  File this away for a minute:


The Ark of the Covenant is the Archangel (Why did James O’Keefe call it a “replicant”?).  The Archangel, the Ark of the Covenant, protects something.


This is the “publishing” in Psalm 68:11 that the “angel” protects/withholds from that Wicked: the “Publishing” that everyone (the elite) is fighting over.


This is what everything going on in the world is about, right now.  This is what all the “wars and rumors of wars” are all about, covering up and FOR this “big fight”:


there is a big fight going on right now about this, as we speak” – Radio Interview with Jesse Jackson, 2005.


This is the “publishing” that includes the “songs” of many: (your DNA is a piece of music.  It is God’s intellectual property – Levites are repairers of the “temple”: singers and musicians of skill in 1 Chronicles 9:33, 2 Chronicles 5:12 and 34:12). 


What “book” were they really discussing in that interview; and what was IN that “book”?  What were they looking for with the PCR tests during COVID?  This is relevant.  A virus?  No.  Maybe they considered the “Word” a “virus” – a “Corona” virus, accessing the very passage into which God breathed into man the breath of life, making us living souls.


It was announced that “Donald Trump” had a “replicant” of the “Ark” (it was spelled Arc of the Covenant) at his house in Mar-a-Lago (Aram-Goal). 


Ark of the Covenant - "Replicant"

"Plot twist: it's not a replica"

and shows a grinning emoji.


Laura Loomer posts reply to Ron Filipkowski


2700 hours and six pounds of gold: made by a supporter.  Gold is 2030.80 an ounce as of 02/22/24.  In January it was just under 2,000 an ounce.  If we go with the round figure at 16 ounces in a pound: that would come to $192,000 dollars.  What “supporter” could afford that much of a “gift” to Trump?


A “replicant” is the word used on James O’Keefe’s post.  A “replicant” is used in the context of a simulated human being from which you cannot tell the difference from the original:


The second beast gives life to the “image” of the first beast:


And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.” – Revelation 13:15.


For example:


Lots of THESE were made:   Why?


Lifecasts, Molds, Visage


Why Is Trump “holding” up Image of him and Michael?



Ark/Arc/Archangel is named Michael in Jude 1:9.  The “sanctuary of strength” is “cast down and polluted” in Daniel 9:25-27 and 11:31.  That “prince of the covenant” (Daniel 11:22) is also called “The Messiah the Prince” in Daniel 9:25.  That “Prince of the Covenant”/”The Messiah the Prince” is called “Michael” in Daniel 12:1.  He “stands up” at the time of great trouble described by Jesus in Matthew 24:21 before the delivering of God’s people; in Mark 13:19, and in Revelation 12:12-17.


The Jews are hailing their “Messiah”.  Their “temple” is already BUILT (Deut. 31:29 and 32:16, Psalm 106:29, Jeremiah 25:7, Ezekiel 8:17) to provoke the Lord to anger (provoke, agitate, do violence to the law: Trauma Gershwin). 


Trauma = Violence against the blood/

Against the Law/Against the Kingdom within us

(Susie Likes to Agitate)


Jesus foretold of the destruction of his “temple” in John 2:19-21 – and “he spake of the temple of his body  (House for the Name/Word, of the Lord)


The Jews don’t like Jesus.  They are antichrists.  Their Talmud denigrates viciously, Jesus the Christ, the Messiah that they rejected (the builders – Matt. 21:42, Mark 12:10, Luke 20:17).


Donald Trump is also referred to as “the builder”.


Their “Messiah” is what David describes being “curiously wrought” in Psalm 139:14-16. And what Isaiah reveals in Isaiah 44:13-18.  The Jew’s Messiah is being “made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth”, they are making it “in the figure of a man, in the beauty of a man, that it may remain in the house”.


What God does in that HOUSE is described in Psalm 139:14-16, and in Zechariah 5:1-4 and 2 Thessalonians 2:6-8.


David also described having his hands and feet pierced Psalm 22:12-16.  Yet he also describes going down into the pit (lowest parts of the earth) and was made an abomination  in Psalm 88:6-8:  In Isaiah 6:9 and 16:5, and again in Luke 1:32 one shall sit upon the throne of David.  In Isaiah 22:22 and Revelation 3:7 Jesus has the Key of David.


There were two governors of Judah at the time of the end of the seventy year exile of the nobles in Babylon.   One of them was given the stolen “gold” of the temple  by King Cyrus.  The other one was sent by King Daruis without the gold - Ezra 5:14-16 and Zechariah 4:9.  The ambiguity was astoundingly similar to another in Revelation. This was a discovery which God directed:  Haggai 1 &2: “Is the seed yet in the barn”?


Sheshbazzar (means Sin, protect the Father), who was governor and Prince of Judah, laid the foundation of the temple but had not finished it.  And Zerubbabel, (means seed of/son of Babylon), who was governor of Judah (but not prince) and laid the foundation of the temple, and his hands shall finish it.  These two are parallel to the7/8th king in Revelation 17: “The beast that was, is not yet is, even he is the eighth and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition”.


He IS, but is NOT yet IS: (She says I am the one, but the kid is not my son).  Billie Jean . . . we will get to that.


There is one “house” and the “war” of Armageddon begins there: “For the time has come that judgment must begin at the house of God:” – 1 Peter 4:17.  This is not a “house” built in “Jerusalem” in the Middle East.  This is the “House called by my name” which they set the abomination in Jeremiah 7:30.


It is here that “Michael and his angels fought” and where the dragon and his angels were cast out of the kingdom forever, into the “earth”.  Yet the “abomination” would still be “overspread” according to the prophecies of Daniel.  Why did the Lord work it this way?


The Jew’s “Messiah” is exposed in Jeremiah 7:30; “they have set the abomination in the house called by my name, to pollute it”.  These are “the people of the prince” who set the abomination in Daniel 8:11-12, and 9:25-27.




Dagon, Donald and the “North”


Michael the “Angel” makes an appearance also in Revelation 12, in the war in heaven, which the angel reveals to Daniel in Daniel 10:13-21.


I promised you to share what was revealed in the story of the Philistines who took the Ark of the Covenant from Israel (Took the Name in vain: COVID, PCR Tests, See “Omicron”.  This took my old blog down permanently).  They ended up giving it back to Israel, “Come get it”, they said, because a great destruction befell them.


Before they suffered, they had put the Ark up in “Ashdod” in the house of Dagon.


And the Philistines took the ark of God, and brought it from Ebenezer unto Ashdod.  When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.” – 1 Samuel 5:1-2.


 Dagon is a Phoenician word for “grain”.  They moved the Ark around because tribes were complaining of the deadly destruction occurring in their cities.  Ekron was the last place it was put.  Ekron and Eglon (England?) and Ashdod where Dagon was.


Ashdod when I repeated it sounded like “Gstaad” (pronounced Shtahd) in Switzerland.  Gstaad is an hour and fifty five minutes away from Meyrin, Switzerland where CERN is located.  The name Ashdod:


"In Biblical Baby Names the meaning of the name Ashdod is: Diffusion; inclination; theft." – Source,


Theft.  Diffusion.


Dagon fell twice while the Ark was before him.  The second time the Philistines came and saw that Dagon had fallen, his head and his hands had been cut off (head = thoughts, intent, will: hands = works).


Trump having the “Ark of the Covenant” or a “replicant” of it/him, in “Mar-a-Lago” (Aram-Goal) communicated something in that article.


Donald J. Trump.  Those of you blinded by the “persecution” display are failing to see the truth, by design.





This particular enemy is God?


Source - Click Here


He uses this term too, it’s not done out of ignorance.


Donald Trump an outsider?  No.  Not by a long shot.


Donald Trump is the son of Fred Trump born in Queens, NY, and Mary Anne MacLeod born in Tong, Scotland.  Fred became a millionaire by selling food, lodging  and sex (brothel – House of the rising SON?) to gold rush pioneers.


Fred Trump was son of Friederich Trump of Kallstadt (Bavaria), and Elizabeth Christ also of Kallstadt.  Mary Anne MacLeod was daughter of Malcom MacLeod of Scotland as was her mother Mary Ann Smith. 


Friedrich Trump was son of Johannes Christian Trump (Drumpf was changed to Trump) and Katherina Kober.


Johannes Christian Trump was son of Johannes Trump and Susanna Maria Bechtloff.  Bechtloff is a prominent name in German building/architecture.


Johannes Trump was son of Johann Paul Trump and Maria Elisabetha Setzer. Johann Paul and Setzer would be Donald Trump’s great, great, great grandparents.  Through their children, Donald became a 2nd  cousin twice removed of Henry J. Heinz, and therefore related to John Kerry’s first wife, Theresa Heinz.  Trump’s father also claimed Swedish ancestry.


Donald Trump’s Uncle, John G. Trump was the confiscator for the government of the U.S. of Tesla records after Tesla died.  Donald’s sister, Maryanne Trump Barry was United States Federal Judge.  She was appointed to the United States District Court by President Ronald Reagan.  She was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the third district by President Bill Clinton.


Not exactly “unconnected”.  They’re not Rothschilds but they’re not outsiders either.


Let’s go back to “Mar-a-Lago”.




Deeper into Mar-a-Lago


Mar-a-Lago (Aram-Goal) and it’s “reported” history began when it was built as a winter house by Marjorie Merriweather Post, heiress to the “Post Foods” empire.  She had four husbands, but it was the fourth husband that would foreshadow some current events of today.


Edward Close was her first husband with whom she had two daughters.  He is the grandfather of actress Glenn Close through his son William Taliaferro Close, his son from another marriage.


Post’s second husband was E.F. Hutton (“when E.F. Hutton talks, everybody listens!”), she had one daughter with her second husband, financier E.F. Hutton.   Her oldest daughter was actress Dina Merrill.  – Source,


Post’s third husband was Joseph E. Davies, a D.C. Lawyer who became ambassador to the USSR.  She divorced him when he became ill and “ill-tempered” – Source, archives.


Interestingly enough, Trump’s sister married a “Barry” (J.M. Barrie, author of Peter Pan).  Post’s third husband Joseph Davies shares the last name with the Davies boys, who were the inspiration for Barrie’s Peter Pan.  Barrie took over as unofficial “guardian” for the boys when their parents died: George, John, Peter, Michael and Nicholas.  Only one of the brothers lived past their twenties: One died in combat, one by drowning and the other by suicide. 


J.M. Barrie was associated with the Jewish mob Kray brothers through Robert Boothby.  There was suspicion of the relationship Barrie had with the Davies boys and I covered that on the old MichaelsGuardian blog.   This “relationship” may have been a scapegoat story for the politicians and mob in the U.K. as Boothby was one of the first political ally for and introduced homosexual law reform.


Marjorie’s fourth husband was Herbert May.


"Husband number four was Herbert May, an executive vice president of Westinghouse. They married in 1958, her 4th marriage and his 2nd. However, "a set of photographs arrived on Post’s desk ...” – Source,


This reminded me too much of both the “Barrie” story, and of course, Jeffery Epstein.


“... they showed graphic and irrefutable evidence that (Herbert) May was ... naked and cavorting with younger men around the pool at the estate Mar-a-Lago." - Source,, and


Marjorie donated the estate to the government who wanted to use it as a “Winter White House” but found the upkeep too expensive.  Donald Trump ended up buying the Mar-a-Lago property for $7 million in 1985.


Epstein was a member of the Mar-a-Lago country club until allegedly Trump had him thrown out when he discovered he was grooming underaged girls.


You would think the press would be all over this.  But they haven’t been.  Their concentration has been on the financials and the appearance of election fraud/interference and “insurrection” spurning never-ending court cases which come to nothing.  If they really wanted Trump destroyed, there is certainly enough history in which to go after him.


So why manufacture new stuff?  Because the APPEARANCE of persecution is just as effective: consider it another “false flag”.  Not saying this is definitely the case, but Trump is one of two things:  Protected by God or . . . promoted by the adversary.  And considering that Trump doesn’t believe he needs to repent to God (“I don’t bring God into it, I just don’t”), my discernment is on the latter “thing”.


I forgot one.  Donald Trump Jr.  was married in 2005 to actress/model Vanessa Pergolizzi.  They divorced in 2018 when she learned that Jr. had been having an affair with Fox News’ Kimberly Guilfoyle.  They are now engaged.  Had I not been a friend on Guilfoyle’s Facebook page, I would have never seen the announcement.


Their Announcement on FaceBook


Kimberly Guilfoyle was previously married to California Governor Gavin Newsom while he was still San Francisco city supervisor (Source).  Gavin Newsom was related to Nancy Pelosi through her brother in law Ron Pelosi (married to Newsom’s sister Barbara).  Gavin Newsom’s father William Newsom was the administrator of the Getty Family Trust (Getty Oil). J. Paul Getty’s son, Gordon lived with Gavin’s family while he attended school.  The Newsom family was also close friends with former California Governor Pat Brown.  Gavin’s father helped get Brown “elected”, (Source).


People think they have a vote in this country.  But your actors are all pre-scripted and most of them are related.  Like George Carlin said: “It’s a powerful club, and you ain’t in it”.




The Replicant


The replicant:  Back to Trump’s “Ark”: Let me throw some pictures back up here:



Donald Trump's "Ark of the Covenant" replicant

Posted originally by James O'Keefe


MJ and Trump


MJ/Life casts, mold, face


Here are some other ones I’ve included in previous posts:


Posted on Twitter in 2014

"Aaron's rod that budded" IN the ARK?


Michael Jackson Autopsy Report

Blood Vial labeled "Trauma, Gershwin"

Presented on Televised Dr. Conrad Murray Trial


From the Billie Jean Video as He sings

"But the Kids is Not My Son"


Everybody knows who Michael Jackson is.  He was more famous than Trump is today.  Somebody even posted one of these back in 2020:


MJ For President


Michael Jackson: recording artist, vocalist/musician, lyricist, poet, dancer, beat-boxer, story teller, allegorist and musical prophet. Easily could have been today’s “David”.  He “soothed the souls of many” with his music; and the “Sauls” of this world viscerally hated him.


He prophesied his death and the method in which he would die in the song “Morphine”.  He also revealed “MKUltra” mind control was still very much in use. – on him.


He prophesied about the lies of science in the song “Be Not Always”, “Jam” and “Why You Wanna Trip On Me”.


He prophesied about the opening of the pit in the song “Thriller”.


He prophesied about “setting” of the “abomination” in “Blood on the Dance Floor” and “Is it Scary”, and “Threatened”.


He sang about the “consummation” of the “house” in “BAD”.


He sang about the casting down and polluting of his “sanctuary” in “Will You Be There”, 2Bad and “Who Is It”.


He sang and prophesied about the “faking” of him in “This Time Around”, and he sang about the “falling from grace” in “Stranger in Moscow”, “You Are Not Alone” and “Privacy”.


Michael shared with us not only what they were doing to him, but what they planned to do to all of us in “Leave Me Alone”, “They Don’t Care About Us”, “We’ve Had Enough”, “Cry”, "Scream" and “Wanna Be Starting Something” (a “victory over the wilderness” song), and “Smooth Criminal” (subtle serpent) among others.


Anthems to God were many: “I Just Can’t StopLoving You  a duet between Christ and his bride; “Another Partof Me” (We are one in Christ), “Manin the Mirror” (Clean your house); “Ben” (means “Son”, his relationship with Christ); “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough”, “One More Chance at Love” (This is It), “Off The Wall”, “I’ll Be There” (The Jackson5 “Just call my Name”), “ABC” (a big clue is in this song, having to do with the “key of David”); some songs he did with others, like “Somebody’sWatching Me” with Rockwell; “All In Your Name” with Barry Gibb, and “Whazzup With U” with Eddie Murphy and so many more.


Then there is “Billie Jean”.


“Billie Jean” Etymological breakdown: Billy/Billie = Determination, strength, diminutive of William (helmut, protector) + Jean/Gene = the “seed”: (He never committed adultery against God).  Billie Jean is the devil in this song.  This seems contradictory to the meaning of the name(s).  Then there are the lyrics:


For forty days and for forty nights, the law was on her side” – Ezekiel 4:4-6


But who can stand” – Daniel 12:1


When she’s in demand, her schemes and plans” – Jeremiah 7:30 & 11:9.


Cause we danced on the floor in the round” – Isaiah 44:13.


Momma always told me, be careful who you love; be careful what you do, because a lie becomes the truth” – Romans 1:25, Psalm 106:19-20.


Michael Jackson knew.  He KNEW what their plans were FOR him, WITH him; yet he also knew what God’s plans were for him and THROUGH him.


I lost friends over this, I lost my church over this (they blocked me on social media, unbelievable at the time) and most you reading this will be shaking your heads.  But it’s not your call.  It wasn’t mine either.  It was the WORD that revealed these things to me.  It was the WORD that opened up scripture to me.


Michael Jackson was “changed”.  His FORM was changed and his FACE (visage) was changed right in front of the whole world (Isaiah 52 and 53).  HE didn’t do this to himself, THEY did.  This appears in both Leviticus 13 (skin color), and a parable of this also appears in regard to Laban’s herds/flock in Genesis 30.


Michael sings about this in Morphine and a few other songs.  HE was not a drug addict.  He WAS drugged.  Still he persevered to get the message out.  When he presented the album “Threatened”, the executives at Sony Music walked out.  They refused to promote it.  Michael spent his own money to promote that album.   While this was going on, they laid plans.  Meanwhile Michael was laying God’s plans.


There is other scriptures that Daniel 12:1 reminds me of, I will post them below in closing:


And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” – Daniel 12:1.


So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation” – Hebrews 9:28.


Beloved, now we are the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.” – 1 John 3:2.


“Am I the Beast You visualized
I’m gonna be exactly what you wanna see” –



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An Hour With The Beast

  An Hour With The Beast The Non-Jewish Messiah       “ And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the...